Strongest Crown Prince/C15 The Crown Prince Is Back
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Strongest Crown Prince/C15 The Crown Prince Is Back
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C15 The Crown Prince Is Back

As the sun dipped below the western hills, evening began to settle in.

The crowd had thinned out, leaving only the silhouettes of a man and a woman on the vast plain.

"Phew, after a whole day's travel, we've finally made it."

The man exhaled deeply, evidently worn from the long trek.

"Young Master, let's hurry into the city for some rest."

The woman, likely his maidservant, extended a hand to wipe the sweat from the man's brow.

"Right! If I'm not mistaken, the city gates will be closing soon. We should make haste."

The pair on the plain were Lee Cann and Mu Wan'er, who had been on the road since dawn and had only now reached the Imperial Capital.

"Please present your identification!"

A soldier manning the city gate halted Lee Cann and Mu Wan'er in their tracks.

"Hmph, blind as a bat, aren't you? This man is the current Crown Prince!"

Mu Wan'er protested indignantly as she witnessed the soldier obstructing Lee Cann's path.

She promptly produced the Crown Prince's token.

"Look here, this is the Crown Prince's token. Do you still need to question our identities?"

The soldier, who had barred Lee Cann's way, became flustered upon seeing Mu Wan'er present the token. After scrutinizing it and confirming its authenticity, he immediately dropped to his knees.

"My apologies, I failed to recognize your eminence. I had no idea the Crown Prince was before me, please forgive my oversight!"

The soldier's voice boomed, capturing the attention of the bystanders who then turned their gaze toward Lee Cann.

Upon witnessing the Crown Prince's token, they all knelt down in reverence.

"We pay our respects to the Crown Prince!"

The crowd spoke as one. Lee Cann, not one to fuss over formalities, gestured for them to rise.

"Please, stand up. I, Lee Cann, do not stand on ceremony. Rise, all of you."

Despite his outward serenity, Lee Cann's heart raced with a mix of anxiety and exhilaration.

He had never been the center of such an imposing display of respect.

To have everyone kneel and greet him with "We pay our respects to the Crown Prince!" was an intoxicating experience that lifted his spirits.

"Thank you, Crown Prince!"

The soldier who had initially detained Lee Cann rose to his feet and addressed those behind him, "Clear the way for the Crown Prince!"

The soldiers quickly removed the barriers, opening the path into the city.

"What's going on here? Why all the commotion?"

A brusque voice cut through the noise.

A burly middle-aged man with dark skin and a scar across his face emerged from the city.

The obstructing soldiers snapped to attention.

"General Zhou, the Crown Prince has returned!"


General Zhou's voice carried a hint of skepticism.

Crown Prince Lee Cann?

Wasn't he supposed to have been assassinated by the Second Prince?

Could he have somehow eluded his pursuers?

That's impossible!

A first rank Martial Disciple couldn't possibly escape from three third rank Martial Disciples, especially with a fourth rank Martial Disciple among them!

"The Crown Prince hasn't left the palace in days. How could he be returning from outside?"

General Zhou spoke with a cool detachment before turning his interrogation to Lee Cann.

"How dare you impersonate the Crown Prince? Do you realize the gravity of your offense?"

General Zhou's accusation left the onlookers bewildered.

Could this Crown Prince be an imposter?

Yet, the token they held seemed authentic, a material only issued from within the palace.

Now, with General Zhou claiming this man was an imposter, the crowd was at a loss.

"What are you waiting for? Seize him at once!"

Upon laying eyes on Lee Cann, General Zhou was certain he was the true Crown Prince, though he couldn't fathom his escape. But with the knowledge that the Second Prince was orchestrating a critical scheme, he couldn't allow the Crown Prince to enter the palace and disrupt it.

"What's the delay? Move in now!"

General Zhou grew impatient, loyal as he was to the Second Prince. He was privy to the plan, and the Second Prince had even promised him a promotion upon its fruition.

Today was the day for action, and he would not let the Crown Prince shatter his aspirations.

"But, General..."

