Strongest Crown Prince/C4 This Is Really Not a Mushroom
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Strongest Crown Prince/C4 This Is Really Not a Mushroom
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C4 This Is Really Not a Mushroom

Having a cheat was exhilarating!

It was even more thrilling than dropping a fortune on in-game purchases to instantly level up to 999!

He pulled up the information panel.

"Name: Lee Cann."

"Identity: Crown Prince of the Southern Tang in the Land of Fertility."

"Level: First Rank Martial Master."

"Experience: 10,000/50,000."

"Weapon: First Rank Magic Weapon, the Dragon Cry Sword, with the potential to evolve."

"Cultivation Method: Dragon Emperor Divine Art (Incomplete), the royal cultivation method of the Southern Tang."

"Exchange Points Available: 12,847."

"Bag: Empty."

Forty thousand more experience points were needed to ascend to the Second Rank Martial Master.

Over ten thousand exchange points felt like a drop in the bucket.

With a mere thought, Lee Cann accessed the Merchant Shop, and lo and behold, the section for pills and talismans was accessible.

He quickly navigated to the pills and talismans.

First Grade Spirit Pill, Pei-Yuan Dan, 1 pill, exchange points: 1,000.

First Grade Spirit Pill, Detoxification Pill, 1 pill, exchange points: 1,500.


First Grade Yellow-Rank Dash Talisman, 1 talisman, exchange points: 1,500.


Without hesitation, Lee Cann redeemed a Pei-Yuan Dan.

His exchange points dropped by 1,000, and a Pei-Yuan Dan materialized in his bag.

Next, he browsed the weapons and equipment section.

"I've got to find a fitting magic weapon for Wan'er."

First Grade Magic Weapon.

It didn't take long for Lee Cann to spot an impressive weapon.

The Fearful Kris, a First Grade Magic Weapon, could turn into smoke during use, offering the element of surprise in an attack. Exchange points: 8,000.


A sleek black and white sword now lay in his backpack.

Lee Cann stowed the Dragon Cry Sword in his backpack.

"Wan'er, this sword is yours. Toss that old iron sword of yours!"

He handed the Fearful Kris to Mu Wan'er.

To navigate beyond this cliff region, they would inevitably encounter untold perils.

Mu Wan'er's cultivation level was too modest, merely a Second Rank Martial Disciple.

Even as a First Rank Martial Master, Lee Cann wasn't fully confident in his ability to protect Mu Wan'er.

Thus, boosting Mu Wan'er's cultivation level was of the essence.

"Thank you, Your Highness," Mu Wan'er said, her voice brimming with joy as she discarded the iron sword she had been holding. With a flourish, she executed a stunning sword maneuver, unleashing waves of lethal intent from the blade.

Indeed, a magic weapon is in a class of its own. It had elevated Mu Wan'er's combat abilities to that of a fourth-rank Martial Disciple in an instant.

"What a fine sword!" Mu Wan'er exclaimed, leaping into the air.

The Fearful Kris transformed into a wisp of smoke, then solidified just as quickly, its edge as sharp as ever.

"This..." Mu Wan'er touched down, her eyes wide with astonishment as she gazed at the Fearful Kris in her hands. "Your Highness, is this... is this truly a magic weapon?"

Lee Cann nodded, his smile warm. "Exactly. The Fearful Kris is a first-rank magic weapon that can morph into insubstantial smoke. Take some time to get accustomed to its abilities."

Mu Wan'er had already had a taste of its power, and it was nothing short of miraculous. But to possess a magic weapon was extraordinary. Even Martial Masters seldom wielded such treasures, and here she was, merely a second-rank Martial Disciple. It felt like an extravagant squandering of a divine gift.

"Your Highness, I simply cannot accept this," she insisted, offering the Fearful Kris back to him with both hands.

Lee Cann, however, did not accept it. Instead, he asked with a playful grin, "What's the matter? Don't you like it?"

