Strongest Alchemist/C14 Autumn Wind
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Strongest Alchemist/C14 Autumn Wind
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C14 Autumn Wind

14 odorous autumn breezes

Time flew. In the blink of an eye, August had passed.

During these eight months, Lin Yan had improved tremendously.

He continued to cultivate. The forest behind the mountain provided him with a rich supply of fire element. The spirit fire was like a sponge absorbing the fire element within the plants.

Within eight months, his internal fire had risen from rank 4 to rank 8, and after another two levels, he would be able to become a true pill refiner. This speed far exceeded Lin Yan's expectations.

About seventy to eighty percent of the green mist in his dantian had already fused with the green pearl.

He had already practiced the thirteen moves of the Dragon Tiger Form to the third move.

Originally, with his speed, he could have practiced two more moves. However, Lin Yan believed that he could not bite off more than he could chew. In the past, he had no other way to break through the formation, but now that he had more time, he practiced the first two moves at an even more perfect level. He almost instinctively practiced the third move. Now, he had mastered the third move to perfection. He was about to practice the fourth move.

The only thing that worried Lin Yan was that ever since the departure of the Wind Spirit, he had not been seen again until now.

Lin Yan secretly thought in his heart: Could it be that the Wind Spirit also abandoned me?

Then he shook his head and denied the hypothesis. What kind of girl was Feng Ling? How could she be equated to an ordinary girl?

But why is it that eight months have passed, and the wind spirit is still in the future? This puzzled Lin Yan.

Helpless, he could only continue to cultivate and prepare for the inheritance day in two and a half years.

He knew that Lin Luo and his son would not let him go so easily. Two years later, on the day of their inheritance, they would definitely come to challenge him again.

It was currently winter. The north wind was howling, and the snow was as thick as feathers.

The ancient tree outside the window that was originally withered was covered with a thick layer of snow-white snow, along with the thick branches.

This tree that was already withering had actually regained its vitality after Lin Yan had absorbed a few months of fire element. It wasn't until winter that he reluctantly sent off the last yellow leaf. The lively branches of the tree announced to the world that they would return next year.

Lin Yan was practicing in his room when he saw a few youths of the Lin Family running through the snow at an extremely fast speed.

Then came a muffled and terrifying sound of "Wuwu".

That voice rolled across the sky of the Lin Family estate like a thunderclap.

"Police number?" Enemy attack?! "

After Lin Yan said this, he immediately got off the bed, threw open the door, and ran towards the training grounds amidst the snowstorm.

The north wind was as sharp as knives, and the heavy snow was fluttering about.

Nearly a thousand members of the Lin Clan were gathered here.

On the stone platform at the side of the martial arts practice field, the substitute Clan Leader Lin Zi was standing tall amidst the wind and snow.

His straight body exuded the majesty of someone in power.

His gaze swept across the crowd, and the previously noisy crowd instantly turned silent.

Although Lin Yan had protected his position as the successor, before he turned eighteen, he could not take charge of the Lin Family. Thus, he could only let Lin Zi, the head of the family, take over the duties of the family head.

The forester cleared his throat and said, "To make a long story short. There had always been a legend that the Mythical Dragon Shelf had dragon veins and countless treasures. Now, people have already investigated and confirmed that this rumor is true. "

"Oh …"

The crowd burst into exclamations.

The head of the forest swept his eyes over those people and continued, "Now, all the great powers have gone to Shen Nong Jia one after another, in an attempt to snatch the treasures. Our Lin Family is the closest to Shen Nong Jia, we cannot afford to be left behind. "

When the Lin Clan disciples heard this, their eyes all flashed with a fiery light.

"All the disciples of the Lin Family, as long as they are Spirit Masters, are led by the Second Elder and immediately set off for the Divine Dragon Arena. Get ready now. The rest of you, follow me and guard the clan, just in case someone tries to break in. "

"Yes sir!"

Over a thousand members of the Lin Clan replied in unison.

An orderly shout streaked across the snowy sky, rolling across the Lin Family's skies.

Lin Yan's heart skipped a beat and he immediately went back to his own residence. He packed some clothes, placed them into his storage pendant and went to the martial arts practice field to gather.

When the other disciples saw that Lin Yan had arrived, they hastily made way for him. Lin Yan and Lin Luo walked side by side at the front.

Although Lin Yan was not a Spiritual Master, no one dared to say anything.

Eight months ago, Lin Yan had broken through the Three Talents Formation in two moves, shocking the entire Lin Family. A portion of the Lin Family disciples had already completely acknowledged Lin Yan. They could already tell that Lin Yan was a qualified heir to the clan head position.

