Strongest Crown Prince/C12 Second Prince Lee Yuan
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Strongest Crown Prince/C12 Second Prince Lee Yuan
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C12 Second Prince Lee Yuan

Spiritspire stood as the bustling capital of the Southern Tang Kingdom, its streets teeming with life, a testament to the Imperial Capital's extraordinary prosperity.

Even deep into the night, scattered souls wandered the avenues.

Yet today, for reasons unknown, the usually vibrant streets lay deserted, the shops shuttered prematurely.

An eerie stillness had taken hold of the Imperial Capital.

In stark contrast to the city's odd tranquility, the palace was a hive of activity.

Inside the Golden Hall...

"Second Prince! You will not meet a peaceful end!"

Lee Yuan chuckled at the curse.

"Lord Wang, it's time to accept the inevitable. The Imperial Capital isn't what it once was. You must adapt to survive."

Lord Wang, overcome with frustration, succumbed to a fit of violent coughing before regaining composure.

"Second Prince, we truly misread you. I stand here ready to face death with dignity!"

With a wicked smile, Lee Yuan gave a subtle nod to the guard beside him.


The blade swung swiftly.

"Gulp, gulp, gulp."

Lord Wang's head tumbled to the ground, his eyes fixed on Second Prince Lee Yuan in an unblinking stare, as if to say, "Even in death, I will haunt you!"

Lee Yuan remained unfazed, but the other ministers in the palace had never witnessed such a gruesome spectacle.

They shielded their eyes, unwilling to gaze upon the lonely, headless corpse at the center of the hall.

A sickening stench of blood began to permeate the air.

Second Prince Lee Yuan, amused by the ministers' dismay, turned and strode towards the dragon throne. With a flourish of his robe, he settled into the seat of power.

He toyed with the dragon head armrest, speaking deliberately.

"Your presence here was not summoned at the behest of that detestable elder. I'm well aware of your unwavering loyalty to him, hence my ruse."

"Your individual merits and contributions to the Southern Tang are indisputable. You are indispensable talents to our kingdom."

"Should you choose to align with me, we will not only elevate the Southern Tang to new heights but also swiftly conquer the sixteen kingdoms of Yan Cloud."

The Second Prince concluded, his gaze piercing as he surveyed the remaining ministers in the hall.

Each word from the Second Prince struck deep, yet it was fear of the man himself that resonated most profoundly.

If they didn't ally themselves with the Second Prince, it seemed they faced certain death.

"Second Prince, was everything you just said true?"

One of the ministers, unable to suppress his fear of the Second Prince, stepped forward to inquire.

The Second Prince looked at the minister and chuckled heartily. Since time immemorial, no one wanted to stick their neck out first. But once someone took the lead, others would follow in droves.

"When have I, Lee Yuan, ever spoken falsehoods? Lord Meng, your courage to stand forth truly heartens me."

"Then... I pledge my allegiance to the Second Prince."

As Lord Meng finished, whispers rippled through the assembly.

"Lord Meng, I've always seen you as a paragon. Your actions are righteous. How can you now abet tyranny? I must have been blind."

Lord Meng ignored the other official. He understood that by making this choice, he would be scorned by the masses.

Seeing Lord Meng's defection, Second Prince Lee Yuan rose to his feet and called out, "Who else is ready to join my side?"

The ministers below hesitated for a few seconds.

"I pledge my loyalty to the Second Prince!"

Another minister declared his allegiance to Lee Yuan.

"I, too, swear loyalty to the Second Prince!"

"We all swear our loyalty to the Second Prince!"

More and more joined Second Prince Lee Yuan, leaving only a handful of steadfast individuals in the hall.

Lee Yuan pressed them once more.

"Do none of you wish to join me?"

The few remaining exchanged glances, seeing in each other's eyes a resolve to face death without fear.

They nodded to one another and declared in unison.

"We are prepared to die with honor!"

Lee Yuan didn't need to utter a command; the guards by the officials swiftly drew their swords.

"Thud! Thud! Thud!"

The dull sounds marked the fall of severed heads.

Lee Yuan watched the guards' actions without comment, while the other ministers looked on at the headless bodies, inwardly relieved.

The scent of blood grew more pungent, and Lee Yuan made no move to have the corpses removed, seemingly as a stark warning to the ministers.

Meanwhile, in another part of the Imperial Palace, a palace wall lay in partial ruin.

The courtyard was overrun with weeds, neglected for years, now reaching the height of a man.

In the midst of the overgrown weeds, a small, winding path stood out, suggesting frequent passage by someone.

The palace exuded an air of desolation.

A richly attired woman made her way hastily along the path to the palace's grand entrance.

With a gentle nudge, she pushed open the door.


The grating noise pierced the air as the door swung open, stirring up a cloud of dust that suggested it hadn't been disturbed in ages.

The elegantly dressed woman pinched her nose and waved her hand in front of her face to disperse the dust.

Then, with a biting tone, she muttered,

"Damn it, she couldn't possibly be dead, could she?"

Stepping inside the palace, the first thing she noticed was the worn furniture and the thick layer of dust that had settled on the table.

A spider dropping down in front of her elicited a sharp scream.

"Cough, cough."

The sound of coughing drew her attention to the bed.

Beneath a quilt patched over many times lay a woman with a jaundiced complexion, her lips chapped from neglect.

"So, you're still alive?"

The woman on the bed ignored the one in finery.

Undeterred by the lack of response, the opulent woman prattled on,

"You're probably unaware, but my status will soon be elevated."

"Thankfully, I have a dear Yuan'er, who ensures I'm well cared for daily. And you? The world thinks you're dead, unable to stir even the slightest ripple in the Southern Tang."

"Hehe, you owe me gratitude. It was I who interceded on your behalf, sparing your life in the nick of time."

"My desire is to torment you slowly. Over the years, I've made it a point to visit you, to update you on the significant events."

"Recently, there's been quite a flurry of activity—like the mysterious disappearance of the crown prince, the Second Prince being named his successor, and the Emperor's declaration to pass the throne to Yuan'er. Wouldn't you say these are momentous events?"

Upon hearing about the crown prince, the woman in the bed mustered the strength to barely open her eyes, as if the effort sapped all her energy.

"What have you done to him?"

Her voice was frail and feeble, evoking pity from anyone who heard it.

The affluent lady remained unfazed by the sound, seemingly accustomed to it for quite some time.

"One who is engrossed in paintings and a personal maid who is merely a second-rank Martial Disciple—do you really think they stand a chance of evading three third-rank Martial Disciples and one fourth-rank Martial Disciple?"

"You... cough... cough, cough."

Overcome with emotion, the woman on the bed succumbed to a fit of violent coughing. Eventually, she closed her eyes in exhaustion, and tears trickled down, dampening the pillow.

The wealthy woman appeared to relish the sight of her helplessness, letting out a hearty laugh.

"Damn it, just you wait for my good news tomorrow."

With those words, she shut the door behind her and strode away.

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