Mu Wan'er hastened to clarify, shaking her head vigorously. "No, that's not it at all! It's just that... receiving such a valuable gift from you, Your Highness, leaves me feeling overwhelmed."

"So, you do like it then!" Lee Cann concluded.

Mu Wan'er fell silent, not knowing what to say.

"Look at me," Lee Cann instructed gently.

As Mu Wan'er lifted her gaze, her face was a mix of excitement and trepidation.

"I'll ask you just one question. The sword I've specifically chosen for you—do you like it?"

The realization that he had selected it just for her sent a surge of joy through her. "I do, I really do! But..."

Lee Cann cut her off, "No 'buts.' If you like it, then it's yours. Besides, we need to enhance your combat strength if we're going to make it out of this forest."

With a nervous heart, Mu Wan'er accepted the Fearful Kris. At that moment, as she held the sword, it became her most cherished possession—more precious than life itself.

It wasn't just because it was a magical treasure; more significantly, it was a gift personally selected for her by His Highness the Crown Prince.

"This pill is called the Pei-Yuan Pill. It can enhance your cultivation level. Go ahead and take it," Lee Cann said, producing the Pei-Yuan Pill once again.

Mu Wan'er had grown accustomed to Lee Cann's almost magical ability to produce various items out of thin air. In the Land of Fertility, legends spoke of a wondrous artifact known as the Universe Sleeve, capable of holding countless objects. Although Lee Cann had never previously revealed such abilities, they had always been concealed.

Now, the true nature of the Crown Prince was coming to light. He had borne disgrace for years just to expose the nefarious Second Prince's true intentions. It certainly hadn't been easy.

Reflecting on this, Mu Wan'er's heart ached even more for the Crown Prince, the man she held in the highest regard. She accepted the Pei-Yuan Pill and swallowed it. It dissolved instantly upon touching her tongue.

A surge of powerful Genuine Qi flooded into Mu Wan'er's body, transforming into Genuine Qi and rapidly elevating her cultivation level.

Third-rank Martial Disciple!

Fourth-rank Martial Disciple!

Incredibly, a single Pei-Yuan Pill had advanced her two full ranks, all for a mere 1000 exchange points. Meanwhile, the Experience Pill, valued at 1500 exchange points, could only promote her one rank. And to add to the irony, the system rendered the Pei-Yuan Pill and all other pills completely ineffective for him—a truly bizarre twist!

Now a fourth-rank Martial Disciple, and with the Fearful Kris in hand, Mu Wan'er could wield the combat power of a seventh-rank Martial Disciple. This unexpected boon was a cause for celebration. She could now concentrate on grinding for experience.

"Come on, let's keep farming. Once we've gathered enough experience, I'll present you with a secret martial arts manual," Lee Cann declared.

Despite being the Crown Prince's personal attendant, Mu Wan'er's training had been limited to a mediocre technique. Secret manuals were costly, but as the saying went, points be damned—she'd simply earn more after spending them!

Lee Cann led Mu Wan'er further into the depths of the forest. She trailed behind him, naive and trusting. All this while, her greatest endeavor had been to protect the seemingly fragile Crown Prince.

Who could have imagined she'd see such a day?

Such power, such confidence, such captivating charm!

Is this truly the Crown Prince in his element?

So strikingly handsome!

A seventh-rank, one-star gray wolf demon!

Merely chickens and dogs in comparison.

"Ding! You have slain..."

"Crown Prince, that's one enormous snake!"

A ninth-rank, one-star flower python demon.

A foul wind rose, and with one sword strike, it was vanquished!

"Ding! You have slain..."


"Such a massive tiger!"

A tenth-rank, one-star tiger demon.

Lee Cann soared into the air, his sword cleaving the beast in twain!

Two hours later, a blood-soaked Lee Cann emerged from the forest.

Following him was Mu Wan'er, who remained relatively clean.

"We're finally out," Lee Cann exclaimed with relief.

