Strongest Alchemist/C17 Fire Rat
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Strongest Alchemist/C17 Fire Rat
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C17 Fire Rat

17. Fiery Rat

Under the illumination of the torches, the cave flickered between light and darkness.

Everyone's faces were flickering, like ghosts lining up to go to the Bridge of Helplessness.

No one spoke, only the sound of footsteps resonated in the cave.

In this dark and gloomy cave, the atmosphere was always oppressive, so oppressive that it was suffocating. Even the usually cheerful and straightforward disciples kept quiet at this moment. They no longer had the vigor they had when they first entered the cave.

The road led straight into the belly of the mountain, and they followed it.

There was no sun or moon in the cave. After walking for an unknown amount of time, everyone was a bit tired.

The Second Elder ordered everyone to rest on the spot.

Everyone silently sat down.

As a result, there were no more footsteps.

Dead silence. Dead silence.

Only the light from the torches flickered in everyone's eyes.

In such an environment, everyone felt as if a giant boulder was pressing down on their hearts.

ji ji ji … *

Suddenly, from deeper within the darkness came the cries of rats. The sound was very soft. If it were not for the silence, it would have been impossible to hear.

This voice broke the silence, allowing everyone to relax a little.

One of the disciples said, "Mouse."

The Second Elder said, "No, it's not an ordinary mouse."

Everyone looked at the Second Elder.

He saw a hint of excitement on that usually expressionless face.

Everyone was confused. Within the clan, the elders were the type to not let things get the better of them and not feel sad for themselves. Even if the sky were to collapse, a second expression would never appear on their faces.

Lin Luo asked, "Second Elder, what do you mean by 'not an ordinary mouse'?"

A smile had already appeared in the Second Elder's eyes as he said, "From the time we entered the cave until now, even if we did not travel eight li, we have already traveled five li. In such a deep cave, there is no food. If it were a normal mouse, they would not have chosen this place as their lair. "

"Then you mean …"

"Spirit beast, these mice must be grade one Fiery Rat spirit beasts."

When everyone heard the two words "spirit beast", they were all shocked. The shadow left behind by the Rank Three spirit beast last night had yet to completely disappear.

The Second Elder continued, "Not all spirit beasts are terrifying. Some spirit beasts could be tamed by humans and become their most capable assistants. When fighting, sending out spirit beasts would have an unexpected effect. "These Rank 1 Fiery Rat Spirit Beasts can shoot fire. If we capture and tame them, the strength of our Lin Clan will increase by a lot."

When everyone heard this, the oppressive atmosphere finally disappeared and was replaced with excitement.

A cold light also flashed in Lin Yan's eyes.

After all, everyone wanted to have their own spirit beast.

With the Second Elder in the lead, everyone quietly headed towards the direction of the cry.

After walking forward for two to three hundred meters, there was a narrow path beside the passageway.

The plump disciples were unable to pass, and the Second Elder was naturally unable to pass either. He could only tell Lin Yan and Lin Luo, "Bring some disciples in. You must catch all of the Fiery Rat."

Lin Luo nodded and said, "Second Elder, please rest assured that we will definitely catch Huo Violentstone."

Lin Yan merely nodded his head slightly and did not say anything.

Before he left, the Second Elder said: "You all must be careful, this Fiery Rat is spitting fire at people."

Lin Luo was the leader while Lin Yan was the second. He brought more than ten skinny disciples with him as they headed towards the fork in the road.

The hole was not very deep, only about twenty meters.

When they had walked more than twenty meters, the hole suddenly widened.

Before the crowd could heave a sigh of relief, they saw several dozen pairs of fiery eyes staring at them. In the center of those eyes, there was a pair of even larger and redder eyes staring at them.

Under the firelight, he saw dozens of rats with white fur on their foreheads. They were slightly larger than an ordinary mouse, and the only one that was as large as a cat was the Fiery Rat in the middle.

When Lin Luo saw this, he shouted to the other disciples, "Quick, attack!"

When all the disciples received the order, they immediately pounced towards those blazing rats.

But before they could even enter, the central cat-sized Fiery Rat let out a sharp cry. The other Fiery Rat opened its mouth at the same time as if they had received an order, and several dozens of flames shot out from its mouth, forming a giant flame that shot straight towards the disciples.

The disciples scattered and fled in all directions.

Before they could escape, their clothes and hair were all ignited. They slapped the flames off their bodies.

And at this time, the blazing rats took advantage of the chaos to flee towards the opposite stone wall.

Amidst everyone's stupefied expressions, the cat-like Fiery Rat dug a hole in the stone wall as if it was flying. In just a few moments, it had already dug more than a meter deep. Shards of stone continuously flew out from the hole, which was only as thick as a calf.

The other fire rats scrambled into the small hole.

Seeing this, Lin Yan hurriedly called out to the other disciples, "Quick, don't let the remaining disciples escape."

Only then did everyone come back to their senses, and they hurriedly rushed towards the remaining Huo Violentstone.

But these Firesurge rats were extremely quick and nimble. In just a few moments, they had fled into the small hole.

However, Lin Yan's hands were quick and he pressed a small, fierce rat to the ground just as it was about to escape into the cave.

This little Fiery Rat was constantly squeaking, and its voice was sharp and ear-piercing.

However, it did not spew fire at Lin Yan, as if it was afraid of Lin Yan.

A moment later, the Fiery Charm Rat dug a hole and led the other little Firelizard Rats far away.

Two disciples curiously looked at the Fiery Rat in Lin Yan's hand. They saw that the Fiery Rat was curled up in Lin Yan's hand, and didn't dare to move an inch.

One of the disciples said, "Young Master Lin, you really have a hand in this." When Huo Lie Shu saw us, he wanted to spit fire, but in your hands, he didn't dare to move an inch. "

"Young Master Lin Yan, it seems that the heavens are here to send you a spirit beast. We are all here to accompany the crown prince in his studies."

A few others also joined in.

A sinister look flashed across Lin Luo's eyes. However, he still said to Lin Yan: "Younger brother Yan, this time you have gotten a treasure. Once you succeed in taming it in the future, your combat strength will increase by at least thirty percent. This is great."

Lin Yan did not say anything. A cold glint flashed across his eyes and he said, "Go out."

After saying that, he left the cave.

When they entered the cave outside, everyone saw the Fiery Rat in Lin Yan's hand and curiously surrounded him.

The Second Elder said, "It's a pity that we only caught one. However, this spirit beast is not easy to obtain, and the Lin Family has finally found a spirit beast. " As he spoke, his gaze swept past Lin Luo.

Lin Luo helplessly shook his head, his eyes somewhat dejected.

The second elder was slightly disappointed, and then said to everyone: "Since there's a Fiery Rat here, then there might be other spirit beasts and treasures inside the cave. Right now, let's head deeper into the cave."

Everyone was encouraged by these words. After witnessing Lin Yan capture the Fiery Rat with their own eyes, everyone's morale was greatly boosted. There was no longer the suppression from before.

Their footsteps also became lighter.

Perhaps it was because the crowd quickened their pace, but not long after, they arrived at the end of the cave.

What appeared before them, was darkness.

In front of him was an extremely dark and spacious cave, it was hard to tell how big it was.

Below him was a bottomless cliff. Once he stepped out, he would fall into endless darkness.

The Second Elder ordered everyone to hold their torches and look around. Finally, they found a narrow path on the right side of the stone wall.

The road only allowed one person to pass. On the right was a stone wall, and on the left was a cliff. It was extremely steep.

The second elder was not hesitant either. He raised his torch and was the first one to walk down the road.

The crowd followed behind him, carefully moving forward.

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