Strongest Crown Prince/C23 Barged into the Dungeon
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Strongest Crown Prince/C23 Barged into the Dungeon
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C23 Barged into the Dungeon


Lee Cann's fist collided with the speaker's sternum.

Eyes bulging with incredulity, the man was hurled backward, slamming into the wall behind him.


A torrent of blood spilled from his mouth as he crumpled to the ground, motionless.

The disturbance had grown loud, but it was precisely the uproar Lee Cann had intended to create.

Shadows flickered, signaling the approach of many toward Lee Cann's location.

"Who dares to be so reckless here? Don't you realize this is the dungeon?"

An enraged bellow echoed from deep within, accompanied by a surge of formidable energy that shook loose the dust from the walls.

A slight smirk played on Lee Cann's lips.

You're exactly who I'm after!

Navigating the dungeon's labyrinthine corridors with haste, Lee Cann was determined to make quick work of the fight.

The aura that had been unleashed was etched in his memory, guiding him.

Once he eliminated his target, all would be resolved.

Wong Shan had been in high spirits earlier that day. The Second Prince had tasked him with a simple duty: keep the prisoners in line overnight, and upon the plan's completion, a promotion was assured.

He had reassured himself that the Southern Tang's mightiest warrior was a third-rank Martial General, stationed at the frontier.

As a second-rank Martial General, Wong Shan felt secure; nothing could go awry. He had even deliberately spread word of his charge over the dungeon, never anticipating an intrusion.

His ire rose at the breach, yet he consoled himself with the prospect of embellishing the tale before the Second Prince the following day, earning favor and, hopefully, a significant advancement.

With this in mind, Wong Shan's rage subsided, replaced by a thrill of anticipation.

He was now exuding the presence of a second-rank Martial General, lying in wait for the intruders, ready to strike them down.

But upon seeing the identity of the intruder, his face registered utter astonishment.

"The Crown Prince?"

The thought of Lee Cann daring to storm the dungeon had never crossed Wong Shan's mind.

In fact, it was unthinkable!

Lee Cann's reputation for timidity had deeply imprinted itself on everyone's minds, not just Wong Shan's. Even the prisoners held in the dungeon shared his shock.

Lee Cann ventured deep into the dungeon and came upon Wong Shan, who was radiating a powerful aura. Without uttering a word, Lee Cann already had the Dragon Cry Sword in hand.

Wong Shan quickly composed himself. Despite never imagining Lee Cann would dare to storm the dungeon, his extensive combat experience reminded him to take every fight seriously. He channeled his Genuine Qi to its peak and drew his own blade, ready for the impending clash.

Lee Cann took a moment to survey the imprisoned Martial Masters, concerned that the duel's shockwaves might harm them. With their safety in mind, he restrained himself from unleashing his full arsenal of techniques.

Gripping the Dragon Cry Sword firmly, Lee Cann pushed off the ground with a backward step and lunged at Wong Shan. He hoisted the sword high and brought it down in a swift strike.

Wong Shan, facing the oncoming assault, braced himself by positioning his sword defensively in front of him. The Dragon Cry Sword struck with ferocity, its descent only marginally slowed by Wong Shan's blade, which was cleanly bisected by the formidable weapon.

Though briefly impeded, the Dragon Cry Sword continued its trajectory, striking Wong Shan's left shoulder with a heavy blow. "Puchi!" The blade sank into the flesh, halting after a mere few centimeters.

Wong Shan's eyes had widened in shock when his sword shattered, and now, as the Dragon Cry Sword bit into his shoulder, they were filled with incredulity. As a second rank Martial General, there were few in the Southern Tang who could wound him.

With a fierce glint in his eyes, Wong Shan lashed out with his right hand, striking Lee Cann's wrist with force. Lee Cann's arm jerked up, and the Dragon Cry Sword was wrenched free, blood staining Wong Shan's shoulder crimson.

The onlookers gasped, rendered mute by the unfolding drama. They were well aware of Wong Shan's status as a second rank Martial General and the formidable strength that came with it. The chasm between a Martial Master and a Martial General was vast and daunting.

The knowledge that Wong Shan was a second rank Martial General had quelled any thoughts of resistance among them. They understood that no matter how many eighth or ninth rank Martial Masters they had, they stood no chance against a Martial General of his caliber.

Yet here was Lee Cann, whose unexpected arrival had already taken them by surprise. And now, having wounded Wong Shan, disbelief rippled through the crowd.

Even if Lee Cann had been concealing his true capabilities, it was inconceivable that he could be a Martial General! How young was Lee Cann, anyway? Were there really Martial Generals that young?

Yet, the undeniable truth was laid bare before them, leaving them no choice but to accept it.

Having wounded Wong Shan with a single sword strike, Lee Cann wasn't about to squander this chance. With a quick flick of his wrist, he lunged with his sword at Wong Shan once more.

Wong Shan, now without the luxury of carelessness, had lost his sword and was defenseless. He leaned back, clutching the Dragon Cry Sword tightly in both hands. The surprise on his face intensified the moment he seized the sword; he hadn't anticipated Lee Cann's formidable strength.

Pain shot through his arm, knitting Wong Shan's brow in distress as he mustered all his strength to stay upright.

But Lee Cann seemed to anticipate his every move, applying even more force. Overpowered, Wong Shan was sent hurtling through the air by Lee Cann, slamming into the wall behind him.

Trapped against the wall with no escape, Wong Shan had to increase his arm strength to ensure the Dragon Cry Sword didn't impale him. Yet, he still underestimated Lee Cann, who was relentless. Despite exerting his full might, Wong Shan couldn't halt the sword's advance.

The Dragon Cry Sword inched ever closer to Wong Shan. Straining too hard, his palm was sliced open by the blade, blood dripping steadily to the floor.

Wong Shan's face contorted with the sheer magnitude of Lee Cann's pressure, a testament to the intensity of their confrontation.

Now, the Dragon Cry Sword loomed before Wong Shan's eyes, and he was powerless to stop it, forced to watch as it edged nearer and nearer.

Gradually, the sword's tip pressed against Wong Shan's forehead. His eyes widened, filled with a profound sense of defiance.

The Dragon Cry Sword's tip pierced Wong Shan's forehead, as blood trickled down his cheeks, pooling on the ground below.

Despite the dire situation, Wong Shan refused to surrender.

Witnessing Wong Shan's torment, Lee Cann's heart softened. With a heavy heart, he increased his grip, aiming to end Wong Shan's suffering swiftly.

The Dragon Cry Sword was deeply embedded in Wong Shan's skull.

As Wong Shan's hands dropped limply, a look of defiance lingered in his eyes, betraying his reluctance to accept death.

Lee Cann withdrew the Dragon Cry Sword from Wong Shan's head.

Channeling Genuine Qi into the blade, he gave it a slight flick, and the bloodstains vanished from the Dragon Cry Sword.

"Ding! For slaying a second rank Martial General, you have been awarded 100,000 Exchange Points."

Lee Cann paid little attention to the points. He had been on a killing spree from the Imperial Palace to this moment, and without checking his information panel, he wouldn't even be aware of his accumulated points.

He turned to the onlookers, who were still in shock.

"I was requested to come to your aid. The highest-ranking second rank Martial General is now dead by my hand. The rest are within your capability to defeat. Free your comrades and make haste in your departure."

With those words, Lee Cann's Dragon Cry Sword emitted several beams of light, severing the prison cell chains.

The captives, now coming to their senses, filed out and knelt before Lee Cann in an orderly fashion, their voices echoing in gratitude.

"We owe our lives to you, Crown Prince. Thank you for the rescue!"

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