Strongest Crown Prince/C5 Young Master's Infatuation
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Strongest Crown Prince/C5 Young Master's Infatuation
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C5 Young Master's Infatuation

After washing away the bloodstains from his body, he donned the freshly laundered clothes of Mu Wan'er.

His Genuine Qi surged.

The damp clothes were dried in an instant.

"Ding! Host has used Genuine Qi to dry clothes for the first time. Exchange points +10."

Lee Cann was momentarily at a loss for words.

He accessed the Merchant Shop.

Clicked on the section for pills and talismans.

Selected the Pei-Yuan Dan for exchange.

"Wan'er, take the Pei-Yuan Dan."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Genuine Qi coursed through Mu Wan'er's body.

Yet, she was only a fifth-rank Martial Disciple.

Lee Cann stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"So, it's only the initial use that yields such impressive results. That's somewhat reassuring."

He exchanged for 10 Pei-Yuan Pills.

"She jumped off the cliff after me!" The fact that she would do such a thing meant he couldn't be miserly with Mu Wan'er.

"Here, take these 10 Pei-Yuan Pills. I have more than enough, and I refuse to believe they won't elevate you to the tenth rank!"

One by one, she consumed the pills.

Sixth-rank Martial Disciple.

Seventh-rank Martial Disciple.

Eighth-rank Martial Disciple.

Ninth-rank Martial Disciple.

Finally, she reached the tenth rank.

"Your Highness, I've made it to the tenth rank!"

Mu Wan'er was ecstatic.

In just a short half-day, she had risen from a first-rank Martial Disciple to the tenth rank.

Next up, the formidable Martial Masters!

Could this be the fabled elixir?

Was it incredibly costly?

Mu Wan'er, ever concerned for her master, began to fret over Lee Cann's expenses.

"Reaching the tenth rank with just nine pills, fewer than I anticipated," Lee Cann nodded, quite pleased.

Mu Wan'er offered the remaining Pei-Yuan Dan back to Lee Cann. "Your Highness, now that I've reached the tenth rank of Martial Disciple, please take back this elixir."

Lee Cann chuckled heartily.

As a prince who had spent tens of thousands of exchange points, why would he fuss over a single Pei-Yuan Dan?

What mattered most was that he had no use for it!

"Go ahead and take the last one too. Consider it a way to solidify your newfound level!"

Mu Wan'er was moved to tears, exclaiming, "Your Highness, you've been so kind to me, I can hardly believe it's real."

The sound of the system's voice rang out.

[Ding! Mu Wan'er's loyalty has reached 100%. She will remain unwaveringly faithful to you for life. You have earned 3,000 exchange points.]

Lee Cann's heart swelled with joy.

To think he could reclaim 3,000 points—that was like getting a 70% discount!

This was definitely not a loss!

"Silly girl, why the tears? You're my head maid. If I'm not good to you, who will I be good to?"

Lee Cann gently dabbed away Mu Wan'er's tears.

"Come on, no more crying. Red eyes are not a pretty sight."

Those words hit harder than any others.

Mu Wan'er quickly dried her tears, even as she fought to hold back the ones welling up in her eyes.

Now stronger, it was time to head back to Spiritspire and confront that young upstart!

This time, the hunting ground was at Yellow Pine Slope, a hundred miles from Spiritspire.

Yellow Pine Slope served as a royal nature reserve, home to some lower-tier demonic beasts for the royal family's hunting pleasure.

Between Yellow Pine Slope and Spiritspire lay Qingfeng County.

Lee Cann surmised that the Second Prince's first move after premeditatedly killing the Crown Prince would be to win over the ministers and seize complete control of the Southern Tang.

Lee Cann had no intention of letting the Second Prince know too soon that he was still alive.

So, he decided against alerting the guards at Yellow Pine Slope.

Lee Cann and Mu Wan'er slipped away from Yellow Pine Slope unnoticed.

They hadn't gone far when they came upon a small village.

They stealthily entered a farmhouse, changed into simple linen garments, and left a silver tael for the household.

Leaving the village behind, they pressed on towards Qingfeng County.

As the sun dipped toward the horizon, they finally reached Qingfeng County, slipping into the town just before the gates closed for the night.

They found a decent-looking inn, the Four Seas Tavern.

"Good evening, sir. Are you looking to check in or just rest for a while?"

The waiter approached with a welcoming smile.

