Strongest Crown Prince/C11 Upgrading
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Strongest Crown Prince/C11 Upgrading
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C11 Upgrading

The pre-dawn light in the east faded away, giving way to the newly risen sun. Lee Cann moved from the window back to his bed. Revenge was inevitable. Though Lee Cann had arrived in this world through transmigration, he bore the memories of the original Crown Prince, along with all the emotional ties those memories held.

Lee Cann couldn't shake the feeling that being a third-rank Martial Master might be insufficient for his quest for vengeance. He wavered on whether or not to pursue further advancement.

No more hesitation.

Level up!

After much deliberation, Lee Cann resolved to enhance his abilities. He summoned his information panel:

"Name: Lee Cann."

"Title: Crown Prince of Southern Tang, Land of Fertility."

"Rank: Third-rank Martial Master."

"Experience: 10,000/50,000."

"Weapon: First-grade magic weapon, Dragon Cry Sword, capable of evolution."

"Cultivation Technique: Dragon Emperor Divine Art (Incomplete), the esteemed cultivation method of the Southern Tang Royal Family."

"Exchange Points Available: 561,724."

"Inventory: Dash talismans x4, recovery pills x3, first-grade magic weapon: Bloodthirsty Sword, advanced mortal-grade weapon: Meteor Hammer..."

"Exchange for 490,000 experience points!"

"490,000 experience points successfully exchanged."

"Congratulations to the host for advancing to a first-rank Martial General."

As the system's melodic voice faded, Lee Cann felt a surge of power within him. His Genuine Qi, once a mere trickle, now roared through his body like a mighty river. His presence grew more formidable by the moment, the flow of Genuine Qi accelerating.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain as if his meridians were being scoured by the powerful energy.

What's happening?

[The host's meridians are struggling to cope with the increased flow of Genuine Qi due to the upgrade to a first-rank Martial General. There is a risk of meridian rupture.]

What the hell? Ruptured meridians? That could be fatal!

Lee Cann now regretted his impulsive decision to level up so quickly. He had assumed there would be no adverse effects, but he was clearly mistaken as waves of intense pain coursed through his brain.

Lee Cann nearly cried out, unable to bear the intense stimulation. Yet, the Genuine Qi relentlessly surged through his meridians, indifferent to his condition.

As the Genuine Qi continued its relentless flow, tiny cracks began to form in Lee Cann's meridians. Clenching his teeth, his face twisted in pain, but he refused to let out a sound.

"System! What should I do now?"

"Responding to the host, it is recommended to use the Nurturing Pill."

"Quick! Exchange for the Nurturing Pill now!"

"Exchange for one Nurturing Pill successful."

Without hesitation, Lee Cann popped the Nurturing Pill into his mouth. Its potency unfurled into a gentle green energy that spread through his body with the flow of Genuine Qi.

Miraculously, as the pill's power coursed through his cracked meridians, they healed, leaving them stronger and more substantial than before. If Lee Cann could have seen his own meridians, he would have been astounded. Not a single crack remained, and even to the naked eye, they appeared significantly thicker, as unyielding as fortified metal.

As the pain subsided, Lee Cann breathed a sigh of relief. His back was soaked with cold sweat. He used Genuine Qi to dry his clothes before sitting up.

He then checked his information panel:

"Name: Lee Cann."

"Identity: Crown Prince of the Southern Tang of the Land of Fertility."

"Level: First Rank Martial General."

"Experience: 100,000/500,000."

"Weapon: First Rank Magic Weapon, Dragon Cry Sword, capable of evolution."

"Cultivation Method: Dragon Emperor Divine Art (Incomplete Version), the Southern Tang Royal Family's national martial art."

"Available exchange points: 41,742."

"Inventory: Dash Talisman x 4, Recovery Pill x 3, First Rank Magic Weapon: Bloodthirsty Sword, High-Grade Mortal Weapon: Meteor Hammer…"

Lee Cann sighed as he noted the depleted exchange points. Now a First Rank Martial General, the experience required to level up had soared to 500,000 points. The effort it took to spend those previous 560,000 exchange points weighed heavily on him.