The soldiers hesitated, but before they could articulate their concerns, General Zhou brandished the Second Prince's token.

"The Second Prince is a close ally of mine, and I'm well aware of the palace affairs. The Crown Prince has been inside these past few days. This man is an imposter. Don't just stand there—apprehend him!"

General Zhou's command only deepened the crowd's dilemma. Caught between two formidable forces, they were paralyzed, exchanging uncertain glances, unsure of their next move.

Initially, Lee Cann was puzzled by General Zhou's insistence that he was an impostor. It wasn't until General Zhou produced the Second Prince's token that Lee Cann realized the general was in fact the Second Prince's henchman.

"General Zhou, we're uncertain about this. Perhaps we should inform the Emperor first?" suggested the soldier who had intercepted Lee Cann, caught between two formidable forces he dared not cross.

"No, I think we should heed General Zhou's advice and take him into custody," another soldier chimed in.

"Lyu Fei, that's not a good idea. If she truly is the Crown Princess, we'll be in deep trouble for detaining her," the soldier named Lyu Fei argued, his head throbbing with the weight of the decision.

He had caught wind of whispers that the Second Prince was on the cusp of ascending the throne, and currying favor with him now seemed like the wisest move.

"Trust me. We detain him now, then report to the Emperor!" Lyu Fei insisted.

"No way!" The soldier blocking Lee Cann was adamant in his disagreement.

"Then I'll have to kill you before I deal with him," Lyu Fei threatened.

But before Lyu Fei could reach for his saber, Lee Cann had already seen through his allegiance to the Second Prince. With swift precision, Lee Cann drew the Dragon Cry Sword from his pack and with a deft flick, severed Lyu Fei's arms.

"I, Lee Cann, have always been amicable, but you've pushed me too far!" Lee Cann declared, and with a sweeping strike, Lyu Fei's head was sent soaring through the air.

General Zhou immediately sensed the turn of events. He realized the Crown Prince's cunning ran deep, feigning the persona of a delicate scholar uninterested in martial training.

Desperate to escape and warn the Second Prince, General Zhou made a break for it, but Lee Cann was one step ahead. With an elegant flourish of his blade, he pierced General Zhou's back, ending his life.

Lee Cann's display stunned onlookers. The Crown Prince, known for his love of the arts and widely believed to be incapable of cultivation, had just upended everyone's perception of him with his formidable prowess.

Every jaw dropped in astonishment.

"Halt my soldiers and come here," Lee Cann commanded as he sheathed the Dragon Cry Sword.

The summoned soldier approached with trepidation, clueless about what awaited him.

He ambled over to Lee Cann's side.

"What is your name?"

"Re... responding to the Crown Prince, I am called Hu Daniu."

Lee Cann fixed his gaze on Hu Daniu, having witnessed the recent events. The soldier had made a significant impression on him.

Under Lee Cann's intense scrutiny, Hu Daniu's anxiety heightened.

"You've done well. From now on, you'll be in charge of this area."


Hu Daniu was bewildered.

"The Second Prince has rebelled. Shortly, my maidservant Wan'er will help you purge his followers. After that, you'll serve as the general here."

The news hit Hu Daniu like a thunderbolt; Lee Cann's declarations were more astonishing by the moment.

"Ah? Thank you, Crown Prince!"

Regaining his composure, Hu Daniu bowed deeply in gratitude.

"Wan'er, stay here to support him. Once you've finished, come to the Imperial Palace to find me."

Lee Cann had clear intentions for leaving Mu Wan'er behind. It served two purposes:

First, the Imperial Palace was undoubtedly perilous. As a fourth-rank Martial Master, Mu Wan'er was not equipped to face the dangers, and Lee Cann would be too concerned for her safety.

Second, Hu Daniu alone lacked the commanding presence needed. Mu Wan'er's support would lend him both martial prowess and authority, while also keeping him in check.

"Understood, Your Highness," Mu Wan'er replied, voicing no objections and obedient to Lee Cann's wishes.

With Mu Wan'er's affirmation, Lee Cann vanished in a blink, heading straight for the Imperial Palace.

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