Strongest Crown Prince/C21 Cleaning up
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Strongest Crown Prince/C21 Cleaning up
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C21 Cleaning up

After securing the door, the warmth in Lee Cann's eyes gave way to a fierce intensity. As a fifth-rank Martial General, he had recently discovered that his mother, whom he believed to have died years ago, was still alive. There seemed to be no greater joy for him than this revelation. With his mother rescued, the weight on his heart had lifted. Now, his mission could be summed up in three simple words: kill, kill, kill! Yes, that was it—kill! The Imperial Palace was in utter chaos. The Second Prince was dead, the Sect Master of the Fiend Sect was dead, and their followers would inevitably share their fate: death. The once bustling palace now lay mostly in ruins, the result of the destructive forces of Lee Cann and the Sect Master of the Fiend Sect. The grandeur had faded, leaving behind a haunting silence and desolation. Lee Cann composed himself and pursued Lee Feng.

"Your Majesty! Please trust me! My loyalty to the Southern Tang Kingdom is unwavering, as the heavens and earth can attest," Lord Meng pleaded, kneeling before Lee Feng with his hands earnestly clasped over his chest.

"Indeed, Your Majesty! You've seen firsthand our dedication to the Southern Tang Kingdom. Our hearts are true, and our loyalty is beyond question. The heavens and earth can bear witness, and history will confirm our fidelity," echoed the ministers who had once sided with the Second Prince, standing behind Lord Meng.

"Oh?" Lee Feng's eyebrows arched inquisitively.

"Then what of the ministers found dead as I passed the Throne Room?"

"We're just as puzzled, Your Majesty. The Second Prince summoned us here, and we were detained on arrival. We have no knowledge of what transpired in the Throne Room," Lord Meng insisted, his face a mask of sincerity that betrayed no hint of deceit.

Lee Feng's hand rested on the hilt of his sword. Noticing the gesture, Lord Meng's panic escalated. He scrambled forward on his knees.

"Your Majesty, I swear to you, my words bear no falsehood, I—"

Before Lord Meng could finish, Lee Feng drew his sword and struck him down with a swift blow. A look of utter shock spread across Lord Meng's face as he fell; even in his final moments, he couldn't fathom where his performance had faltered, so convinced was he of his own convincing act.

"Do you truly take me for a senile old man? The words you've spoken are tantamount to treason! Speak the truth now, or I shall have no choice but to execute each and every one of you."

Lee Feng's gaze was filled with a fierce intensity. He felt rejuvenated, transported back to his days of waging battles across the lands.

He eyed the ministers prostrate before him with a twinge of regret. He had been too lenient with them. Ascending to the throne had taught him the weight of the crown; the omnipresent pressure had shackled him, transforming his once bold spirit into compliance.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! I'm speaking the truth—please, don't kill me. We've all pledged allegiance to the Second Prince, and there was this man in black who—"

One minister's plea broke off as a black dot appeared on his forehead. A tendril of dark mist seeped out, his eyes glazed over, then dimmed, and with a thud, his lifeless body hit the floor.

Though the official's words were cut short, Lee Feng surmised a sliver of the grim reality.

Passing the throne room earlier, the sight of the deceased minister had filled him with sorrow. He knew in his heart that their deaths were tied to the Second Prince.

Once palace affairs were settled, he resolved to send reparations to the families of the fallen officials.

It wasn't long after leaving the throne room that he encountered the assembly of officials before him.

Doubts crept in; knowing the Second Prince's nature, it was unlikely he would simply kill a few and release the rest.

But now, Lee Feng had unraveled the facts.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! We had no choice but to side with the Second Prince. Without his protection, death was certain."

The kneeling officials offered their explanations.

Lee Feng's heart was heavy with their words.

"Do you truly believe that siding with the Second Prince ensures your survival?"

Disappointment etched his features. Had Lee Cann not returned when he did, the entire Southern Tang would have perished at the Second Prince's hand.

"Your Majesty! We admit our faults, please spare our lives. We acted under duress."

The disappointment on Lee Feng's face deepened. His sword swept through the air, and the pleading officials fell, one by one.

Lee Feng shook his head in resignation.

"May you be fearless in the face of death in your next life."

Lee Feng shook his head in resignation and stepped out of the palace, only to run into Lee Cann coming his way.

"Cann, how's your mother?"

"She was on death's door, but now she's out of danger. I'll see her tomorrow."

"Cann, I truly underestimated you. I never imagined..."

Lee Feng tried to continue, but Lee Cann cut him off.

"Father, this isn't the time for such discussions. The palace is afflicted with a tumor. Our priority is to excise it."

"Tumor? What's that?"

Lee Feng was baffled by Lee Cann's words, clueless about where he had picked up such terms. Indeed, the erudite can be intimidating, spouting words that are beyond one's own comprehension.


Lee Cann had forgotten that he was from another time, a world unfamiliar with the concept of a tumor.

"How do I explain to Father? A tumor is something harmful. Let's not dwell on it."

"Father, together, we can surely purge the Second Prince's influence from this palace."

Lee Feng beamed at Lee Cann with pride. He had always been underestimated as a commoner, yet his abilities had surpassed his own.

"Good, father and son, we'll leave none of them standing."

Lee Cann gave a slight nod.

"We'll divide and conquer to save time."

Having devised their plan, Lee Cann and Lee Feng set off in opposite directions.

Lee Cann had already scoured half the palace when he rescued the First Concubine, so there was no need to revisit those areas.

By splitting up, they could cover the remaining ground more efficiently, significantly reducing the time needed.

After parting ways, Lee Cann walked for what felt like ages until he finally located the commoners and soldiers held captive by the Second Prince.

"Who goes there? This is the Second Prince's sanctioned off-limits area. Entry without his express command is forbidden."

Without wasting a word, Lee Cann dispatched the speaker with a single stroke of his sword and proceeded into the palace.

The grand palace was now teeming with people, a tight cluster guarded by sword-wielding sentinels.

The creak of the door echoed incongruously as Lee Cann pushed it open, breaking the silence of the palace. All eyes turned to him.

"Is that the Crown Prince? What's he doing here?"

"Has the man obsessed with art come to meet his end?"

Whispers rippled through the crowd.

"Who are you?" demanded a guard.

Lee Cann let out a soft huff.

"The one who's come to take your lives."

"How dare you!"

Fury ignited among the onlookers, and at their words, several charged at him.

"Has the Crown Prince lost his mind? This is suicide!"

"Do you expect him to be our savior?"

Voices from the crowd carried to Lee Cann, whose keen hearing missed nothing. He had not left; he was no longer the Crown Prince of old.

As the assailants bore down on him, Lee Cann swung the Dragon Cry Sword in a wide arc.

One by one, they fell to the ground.

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