Strongest Crown Prince/C22 Cleaning up
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Strongest Crown Prince/C22 Cleaning up
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C22 Cleaning up


Witnessing Lee Cann slay all the assailants in one swift move, everyone gasped in shock.

"Is he... really dead?"

"Hiss, was the Crown Prince feigning weakness all this time?"

"I never imagined the Crown Prince to be so formidable."

"The Crown Prince is truly impressive."

As the reality set in, everyone was astounded by Lee Cann's prowess.

Lee Cann had completely overturned their perception of him.

"You're seeking your own demise!"

The guards, enraged by the sight of their fallen comrades, charged at Lee Cann in greater numbers.

Unfazed, Lee Cann wielded the Dragon Cry Sword with such grace that it seemed to dance in his hand, cutting down his attackers one after another.

Time lost meaning as the palace floor became a tapestry of corpses.

Blood painted much of the palace crimson, staining the floors and walls alike.

It was an unequivocal slaughter.

The thick scent of blood hung heavily in the air.


A single drop of blood fell from the Dragon Cry Sword, hitting the ground with an ominous echo.

The prisoners, struck dumb by the carnage, were rendered speechless.

The sound of blood hitting the floor resonated, as if it were not just falling on stone, but also on the very souls of those imprisoned.

"What are you waiting for? Go!"

With those words, Lee Cann turned and strode away.

But there were more prisoners to free.

His voice snapped the onlookers out of their stupor, and they scrambled out of the palace.

Lee Cann made his way to the surrounding buildings, knowing that if there was one place of imprisonment, there would be others nearby.

"Who's there?"


A streak of sword light cut through the air. The speaker, caught unprepared, stood no chance against the lethal strike.

A shadowy figure approached from the distance—Lee Cann himself.

He hadn't expected to stumble upon another prison so quickly.

Inside the palace, the scene mirrored the previous one: a throng of people huddled in the center, surrounded by the Second Prince's men.

Without uttering a word, Lee Cann's Dragon Cry Sword was poised for action the moment he pushed open the doors.

"Who are you—"

The words were cut short as the sword light pierced his throat, and he collapsed before his sentence could be completed.

No one had anticipated that someone would start a killing spree without uttering a single word.

The Second Prince's men were quick to respond, launching a coordinated assault on Lee Cann.

With a flicker, Lee Cann vanished, rendering their attacks futile.


The palace doors were blasted into splinters.


Lee Cann darted through the palace, leaving a trail of death in his wake. Blood spattered the walls and floors, even splashing onto bystanders' faces.


Back at the palace entrance, Lee Cann took a deep breath.

"I'm here to rescue you. Now go!"

With those words, Lee Cann's figure flickered and he was gone, leaving behind a crowd of bewildered onlookers.

The disturbance had drawn a crowd; the streets of the Imperial Palace teemed with those drawn by the commotion.

Lee Cann nearly let out a chuckle at the sight before him. He had been clueless about where to find them, but now they had come to him.

Channeling Genuine Qi into the Dragon Cry Sword, it emitted an immense beam of light.


The blade's radiance surged down the palace streets, toppling everyone in its path.

Figures swayed and fell, one after another.

Deep into the night, the Imperial Palace was anything but peaceful. The sight of bodies strewn about, the earth stained with blood, and the relentless screams spoke volumes of the chaos within.

Lee Cann had lost count of his victims; all he knew was that he couldn't stop killing.

He was panting from exertion.

"Crown Prince! Please, wait a moment!"

A voice echoed from a distance.

Lee Cann turned to see a group steadily approaching him.

"Crown Prince, hold your hand. We are members of the Dark Night Army."

The speaker approached Lee Cann.

"Thank you for saving us, Crown Prince. My name is Bei Ci, a soldier in the Dark Night Army."

"We were following the Emperor's orders to return to the Imperial Capital when we were ambushed upon arrival. Our assailants were ninth rank Martial Masters and a Martial General. Overpowered, we were forced to surrender."

"Only a fraction of those detained are in the Imperial Palace; the majority are held in the dungeons. I implore the Crown Prince to rescue my brothers."

Lee Cann observed Bei Ci, who appeared sincere and not deceitful.

More than a dozen individuals were already gathered around Lee Cann, each one kneeling on one knee and chorusing, "Please, Crown Prince, save our brothers!"

Lee Cann scrutinized the faces before him, recognizing the unmistakable countenance of soldiers.

They exuded a distinctive presence.

It was a temperament unique to them.

"Very well, I'll rescue them."

The display of camaraderie moved Lee Cann. In his former life, he had the utmost respect for soldiers.

"Thank you, Crown Prince! We swear eternal loyalty to you after this!"

Lee Cann gave a slight nod. The former Crown Prince was consumed by his love for art, with only Mu Wan'er for company. Having a few good men at his side would make his endeavors much more manageable.

"Rise, all of you. There's no need for such formalities with me. Lead on."

The kneeling crowd stood, their faces alight with joy and gratitude.

"Crown Prince, your strength is unexpected. Though previously known for your devotion to the arts and lacking notable achievements in cultivation, you've kept your true capabilities well hidden."

Bei Ci remarked as he guided the way.

Lee Cann simply smiled in response, aware that he was continually altering perceptions of the Crown Prince.

With Lee Cann remaining silent, Bei Ci closed his mouth and continued to lead the way in silence.

After some time, Lee Cann and his companions had left the Imperial Palace behind, arriving at a desolate location.

"Crown Prince, the dungeon lies ahead. Proceed with caution."

Bei Ci indicated the structure before them.

Lee Cann's gaze settled on a stark black edifice rising from the barren landscape, evoking an eerie sensation.

Several figures stood at the building's entrance—eighth rank Martial Masters. Their presence alone signified the dungeon's perilous reputation.

In Lee Cann's view, eighth rank Martial Masters hardly merited a second glance.

With a swift motion, he materialized at the building's entrance.

A mere flicker of his Dragon Cry Sword, and several men were rendered breathless.

Bei Ci stared at Lee Cann, astonishment etched on his face. He had pegged Lee Cann as a ninth rank Martial Master, yet it was clear that Lee Cann's abilities far surpassed his expectations.

Lee Cann paid no mind to the fallen bodies. His experiences in the Imperial Palace had desensitized him to the act of killing.

He stepped into the building, immediately enveloped by a wave of dampness.

Surveying the area, Lee Cann noted it was strewn with instruments of punishment, with a solitary passageway whose destination was unknown.

Without hesitation, he strode into the passage.

The enveloping darkness was disconcerting, with only the dim glow of candles on the walls to guide the way.

A glimmer of light signaled the end of the passage.

"Who goes there?"

The speaker eyed the suddenly appearing Lee Cann.

Without a word, Lee Cann advanced toward the voice.

"This is the dungeon. Take one more step and I'll summon the guards!"

Lee Cann, impatient to proceed, charged ahead.

In the instant Lee Cann lunged, the speaker sensed trouble.

"Alert! We have an intruder in the dungeon!"

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