Strongest Crown Prince/C3 First Rank Martial Master
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Strongest Crown Prince/C3 First Rank Martial Master
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C3 First Rank Martial Master

The Land of Fertility was vast, so immense that even the Crown Prince of Southern Tang had no true grasp of its size. Lee Cann, accessing the Crown Prince's memories, knew he was within the borders of Southern Tang. Fifteen nations neighbored Southern Tang, and together with it, they formed a group of sixteen countries frequently engaged in alliances and conflicts.

Over the past century, this region had descended into greater turmoil, earning the moniker 'Land of Chaos'. This troubled area was once a formidable nation known as the Tang Kingdom. A century prior, the Tang Kingdom splintered into sixteen separate states. The Southern Tang Kingdom, founded by the descendants of the Tang Kingdom, had long aspired to reclaim the glory of their forebears, unify the Land of Chaos, and revive the golden age of the Tang Kingdom. Yet, a hundred years of effort had only seen Southern Tang's strength wane.

The most powerful cultivator in Southern Tang was the Grand Protector of the Realm, Lee Youshan, a third-rank Martial General, who was currently stationed at the frontier. The Second Prince had reached the tenth rank of Martial Disciple, just half a step shy of the Martial Master level. His mother hailed from the esteemed Liu Family of Southern Tang.

Lee Cann's own lineage was also notable; his mother was the eldest daughter of the Zhang family, another prominent clan within Southern Tang. Tragically, she passed away five years ago, and since then, the Liu Family had been systematically undermining the Zhangs. The Zhang family, once the preeminent household, had now declined to a second-tier status. But even a diminished clan like the Zhangs was a force to be reckoned with.

Lee Cann believed that with his return, leveraging his status as Crown Prince, he could certainly rally supporters to counter the Second Prince. "However, the priority now is to enhance my cultivation level," he mused. "I must at least reach the Martial Master level to wield influence."

With the aid of his system, leveling up wasn't a challenge for Lee Cann. To earn more exchange points, he needed to undertake actions with significant world impact. A simple kiss from Mu Wan'er had already boosted him three levels. More intimate progress would surely yield even greater rewards. However, Lee Cann had no intention of claiming Mu Wan'er's first time in such a desolate place.

So, he would save that for later.

Maybe, once back in the capital, he could enjoy the comfort of the grand bed in the Crown Prince's palace...

The thought stirred a restlessness within Lee Cann.

He composed himself.

"Alright, I'll earn the next batch of experience points from the demonic beasts here."

Lee Cann and Mu Wan'er had been walking for just over ten minutes when a dog demon over a meter tall and two meters long leapt out.

A fourth-rank, one-star black dog demon.


The black dog demon snarled, revealing its sharp fangs, while its long claws shot out, gleaming black and sharp as knives.


A tempest of demonic energy surged as the beast opened its jaws wide, lunging at Lee Cann.

"Just a fourth rank. You're out of your league!"

"Dragon Cry Sword!"

Lee Cann drew the Dragon Cry Sword.


The Dragon Emperor Divine Art was unleashed.

The aura of the Dragon Emperor burst forth, and the Dragon Cry Sword emitted a resonant dragon's hum.


The black dog demon hesitated, fear etched across its canine face.

It turned to flee.

"Too late!"

A flash of the sword, and the massive dog's head soared into the air, blood scattering across the ground.

"Ding! You have slain a sixth-rank, one-star dog demon, earning 500 exchange points."


Suddenly, the forest erupted with noise.

Over a dozen black dog demons sprang forth.

The leader among them stood two meters tall and stretched four to five meters in length.

A tenth-rank, one-star black dog demon king.

The rest were either sixth-rank, one-star or seventh-rank, one-star demons.

For Lee Cann, such ranks posed no real challenge.

Yet, the tenth-rank, one-star demon king did exert some pressure on him.

But the grade of his Dragon Emperor Divine Art was high, and even though incomplete, it didn't compromise his current capabilities.

Armed with the Dragon Emperor Divine Art and the Dragon Cry Sword, Lee Cann could easily wield strength on par with a ninth-rank.

"Though I may not be able to defeat this behemoth just yet, I can hold it off while I eliminate the other dog demons to amass two to three thousand exchange points," Lee Cann strategized internally.

With just two more levels, he was confident he could take down the black dog demon king.


The Black Dog Demon King let out a thunderous roar at Lee Cann and Mu Wan'er, clearly enraged by the loss of its minions. A massive wave of demonic energy washed over them, causing Mu Wan'er to shiver instinctively from the overwhelming power disparity.

Lee Cann shielded Mu Wan'er, reassuring her with a confident smile, "Don't worry. As long as I'm here, this mongrel won't lay a paw on you."

The Demon King seemed to grasp Lee Cann's taunt, its rage intensifying. Yet, it didn't launch an immediate attack; instead, it let out a defiant howl.