He opened his status panel:

"Name: Lee Cann."

"Title: Crown Prince of the Southern Tang in the Land of Fertility."

"Rank: First-rank Martial Master."

"Experience: 10,000/50,000."

"Weapon: First-rank magic weapon, Dragon Cry Sword, capable of evolution."

"Cultivation Technique: Dragon Emperor Divine Art (Incomplete), the esteemed cultivation method of the Southern Tang royal family."

"Available Exchange Points: 36,434."

"Inventory: Empty."

Lee Cann frowned at the exchange points tally. "Two whole hours of battling demonic beasts, and they flee at the sight of me, yet I've still not reached 40,000 points!"

Mu Wan'er seemed to grasp the situation.

The Crown Prince could indeed bolster his strength rapidly by hunting demonic beasts.

She approached Lee Cann, unfazed by the blood that stained him.

"Crown Prince, there's no need for concern. Once we've cleared this area of demonic beasts, we can explore new territories. Besides, this is the royal garden; it's not home to the most formidable of beasts."

Lee Cann affectionately pinched Mu Wan'er's cheek, chuckling, "You really do get me, Wan'er."

"I can hear the sound of running water. Let's go freshen up with a bath."

Mu Wan'er nodded, her cheeks flushing as she whispered, "I can assist the Crown Prince with his bath."

Lee Cann's laughter rang out. "Wan'er, you've certainly come into your own."

"Ah, Your Highness, I'm still the same!" Mu Wan'er exclaimed urgently.

Lee Cann gave a mischievous grin. "Back in the palace, we used to bathe together, remember?"

"But, but back then you were just a boy, Your Highness. Now, if you wish, Wan'er is willing to... to do the same!"

Mu Wan'er's cheeks flushed a deep crimson as she spoke.

Lee Cann stopped teasing her and said with a smile, "No need to fret. Let's head to the river for a wash."

They followed the sound of flowing water and, minutes later, arrived at a small river. With Mu Wan'er's assistance, Lee Cann settled into the crisp river, his bare skin submerged in the clear water. The water around him quickly turned a shade of red.

"Ding! The host has contaminated a small river, causing minor mutations in some aquatic life. You've earned 100 exchange points."

Even bathing could leave a mark on the world.

He mentally applauded the system.

The system responded, "No problem!"

Lee Cann was at a loss for words.

"Your Highness, may I assist you with your bath?"

Her soft, tender hands glided over his solid frame, a sensation that was utterly soothing.

"Ding! Mu Wan'er has bathed you, earning you an additional +25 exchange points."

"Ding! The continuous bathing by Mu Wan'er has earned you another +25 exchange points."


Though each increment was only 25 points, every little bit added up.

Lee Cann was thoroughly enjoying himself.

"Your hands are truly divine."

"Your Highness, what's this hidden weapon?!" Mu Wan'er gasped.

In an instant, Lee Cann felt a sacred part of him seized by her gentle hands, which then proceeded to give an impish tug.

Did she mistake it for a mushroom?

"Ding! The host has been touched by Mu Wan'er for the first time, earning you 3000 points."

"Ding! The continuous touching has earned you +120 points."

"Ding! Continue..."

Lee Cann couldn't stand it any longer.

He swiftly moved Mu Wan'er's hand away.

With a chuckle, he said, "You've discovered my secret. I actually have a dagger hidden for protection. Time is of the essence, so let's not dwell on this. Quickly help me finish up so we can set off for Spiritspire."

Spiritspire, the capital of the Southern Tang.

"Oh," Mu Wan'er murmured, her reluctance to leave evident.

It can jump, too!

And it seems to be gradually getting larger!

The Crown Prince certainly has an array of amusing treasures.

Next time, I'll seize the opportunity to implore the Crown Prince to let me have a proper go with that dagger!

Lee Cann, sensing Mu Wan'er's lingering gaze, felt a sudden tightness below.

Sister, I assure you, this is definitely not a mushroom!

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