As for the remaining part, they were all Lin Zi's supporters. They had always believed that even if Lin Yan broke through the formation, it would be impossible for him to defeat Lin Luo after three years. Therefore, the position of the clan head would still be inherited by the head of the forest.

Even so, on the surface, they were still extremely respectful towards Lin Yan. They no longer mocked or even cursed at him like they did a few months ago.

Therefore, when Lin Yan arrived, they took the initiative to hand over the first position to Lin Yan.

When Lin Luo saw that Lin Yan had arrived, a trace of viciousness flashed across his eyes. However, he smiled and said to Lin Yan: "Little brother Yan, our Lin Family will definitely win the treasure hunt."

Lin Yan's cold eyes swept across Lin Luo's face, but he did not say anything.

Lin Luo had no choice but to turn his head and look in front of him, gritting his teeth and cursing Lin Yan in his heart.

As everyone walked out of the Lin Clan's main entrance, Lin Luo turned his head just in time to see the head of the Lin Clan giving him a slight nod.

Lin Luo was slightly startled, but in the next moment, he understood what was going on. A sinister light flashed in his eyes, and he slightly nodded to the head of the Lin Clan before following the crowd out of the Lin Clan.

Half a foot of thick snow had already accumulated on the street, and the crunch of people's feet on it was as if they couldn't bear the heavy trampling and moaning.

The pedestrians on both sides of the street saw Lin Yan walking in the first row. Each one of them was filled with novelty.

Even though the news of Lin Yan breaking through the Three Talent Spell had spread for hundreds of miles, both women and children were aware of it.

However, ever since that incident, Lin Yan had almost never appeared again, and everyone had almost forgotten about him.

Now that he had appeared once more, he had completely overturned the foolish image that people had of him in the past.

His body was as straight as a spear. He was dressed in black, and despite the snow, he did not seem cold at all.

"That fool is actually healed?!"

"I really didn't think that this fool would actually turn into a living person, forcefully turning from a retard into the successor of the clan leader. What happened is unpredictable."

"What kind of dog shit luck did this fool get? He actually managed to recover?"

"Lower your voice, be careful he might hear you."


In fact, Lin Yan's soul power far exceeded that of an ordinary person's. With his sharp eyes, he had long since absorbed all of his words into his ears. However, he didn't care at all. His eyes were coldly staring at the front as he walked one step at a time.

The Second Elder was at the back of the line, blocking the way. The group of sixty people left the town, trekking arduously in the snow for two days. Finally, they saw Shen Nong Jia in the distance.

Shen Nong Jia was not a mountain, but a huge mountain that was formed from dozens of huge mountains.

The east was nearly ten thousand miles long, while the south was a hundred miles wide.

It spread across the Fire Continent, dividing the continent into two huge empires: the north and the south.

The Eastern Fire Empire. The Western Flame Emperor Kingdom.

Lin Yan and the rest belonged to the Eastern Fire Empire.

Legend has it that the Divine Dragon Shelf was formed by an ancient dragon. The dragon had left behind a rich treasure trove.

From generation to generation, there were tens of thousands of spiritual masters and pill refiners who entered the Divine Dragon Platform, hoping to get a share of the spoils.

However, since ancient times, there had never been a person who had found a treasure.

Even so, the legends of the treasure became more and more mysterious.

People still entered Shen Nong Jia with great expectations.

At this moment, Shen Nong Jia was covered in a thick layer of snow, just like a jade dragon lying on a snowy field, showing off its boundless majesty and grandeur to the world.

In front of it, these human spirit creatures were like lice on an elephant, not worth mentioning.

The crowd was stunned for a long time before the second elder finally said, "It's getting late today. Let's not go into the mountains yet and choose a place to camp. We will enter the mountains tomorrow morning."

All the disciples shouted in unison, "Yes!"

During camp time, because there weren't many tents, most of the disciples only had five or six people squeeze themselves into one.

Lin Yan, on the other hand, was able to live alone in a tent.

Only the Second Elder and Lin Luo could enjoy such treatment.

The north wind was howling, the snow was blowing heavily, and everyone was slowly falling asleep amidst the howling of the wind and snow.

At the third fragment of the night, Lin Yan was awoken by a voice.

His soul force was the strongest. He was the first to wake up and be the first to leave the tent.

The two night watchers outside the tent were on full alert.

A moment later, the other spirit creatures had already woken up and left the tent.

He could only hear the intermittent howls and howls of the north wind, sinister and terrifying.

The fire on the ground had already dimmed, but people's eyes were reflecting the light of the fire. There were pairs of eyes that were flickering with light, making them look even more eerie.

At this time, the Second Elder quickly walked out of the tent. With a gloomy expression, he said one word — it was the autumn wind!

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