Strongest Crown Prince/C13 The Sect Master of the Fiend Sect and the Second Imperial Consort
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Strongest Crown Prince/C13 The Sect Master of the Fiend Sect and the Second Imperial Consort
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C13 The Sect Master of the Fiend Sect and the Second Imperial Consort

The affluent lady made her way back to her chamber and beckoned for her confidante.

"Your Grace, should you require anything, I am at your service," said the aide, a loyal companion to the lady for more years than could be counted.

She was well aware of the formidable and ruthless nature of her mistress, having been the one to carry out nearly all of her bidding.

"Qing'er, in a short while, you'll go to that accursed place. Place some firewood there and, upon my command, set it ablaze and end that woman's life," the lady instructed.

Qing'er gave a nod of acknowledgment. "As you wish, Your Grace."

"There's no need for such formality with me. You're dismissed," the lady said with a wave of her hand.

With another nod, Qing'er rose to attend to her duties. Meanwhile, the lady settled into her chair and poured a cup of tea for herself.

"Ha! To think I would live to see this day," she mused with a chuckle. "Today's scheme is bound to succeed. The Southern Tang shall be mine."

She lifted the cup to her lips and took a hearty gulp, oblivious to the dark figure that had materialized behind her.

"Shua!" The sound sliced through the air as a razor-sharp dagger came to rest against the lady's throat.

Startled, she dropped her teacup, shattering it on the floor. The dagger's presence was a chilling whisper of mortality.

Before she could let out a scream, a strong hand clamped over her mouth. Death had never felt so close, and she trembled, drenched in a cold sweat.

It was unthinkable to her that anyone could bypass the palace guards and infiltrate her room with murderous intent.

Yet, the shadowy figure held back from delivering a fatal blow. As he observed her shaking in fear, he chuckled softly and released his grip.

The lady whirled around to identify her would-be assailant. Recognition replaced fear with relief in her eyes, and she exhaled deeply.

"Oh my, what brings you here? You scared me half to death! I thought someone had eluded the guards and come to assassinate me," she said, her tone a mix of reproach and relief.

"And why shouldn't the esteemed Sect Master of the Fiend Sect visit his own wife? Besides, as if those inept palace guards could ever detect me," the figure retorted with a hint of pride.

"Yes, yes, you're the greatest. But what brings you here? If the Emperor catches us, we're going to be in a world of trouble!"

The wealthy lady fretted.

"I came to make sure you haven't been sneaking around with anyone, the Emperor included. Relax, he's going to be dead soon. He won't find out anything."

The Fiend Sect's Sect Master advanced and embraced the affluent woman from behind.

"Don't worry, I've kept him from laying a finger on me for years now."

The woman turned to wrap her arms around the Sect Master of the Fiend Sect, resting her head softly against his broad chest.

"I've been yours all my life, and that's how it will always be. Though we've been apart for so long, you're in my thoughts every single day. If not for our plan, I would've fled this palace long ago to wander the ends of the earth with you."

The Sect Master of the Fiend Sect tenderly caressed her hair.

"I know you've given up so much for our cause. But your better days are on the horizon. Our plan has been a success. I'll be heading to Yuan'er shortly; he should have finished by now."

The woman lounged in the Sect Master's embrace, finding solace in the comfort of his chest.

The Sect Master of the Fiend Sect bent down and planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Just wait a little longer. Go to the Emperor, keep him company for a bit, then wait for Yuan'er and me to join you."

A blush tinged the woman's cheeks, and she nodded demurely.

Upon her nod, the Sect Master of the Fiend Sect morphed into a shadow and vanished.

In the Golden Hall, the stench of blood grew ever more pungent.

Since Lee Yuan had executed a cadre of ministers, he had been sitting silently on the throne, fiddling with the dragon head, leaving the remaining ministers exchanging uneasy glances.

The ministers eyed each other nervously, none daring to make a move without Lee Yuan's command.

Suddenly, a black shadow materialized in the hall, approaching Lee Yuan and taking human form.

It was the Sect Master of the Fiend Sect, who had just been with the rich couple.

The Sect Master of the Fiend Sect cast a glance at the ministers below.

The ministers beneath the Sect Master of the Fiend Sect felt as though they had plummeted into an endless chasm, each one craning their necks to avoid his piercing gaze.

"Yuan'er, enough games. Let's stick to the plan," the Sect Master of the Fiend Sect instructed Lee Yuan.

Lee Yuan showed no signs of agreement with the Sect Master's directive.

"Got it, got it. But what about these ministers?" he asked.

The Sect Master turned to face the ministers and, with a flick of his wrist, a swarm of black specks shot out, burrowing into the ministers' foreheads.

Once the black specks had settled into the ministers' bodies, the Sect Master spoke, "What's entered you is the Life and Death Seal I've mastered. It's harmless if you loyally assist Yuan'er. But harbor even the slightest ill will towards him..."

He let out a sinister chuckle.

"...and it will activate, subjecting you to a fate worse than death."

The ministers were thrown into disarray.

"Now, you may all leave. And remember, it would be wise to forget everything that's transpired here," he concluded.

The guards opened the doors, and the ministers fled the throne room as if their lives depended on it.

"Alright, Yuan'er, it's time to deal with the emperor," said the Sect Master.

Lee Yuan rose to his feet, nodded, and took the lead, vanishing into the depths of the throne room.

In the study.

A well-to-do woman approached the study's entrance and knocked.

"Enter!" came a robust voice from within.

The woman pushed the door open and stepped inside.

"Ah, the Second Imperial Consort graces us with her presence. What brings you here? Please, take a seat," greeted the man at the desk, the reigning Emperor of the Southern Tang, Lee Feng.

Lee Feng sat there, his eyes red with fatigue, a clear sign of countless sleepless nights.

"Your Majesty is burdened with endless duties; you must take care of your health. Here, I've prepared some soup for you. Please, have a taste," the Second Imperial Consort offered, placing the soup on the desk.

"I appreciate your thoughtfulness, Second Imperial Consort," Lee Feng replied, taking a spoonful of the soup and drinking it.

"The flavor is quite good. It looks like the Second Imperial Consort's cooking has really come a long way!"

"Indeed. His Majesty has been holed up in the study managing state affairs for days now. It's been quite some time since he's had the pleasure of my culinary efforts."

Lee Feng glanced at the documents on the table with a touch of resignation.

"The situation in Yan Clouds is too turbulent, and the capital river has flooded yet again, causing severe damage. Refugees are left with nowhere to turn, and the food aid won't arrive for a few more days. On top of that, the nation's power is waning, and the Chu Kingdom to the north is watching us like a hawk. Worries abound on all fronts!"

The Second Imperial Consort moved to Lee Feng's side, her delicate hands resting on his shoulders as she began to massage them.

"His Majesty is indeed a benevolent ruler. If the citizens were aware of how deeply the emperor cares for them, they'd hardly know how to express their gratitude."

Reclining comfortably in his chair, Lee Feng mused aloud, "Second Imperial Consort, perhaps it's time we consider having another prince?"

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