The air was thick with the scent of ancient feudal times.

Lee Cann grinned and requested, "Let's have a table of your finest dishes and two of your best rooms."

"Coming right up! A feast and two premium rooms," the waiter called out with gusto.

"Right this way, please."

He led Lee Cann and Mu Wan'er to a window-side table.

Soon, a spread of delectable food and wine graced their table.

Mu Wan'er poured wine for Lee Cann, ready to attend to his meal, as was customary in the palace.

Lee Cann, with a smile, gently reminded her, "We're outside now, no need for palace formalities. And outside the palace, you should call me Young Master."

"Yes, Young... Master," she corrected herself, taking a seat beside him.

Despite Lee Cann's earlier words, Mu Wan'er instinctively served him, pouring his wine and offering him dishes.

Lee Cann no longer protested; he found the attentive service quite pleasant.

Not far from them, a scene unfolded.

A group of four sturdy men encircled a plump little fellow in a lavish brocade robe, all of them feasting and drinking merrily.

The little man, who faced Lee Cann's direction, wore a sullen expression, showing little interest in the feast before him, instead drowning his sorrows in wine, glass after glass.

Upon finishing his drink, he looked up and caught sight of Mu Wan'er.

It was Mu Wan'er's first time dining next to His Highness the Crown Prince.

Memories of their encounter on the cliff flooded her mind, leaving her a mix of bashful, anxious, and blissfully happy—a perfect picture of a young girl smitten.

The little man was spellbound.

She was breathtaking!

From the moment he laid eyes on Mu Wan'er, he felt as though his life until then had been meaningless.

Comparing her to the women he knew, he was filled with revulsion.

"She's mine!"

"I must have her!"

"She will be mine!"

His heart pounded with desire.

The four men around him sensed his sudden fixation.

"What is it, Young Master?" one of them inquired.

The little man, dabbing at the drool on his lips, pointed towards Mu Wan'er and murmured in a daze, "Such a beautiful woman."

The four burly men turned to look and, just as expected, a striking couple caught their eye—a handsome man paired with a stunning woman.

One of the men stood up, chuckling, "If the Young Patriarch fancies her, then I'll just go kill the man and snatch the woman for him!"

"Third Brother, hold on!" The eldest of the group held him back.

"What's the issue, Big Brother?"

The eldest spoke gravely, "This pair is no ordinary couple, particularly the man. His Genuine Qi is so well-concealed that even I can't discern his level of cultivation. I suspect it's no less than that of an eighth-rank Martial Disciple."

"So, he's a rank above you, boss?" The other three men were taken aback.

The little fatty was clearly displeased.

With a sly glance, he grinned at the eldest, "Old Zhou, if you pull this off for me, I'll put in a good word for your Zhou family with my father. You're aware that with the Crown Prince deceased and the Second Prince poised to claim the throne, the Southern Tang will soon be under the dominion of our Fiend Sect."

The second half of the little fatty's statement was promptly ignored by the four men.

In their view, it was already a foregone conclusion. Otherwise, why would the scion of the foremost family in Qing Feng County stoop to curry favor with this little fatty?

After a moment's reflection, the eldest man addressed the little fatty, "Given that the young sect master has spoken, I, Zhou Fan, will see to it that your request is fulfilled."

Elated, the little fatty responded, "I'll await your good news then. Once the deed is done, you know exactly where to bring the person."

Zhou Fan nodded in acknowledgment, "Understood."

"I'll take my leave now."

With that, the little fatty departed.

The four men huddled together.

"Big Brother, what's our move?"

The eldest replied, "They're too skilled for a direct confrontation. We'll need Elder Shan's assistance. Stay here and keep tabs on them. I'm off to summon Elder Shan right away."

Another man chuckled, "With Elder Shan's cultivation at the pinnacle of Martial Disciple and his expertise in poisons, if you can convince him to join us, consider the matter as good as resolved."

"Keep a sharp eye out, I'm heading off!"

With Zhou Fan gone, the three burly men carried on eating and drinking nonchalantly, though their peripheral vision stayed fixed on Lee Cann and Mu Wan'er.

Lee Cann enjoyed his meal with a contented air. Glancing up to see Zhou Fan descending the stairs, a slight smirk played at the corner of his mouth. Then, as though all was normal, he went back to savoring the dishes Mu Wan'er passed to him.

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