Strongest Alchemist/C5 Ganoderma Lucidum
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Strongest Alchemist/C5 Ganoderma Lucidum
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C5 Ganoderma Lucidum

5. Flaming Ganoderma Lucidum

In the ghost market at night, the lights flickered.

The shadows of people were swaying on the ground, giving off a sinister feeling. They were truly like the ghosts of cities.

Seeing that Lin Yan was only holding onto that piece of Hundred Year Old Ice, he did not have any intention to buy it, so he impatiently waved his hand and said, "Are you going to buy it or not? If you don't want to buy it, go play with it. "

A cold glint flashed across Lin Yan's eyes as the corner of his mouth curled up into a faint smile that he had not seen for a long time. He'd already determined in his heart that this Fire Lingzhi was already his.

Touching that block of ice, Lin Yan said in a disdainful tone, "The real Fire Ganoderma plus the real Hundred Year Ice, is worth at least a thousand taels. The Ghost Market was even higher, at least two thousand. And you only need eight hundred. As the saying goes, cheap goods are not good, but good things are not cheap. In my opinion, heh heh, this is completely fake. Fire Spirit Zoysia is fake, and so is the Hundred Year Ice. "

Hearing this, the man at the stall became angry, snatched away the Hundred Years Old Ice and pushed Lin Yan away, cursing loudly, "I've been setting up the stall here for three f * cking years, and have always been honest and honest. None of the people who buy things from my hands can be wrong. Where the hell did this thief come from? Did you want to smash your father's signboard by saying that your father's goods are fake? "Alright, I'll accompany you."

As he spoke, he took up a stance and was about to fight Lin Yan one on one.

Everyone liked to join in on the fun. When the people around them heard this, they quickly surrounded them in groups of twos and threes.

The Town Security who was responsible for maintaining order in the Ghost Market also slowly walked over. They coldly looked at the two without saying a word. But if the two started fighting, they would not hesitate to take it down.

The Ghost Market was sacred and inviolable.

Lin Yan knew that the stall owner was also a spirit. If he were to fight with him alone, he would definitely not be a match.

His cold gaze swept across everyone, and then finally fell on the two Town Security members and said, "Very good, since Big Brother Town Security is here, I don't want to slander you without any proof. As long as you take out evidence to prove that your Fire Lingzhi is real, I will not say a word. Not only do I not want your Lingzhi, but I will also pay you according to the original price, what do you say? "

When the surrounding people heard this, they looked at Lin Yan as if he was a lunatic. He had been here for three years and they all knew about his character. There had never been any counterfeit goods. Now that the black-clothed man had jumped out and said that the other person's Fire Lingzhi was fake and that if it really was the original price, then he would pay. He was simply giving it away for free after being full.

Just a moment ago, the stall owner was still fuming like he would not rest until he was dead. However, after hearing Lin Yan's words, he immediately put on a face that seemed as if he had suddenly gotten rich.

He couldn't suppress the joy in his heart and said, "Alright, you're the one who said this. Don't go back on your word!"

Lin Yan nodded his head and lightly said, "No regrets."

At this, all the excitement in his body was roused and gathered in his face. He patted Lin Yan's shoulder in an exaggerated manner, and said with a tone as though he was teaching a junior a lesson, "Youngster, you still have to think twice before acting appropriately. Today, I'll teach you a lesson. I'll let you know that salt is salt and vinegar is acid, so that you won't make any bigger mistakes in the future.

Lin Yan's cold eyes stared at the face of the vendor before slowly landing on his hand.

The stall owner felt a little uncomfortable under Lin Yan's cold gaze. His smile froze as he immediately retracted the hand that he had placed on Lin Yan's shoulder.

Lin Yan did not move at all. Like a stone Buddha, he lightly said, "Let's begin."

The man at the stall was not feeling well at all. But when he thought about how he could get eight hundred silver taels right away, his smile once again gathered on his face from all directions and he said, "Hehe, it's too simple. It is known to all that the Hundred Year Freezing Ice Saber outside the Thousand Year Old Ganoderma cannot cut through, nor can the fire melt. Only an axe made from a hundred year old ice can slash through it. " As he spoke, he grabbed a knife from the ground and hacked down like a block of ice.

Ding –

Sparks flew in all directions.

A finger sized hole appeared on the blade, but there was no trace of damage on the ice.

The stall owner waved his blade in front of Lin Yan, before raising it in front of the two city guards, before letting them take a look at it. Finally, he said, "When the blade collides with the ice, the blade is broken, and the ice is completely unharmed. Is that still not enough to prove that my Hundred Year Freezing Ice is real?"

Everyone nodded their heads. Some of them began to discuss among themselves, "That's right, it's true."

"It's true. It's true. This young man has been here for three years. I've never seen him sell fake goods."

"Damn that man in black, giving away money for nothing, aren't you just looking for trouble?"


The two ice-cold Town Security members nodded slightly.

Seeing the crowd discussing this, the stall owner laughed complacently. He threw his blade on the stand and said, "If you cannot cut through, that is only one of the options." Now let me prove how it does not melt. "

As he spoke, he brought out a torch and placed the ice on top of the fire to roast it.