The only surprise was that his rank had ascended to that of a first-rank Martial General.

Lee Cann clenched his fists.

So this was the strength of a first-rank Martial General?

"Hmph, Second Brother, now let's see who can come to your rescue!"

He had mentioned before that the highest rank in the Southern Tang was the Grand Protector of the Realm, a third-rank Martial General!

And the number of Martial Generals in the Southern Tang would not surpass five.

Even if the Second Prince had a Martial General at his side, Lee Cann was confident in his ability to put up a fight.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

There was a series of knocks at the door.

Lee Cann collected his thoughts and adjusted his attire.


The knocker was none other than Lee Cann's personal maid, Mu Wan'er.

"Young Master, it's getting late. After breakfast, we can set out for the Imperial City."

"Alright, got it."

Mu Wan'er, hearing Lee Cann's response, was about to leave when he called out to her.

"Wan'er, hold on a moment."

Mu Wan'er gave Lee Cann a puzzled look.

To her, the Crown Prince before her was becoming increasingly enigmatic.

Ever since his near-death experience at the cliff, he seemed to have transformed.

"What is it, Young Master?"

"Close the door."

Upon Lee Cann's request, Mu Wan'er's cheeks flushed with color.

When it came to matters of the heart, Mu Wan'er was utterly clueless.

Still in a state of innocence, her understanding seemed to have deepened after the previous night's shy encounter in Lee Cann's room.

After returning to the inn last night, Mu Wan'er had lain awake for hours, her mind replaying the image of Lee Cann's commanding presence and the bashful cries he had coaxed from her.

Lee Cann, noticing the sudden redness in Mu Wan'er's face, was puzzled by her reaction and his own words.

What was this naive girl thinking about?

It was just a matter of closing the door, wasn't it?

Why was she blushing?

Once Mu Wan'er shut the door, Lee Cann rose to his feet.

Mu Wan'er, startled, pressed her back tightly against the door, her breathing quickened, and her eyes darted about in alarm. She clasped her hands over her modest chest, too nervous to meet Lee Cann's gaze.

Lee Cann didn't miss a single detail of Mu Wan'er's condition.

Is the silly girl ill?

"Wan'er, come here."


Mu Wan'er hesitated, but eventually, with her head bowed and cheeks flushed, she walked over to Lee Cann.

Lee Cann extended his hand, bringing it close to Mu Wan'er.

"Here, take this Pei-Yuan Dan. Eat it quickly to ascend to Martial Master, and then we can return to the Imperial City together."

"Ah? Oh."

Mu Wan'er had been ready to devote herself to Lee Cann, but things didn't unfold as she had imagined.

She dutifully swallowed the Pei-Yuan Dan he offered.

Within moments, Mu Wan'er's aura underwent a transformation.


A thunderous sound echoed, audible only to Mu Wan'er.

Her body shook with force.

She had successfully risen to the first rank of Martial Master.

Yet, Mu Wan'er's momentum didn't wane.

She soared to the second rank, then the third, and finally, the fourth rank of Martial Master.

Only when Mu Wan'er achieved the fourth rank did her aura begin to settle.

Beaming, she exclaimed, "Young Master! I'm now a fourth rank Martial Master. I can keep protecting you!"

Lee Cann smiled and nodded in response.

"Then make sure you protect me well!"

"Without question! It's my unwavering duty to protect you, Young Master," Wan'er affirmed.

Lee Cann kept his own level a secret, fearing the revelation might startle Mu Wan'er.

Taking her hand, they descended to the ground floor.

"Waiter, bring us some of your best dishes!"

"Coming right up! Some fine dishes on the way!"

Before long, the table was laden with food, and Lee Cann enjoyed the envy of others as Mu Wan'er tenderly fed him.

Satiated and content, they settled the bill and left the county town, embarking on their journey to their next destination.

Throughout their travels, the affectionate closeness between Lee Cann and Mu Wan'er drew many an envious stare.

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