Strongest Alchemist/C7 Tertiary Spiritual Fire
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Strongest Alchemist/C7 Tertiary Spiritual Fire
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C7 Tertiary Spiritual Fire

Level 7 Spirit Fire

After killing the Rank one Middle Spirit Master with one punch, Lin Yan finally let out a sigh of relief.

In fact, in terms of strength, he was several levels inferior to that first level middle stage Spirit Master. If they were to fight face to face, they probably wouldn't even know how they died.

The reason why he could kill his opponent with a single punch was because Lin Yan was once a Spirit Master. He knew that the most vulnerable part of a Spirit Master's body was their Dantian. The Dantian stored spirit energy. If the Dantian suffered a heavy blow and the spirit energy leaked out, the Spirit Master would die without a doubt. "Ordinary Spirit Masters would condense their defensive power into the Dantian.

The black shadow believed that Lin Yan was just an ordinary person and did not pose any threat. Therefore, it did not put up any defenses.

Lin Yan's strength was five times that of an ordinary person. With a single strike, he dispersed the spirit energy in the spirit cultivator's dantian, thus allowing him to instantly kill an opponent above his level.

After killing that black shadow, Lin Yan snatched the Fire Lingzhi from the corpse and was about to leave.

Suddenly, he had an idea. He stopped walking, turned around, and started rolling on the black shadow's body.

After a moment, he found a few taels of silver and a book.

Lin Yan did not even look at it as he kept everything into the pendant. He heard the sound of footsteps behind him, and his heart tightened. He quickened his steps and left the forest, running towards the Lin Clan that was about two miles away.

After arriving outside the Lin Clan mansion, he listened quietly for a moment before sneaking over the wall to return to the Lin Clan.

Stealthily, he slipped through the dark and quiet courtyard before dawn and into the bedroom.

It was only now that he could completely relax.

"I made it."

Lin Yan said in a slightly excited manner.

However, it was only this one sentence.

Even after easily obtaining the Fire Lingzhi, which was worth a thousand silver, and surviving a calamity, it didn't cause his mood to fluctuate too much.

Half a year of playing the fool and suffering the bullying of life, let him know how to endure, calm. Although it was not to the extent that one would not feel sad if one did not rejoice over something, it was obvious that Lin Yan was much more mature and calm when compared to his peers.

He understood the principle of living a long life, so he immediately took out the fiery-red mushroom like Fire Lingzhi, looked at it, and put it into his mouth without any hesitation.

The green colored mist within his Dantian boiled the moment the Flaming Ganoderma entered his mouth. They gushed out of his dantian and flowed along his meridians to his mouth, completely wrapping around the Fire Spirit Zoysia in just a few moments.

Before Lin Yan could regain his senses, the Fire Lingzhi had already been completely melted by the green mist. It turned into a stream of icy cold air that was carried by the green mist towards the Dantian.

In the beginning, the airflow formed by the Fire Lingzhi was extremely icy cold. However, when it reached his dantian, it had already become warm.

It spiraled and rose within his dantian. After a while, the temperature was even higher and it actually became fiery hot.

The green mist intertwined with the aura of the Fire Ganoderma and became hotter and hotter.

The scorching pain spread out from his dantian once again. Slowly, it began to flow through his body. Like a wildfire spreading in the mountains, a scorching pain quickly invaded Lin Yan's consciousness. His internal organs were in unbearable pain, as if they were being roasted on fire.

"Howl …"

The intense pain almost caused Lin Yan to scream out loud. However, he clenched his teeth tightly on the pillow and forcefully swallowed the scream back into his stomach.

Because of the pain, his fists were clenched tightly. His joints had turned pale because of using too much strength. He fiercely hammered the bed …

However, the pain did not lessen because of this, but became more and more severe. The veins on his forehead bulged and his eyes bulged. His appearance was extremely terrifying.

He rolled over on the bed, wailing, the sheets torn into strips. Beads of sweat the size of beans rolled down his body. In just a few moments, his entire body was drenched. Sweat began to drip down his clothes, soaking the bed.

He tore at the sheets and his own clothes, and after a while he was naked from head to toe.