Huff! Huff! Huff!

A pack of Black Dog Demons charged from behind their leader. They were sending in the underlings first? This brought a grin to Lee Cann's face. It was like finding a pillow when you're yearning for sleep.

A sixth-rank, one-star dog demon lunged at him. With a fluid twist, Lee Cann's blade cleaved the beast in two.

[Ding! You have slain a sixth-rank, one-star black dog demon. You have earned 500 exchange points.]

More of the creatures swarmed him. Lee Cann summoned the full force of his Dragon Emperor Genuine Qi, his swordplay casting a web of lethal shadows.

Puchi! Puchi!

In moments, eight Black Dog Demons lay sprawled in death's embrace, each meeting their end in a unique tableau of defeat.

"Ding! Killing..."

"Ding! Killing..."

The system alerts chimed in rapid succession. The remaining demons, now gripped by fear, circled warily around Lee Cann and Mu Wan'er. They glowered with malice but dared not advance.

Lee Cann remained calm. With a mere thought, his information panel materialized before his eyes.

"Available exchange points: 4617."

Time to convert those points into experience.

Four thousand!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for leveling up."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host!"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host on advancing to Martial Master, first rank."

"Experience, 10,000/50,000."

At last, he had ascended to the rank of Martial Master.


Inside him, the Dragon Emperor Genuine Qi roared to life, growing denser with each cycle. It eventually transformed into a golden mist, flowing through his meridians, accompanied by the resonant echo of dragon cries. The surge in Genuine Qi not only fortified his energy but also wrought a profound transformation in his physical strength and resilience.

Lee Cann felt his strength had tripled at the very least after ascending to a higher major realm.

He glanced at the Black Dog Demon King a short distance away.

A mere tenth rank, one-star was no longer a challenge!

"Wan'er, just wait. I'm going to take out these mutts and then roast some dog legs for you!"

With those words, Lee Cann activated the Dragon Emperor Genuine Qi.


He vanished in an instant.

Puchi! Puchi!

The sound of a blade slicing through flesh echoed eight times.

The remaining Black Dog Demons were butchered on the spot, dead beyond doubt.

"Ding! Killed..."

Another four thousand exchange points were added to his account.

The speed of this grind was exhilarating.

"Now it's your turn!"

Lee Cann descended from the heavens, the Dragon Cry Sword humming as sword qi swirled around its blade, transforming it into a golden dragon with claws outstretched and teeth bared.

The Black Dog Demon King looked up at Lee Cann plummeting from the sky, unafraid.

The potent Dragon's Might, instead of scaring it, seemed to excite it.

Madness gleamed in its eyes as it let out a howl.


A beam of golden light emanated from its mouth.


The light blasted forth, carrying within it the essence of Dragon's Might.

It countered the Dragon Cry Sword, even posing a threat to Lee Cann.

"It seems I've underestimated you!"

Lee Cann chuckled, channeling his Genuine Qi to its maximum.

Buzz! Buzz!

The Dragon Cry Sword, fueled by the Dragon Emperor Genuine Qi, began to emit an intense, almost violent hum.

Finally, it broke through an invisible barrier, releasing a true dragon's roar!

A tangible golden dragon burst forth from the Dragon Cry Sword.

Such was the might of a Martial Master.

Their transformed Genuine Qi could elevate even the most mundane weapon to the level of a magic treasure!

The golden dragon opened its massive maw and devoured the light the Black Dog Demon King had spewed.

Overwhelmed by the formidable Dragon's Might, the demon king's limbs shook, and its body shrank in an instant.

Yet, it refused to submit.

Struggling, it lifted its head, fixing a defiant gaze on the golden dragon.

Its body quivered as blood seeped from its pores, and within, a greater power surged, elongating its form and sprouting golden scales beneath its neck.

It had transformed into a dragon!

But it was already too late.

Lee Cann ramped up his power without hesitation.

The golden dragon lunged at the black dog demon king mid-transformation, its seven-to-eight-meter-long body coiling around the creature.

With its jaws wide open, the golden dragon clamped down on the black dog demon king's neck.

A massive wound opened up, and with a resonant buzz, the golden dragon burrowed into the black dog demon king's body.


The Black Dog Demon King exploded into fragments, and the golden dragon emerged triumphant.

Its eyes sparkled brilliantly, and clutched in its mouth was a golden pearl.

"Ding! You have slain the Mutated Black Dog Demon King. Reward: 1000 exchange points."

"Ding! Discovery of a damaged Dragon Pearl. Reward: 5000 exchange points."

"Ding! Your Dragon Cry Sword has ascended to a first-grade magic weapon. Reward: 1000 exchange points."

A flurry of prompts filled Lee Cann with overwhelming joy.

This was truly a windfall!

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