Under the illumination of the flames, his face was filled with a confident smile.

Everyone already knew that the young man's item was real and someone tried to persuade Lin Yan, "Just admit defeat, do you even need to prove it? Anyone with a discerning eye will know that it is real. Furthermore, the two Town Security members are also here, they will not allow fake goods to appear in the Ghost Market. "

"This time I will eat a meal full of praises. I will remember the next time. Don't make people uncomfortable when you have nothing to do. In the end, you still make yourself uncomfortable."


Lin Yan completely ignored these discussions. His cold eyes were reflected in the fire, and a faint smile hung on the corner of his mouth which was wrapped in a black cloth.

After a moment, he shook the ice cube in his hand.

Everyone followed his movements and looked at the ice cube. As expected, there was no sign of it melting, and even the milky white fog did not dissipate.

The vendor proudly raised his head and returned the torch to its original position. He then extended a hand towards Lin Yan and said, "Hand it over."

Everyone also looked at Lin Yan as if they were watching a show, waiting to see how Lin Yan would use 800 taels of silver with trembling hands.

There was a vigilant look in the eyes of the two Town Security members as they secretly guarded against Lin Yan to prevent him from escaping.

Lin Yan's eyes swept across the crowd, chuckled, and said to the crowd: "Take your time." "He just proved that the ice cube was real, but I haven't proven that the ice cube is fake yet."

With this said, everyone began to laugh.

Someone sharply accused Lin Yan, "A stranger like you is just fooling around. He has already proven that the item is real, yet you still refuse to admit it. This is really going too far."

"Stranger, I advise you to pay the money obediently. "Don't make our Big Brother, the Town Security, angry."

The two city guards coldly looked at Lin Yan and did not say a word. However, their eyes had already told Lin Yan — — Don't even think about repudiating your debt.

At this moment, the stall owner appeared extremely magnanimous. He waved his hand and smiled, "It's alright. As long as you can prove that this thing of mine is fake, you don't have to accompany me in giving me money." As he said this, his eyes searched through every possible hiding place on Lin Yan's body.

Lin Yan's eyes were cold as he lightly said, "This is letting you off too easily. If I can prove that your item is fake, you have to at least compensate me with something. "

The man with the stall laughed and patted his chest. He said, "Okay, if you can prove that my item is fake, then I will also pay you eight hundred taels of silver. How about it?"

"Feels good. "But I don't want silver taels."

"Then what do you want?" The stall owner pointed at the items on the stall in front of him. "If my Flaming Ganoderma is fake, then pick any of these secret manuals, spirit herbs, or medicinal pills."

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. The items on the stall would at least cost a few hundred silver taels and were worth over a thousand silver taels. If this stranger were to pick any one of them, then wouldn't the stall brother die of guilt?

However, it was no wonder that he dared to boast like this since the things that he set up were genuine goods.

However, Lin Yan pointed at the ice cube in his stall boy's hand and said, "I only want it."

This time, everyone laughed. Since it was fake, why would he want something fake instead of silver? This proved that the vendor's item was real from the side.

The stall owner also laughed and said, "Does your feet hurt? How does it feel to lift a rock and smash your own foot? "

"You don't dare?" Lin Yan said indifferently.

"Dare!" Why would I not dare? I'm waiting for you to prove that this thing of mine is fake. "

Lin Yan's eyes flashed with a cold light. He took two steps forward and took the ice cube from the vendor's hand, weighed it in his hand and said, "You said that it cannot be melted or cut, and can only be split with an ice axe, right?"


"Then, if I am able to open it without using your Frost Axe, does that mean that your Hundred Year Freezing Frost is fake?"

"Impossible." The stall owner confidently said.

"You only answer yes or no."

"Just as you said, as long as you can open this Hundred Year Freezing Frost Ganoderma and obtain it without using my Frost Axe, then consider this item of mine a fake." I really have not seen anyone who can use the Frost Axe to open the Hundred Year Freezing Ice. I really want to see for myself. "

"At that time, will the Fire Ganoderma belong to me?"

"It's yours!" The stall owner answered without hesitation.

The smile on the corner of Lin Yan's mouth spread outwards. This was exactly what he wanted.

Lin Yan's eyes swept across the crowd and finally landed on the faces of the two Town Security members. Lin Yan said, "Two Town Security brothers, please bear witness for me. If I can obtain the Fire Ganoderma without the Ice Axe, it will mean that these two items are fake and will then belong to me."

The two city guards did not say anything as they stared coldly at Lin Yan and nodded their heads.

Seeing that everyone had confirmed, Lin Yan was not in a hurry. He held the ice cube in his hand and smiled as he looked at everyone, not moving at all.

When those people saw this, they couldn't help but laugh. "Hurry up and prove it. Why are you not moving at all?"

"Do you not dare to? If you don't dare, then admit defeat, and save yourself the embarrassment. "


The stall owner's patience was quite good. He smiled and waved at the crowd, "No rush, no rush. Wait a bit. Let's see what method this esteemed customer can use to break through my Hundred Years of Ice." There was a mocking smile on his face.

But before he could finish, the smile froze on his face.

This was because he saw that the piece of ice in Lin Yan's hand was dripping water.

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