Hot, hot, hot, hot …

The burning sensation was getting stronger and stronger, and the heat was coming from within. He grabbed at his own bare skin, wishing that he could cut himself open and tear out the internal organs that burned in his body. It seemed that this was the only way to ease his burning pain.

In just a few moments, his chest had been grabbed so tightly that it was dripping with blood. Streaks of shocking bloody marks appeared on his chest, indicating the pain within his body. The tattered bed sheets had long since been dyed red with blood.

It was still getting hotter and hotter. Fog was already beginning to rise from his eyes, and his consciousness was already starting to blur. He wished that he could immediately throw the door open and jump into the family's lake.

But he couldn't.

He still had to endure it. Having been bullied for more than half a year had given rise to his tough character. His eyes were blurry, but he gritted his teeth and persevered.


He could only endure.

The pillow bit into the quilt. A few bloody holes appeared in the blanket, and the pure white cotton inside was immediately dyed red with his fresh blood.

An hour later, a scorching heat attacked both his body and its exterior. The pores all over his body seemed to be emitting hot steam.

He could not hold on any longer. His eyes went black and he finally lost consciousness. He fell down from the bed.

The dazzling sunlight outside the window had already begun to play the summer prelude.

The withered old tree drooped in the sun.

When Lin Yan woke up again, he found himself lying on the ground naked.

A scab had formed on the bloody mark on his chest.

He still had some lingering fear as he recalled the unbearable pain. His right hand gently caressed the scab, wondering to himself. Logically speaking, it should have been impossible for the blood scab to condense so quickly, since it had only been six or six hours since he'd consumed the Fire Lingzhi. Could it be that the medicinal efficacy of the Fire Lingzhi also contained a healing component?

As he thought of this, he sent his mind into his body and began to examine the inside of it with rapt attention.

Within his dantian, the green mist seemed to have lessened, and in the center of the green mist, there was a green bead that was floating. All of the azure mist swirled around the azure pearl, rolling it up and down and slowly fusing it into the azure pearl.

Lin Yan was slightly happy in his heart as his cold eyes flickered — it seemed that he had succeeded.

His hands trembled slightly as he took out a fire spirit stone from the pendant and held it in his hands.

Whether he could cultivate or not depended on this exam.


A moment later, the fire spirit stone began to glow with the same green light as before.

But the difference was that within the green light, there were three more bright green dots.

"Grade three spirit fire?" Lin Yan almost cried out.

He had once heard Wind Spirit mention that a single point of light represented a grade one spiritual flame.

"Can I really become a pill master?!" Lin Yan could not believe it.

In the tests before he was ten years old, there had never been a single Destiny Soul Fire in his body. But now, not only did he have the spirit fire, he had even reached the third level after activating it. This was far too unbelievable.

After reading it a few times, Lin Yan gradually calmed down from his happiness.

With a flip of his body, he stood up and took a few steps in the room full of rags.

His steps were light and nimble, and he was brimming with energy and vigor. It was as if he had just recovered from a serious illness. It did not resemble the ferocious and terrifying Lin Yan from four to six hours ago.

After going through such agonizing torture, it was as easy as coming to heaven.

"Grade three spirit fire, grade three spirit fire …"

Lin Yan regained his composure as he muttered to himself. Looking at the ancient tree outside the window, he slowly clenched his fists.

A few words came out from her lips, which were still covered in blood, "All of you, wait …" As he spoke, he subconsciously slammed his palm on the table.

"Pa ~ ~ ~"

Crash …

The sturdy hard wooden table was scattered in an instant.

Chunks of wood flew, and dust swirled in the sunlight that shone into the room.


Lin Yan looked at the pile of firewood in shock, and then looked at his own arm.

"This power …"

With just a subconscious palm strike, he had shattered the sturdy wooden table. With such strength, he could be called a monster among ordinary people.

Yesterday, although his strength was extraordinary, it wasn't at an outrageous level.

But now, with a gentle palm strike, the table was shattered to pieces. This was simply too abnormal.

"It must be related to the grade three spiritual flame …" Lin Yan quietly thought.

While Lin Yan was still in shock over the change in his strength, he heard a sudden sound of footsteps.

Lin Yan subconsciously pretended to be in a daze and jumped onto the bed.

He was surprised that he had jumped more than three meters with this leap.

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