Strongest Crown Prince/C6 Ah Young Master It Hurts!
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Strongest Crown Prince/C6 Ah Young Master It Hurts!
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C6 Ah Young Master It Hurts!

They assumed that Lee Cann's martial prowess might have peaked at the eighth rank of Martial Disciple, or perhaps even the ninth. But what they hadn't anticipated was that Lee Cann had ascended to the first rank of Martial Master—a title denoting the teacher of martial artists and a figure capable of founding their own sect.

The four burly men and the chubby boy believed they were a safe distance away, whispering among themselves. Yet, Lee Cann caught every word of their hushed conversation with perfect clarity. Initially, he was amused, thinking that if this group dared to target Mu Wan'er, he would ensure they'd never return. But his amusement turned to concern when the Fiend Sect and the Second Prince were mentioned.

Lee Cann was familiar with the Fiend Sect, a notorious evil faction that had long been active within the Southern Tang Kingdom. Years ago, when the kingdom was stronger, it had mobilized its forces to suppress the sect. Now, after years of silence, the Fiend Sect had resurfaced, seemingly connected to the Second Prince.

With a wry smile, Lee Cann muttered, "Collaborating with an evil sect—my dear brother has quite the talent for trouble."

"Ah, Young Master, what did you say?" Mu Wan'er inquired, puzzled.

Lee Cann shook his head, "Nothing important. Let's eat quickly. I have something to discuss with you after our meal."

"Okay," Mu Wan'er agreed, nodding.

Midway through the meal, Lee Cann added, "Tonight, we won't sleep separately. You'll stay in my room."

"Ah... Alright," Mu Wan'er replied, her cheeks flushing as she focused on her food.

After dinner, an anxious Mu Wan'er trailed behind Lee Cann as they ascended the stairs. Her gaze fixed on her toes, she pondered how she would attend to the Crown Prince's needs at bedtime. As Lee Cann's personal maidservant, she was sixteen—his peer in age. Typically, the son of a wealthy family would have already claimed such a maidservant for himself. But the Crown Prince was oblivious in such matters, his heart devoted entirely to the arts of poetry and painting.

Desire? A woman's yearning?

Such things were foreign to her.

Thus, as the Crown Prince's personal attendant, Mu Wan'er remained untouched and untrained in the intimacies shared between men and women.

In this regard, she was utterly unversed.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have mistaken that object for a mushroom!

"Just sharing the Crown Prince's bed, perhaps a kiss, a hug... but should I undress? The thought alone is mortifying!"

"And what if sleeping together results in a baby?"


Mu Wan'er's mind felt on the verge of short-circuiting.

"Enter!" Lee Cann beckoned, greeting Mu Wan'er with a smile.

Snapped out of her reverie, Mu Wan'er responded, "Right, okay!"

Inside the room, Mu Wan'er was a bundle of nerves, fidgeting with the hem of her garment.

"What's with the daydreaming? Come on, I have something important to discuss."

Lee Cann's thoughts were preoccupied with the Fiend Sect and the Second Prince, so he hardly noticed Mu Wan'er's unease.

"Thank you... Young Master!"

Taking a seat, Mu Wan'er faced Lee Cann as he settled opposite her.

The sound of tea being poured broke the silence.

"Wan'er, I've called you here because there's a matter we need to address."

Lee Cann organized his thoughts before speaking.

Mu Wan'er braced herself.

"Young Master, I'm ready to hear it," she said, her voice steady.


Lee Cann gave her a puzzled glance.

"Here's the situation..."

He relayed the incident involving the four muscular men and the chubby boy to Mu Wan'er.

Relief washed over her as she exhaled deeply.

So the Crown Prince hadn't summoned her for slumber, but out of concern that she might fall prey to some scoundrel's scheme!

The Crown Prince's kindness warmed her heart, yet a tinge of disappointment lingered. The complexities of a maiden's heart are truly unfathomable!

Pushing aside her flurry of emotions, Mu Wan'er inquired, "Does His Highness intend to turn the tables on them, to uncover the connection between the Second Prince and the Fiend Sect?"

Lee Cann grinned and said, "Wan'er truly understands me."

"Here's a detox pill that can neutralize all sorts of poisons. Keep it with you. When the Zhou family elder arrives, if he resorts to poison, use it to cure yourself discreetly. And don't worry—I'll be keeping a close watch over you from the shadows."

Mu Wan'er had no qualms about Lee Cann's strategy.

The notorious Black Fiend Sect had resurfaced, now with ties to the Second Prince.

It was a significant concern for Lee Cann.

She was content to be of help to Lee Cann.

Moreover, she had advanced to a tenth rank Martial Disciple, far surpassing her former status as a mere second rank.

In the Southern Tang, where Martial Masters were scarce, she felt assured of her ability to fend for herself, even without Lee Cann's aid.

Besides, with the Detox Pill and Lee Cann's covert protection, she felt even more secure.

After all, Lee Cann was an authentic first rank Martial Master.

Mu Wan'er had witnessed the full extent of Lee Cann's prowess back at Yellow Pine Slope.

Her confidence in herself and in Lee Cann was unshakable.

With this in mind, she found herself looking forward to confronting the Zhou family and the Fiend Sect.

Lee Cann's ears perked up at the sound outside the door.

"They've arrived!"

He rose to his feet and bellowed with feigned bravado, "Wan'er, come attend to your young master's needs!"

Mu Wan'er nearly burst into laughter at Lee Cann's farcical demeanor.

"As you wish, Young Master!" she responded with feigned sweetness, slipping off her coat.

Lee Cann glanced outside, spotting three silhouettes pressed against the window.

Did these three lack any sense?

Lee Cann dismissed them from his mind.

In a swift motion, he scooped up Mu Wan'er, eliciting a genuine shriek of surprise from her.

He tossed her onto the bed, then leered playfully, "My fair maiden, I have arrived!"

Lee Cann sprawled onto the bed and began to rock it back and forth.

Watching his antics, Mu Wan'er asked with genuine curiosity, "Young Master, what exactly are you doing?"

Lee Cann shot her a glance and instructed, "Don't just stand there—play along and make some noise!"

"Make noise? Why should I, and what should I say?" Mu Wan'er inquired, puzzled.

Lee Cann reached out and gave Mu Wan'er a pinch, eliciting a pained response from her.

"Ah, Young Master, that hurts!"

Her voice was a mix of pain, bashfulness, and appeasement.

"Keep calling out just like that, continue!" Lee Cann told Mu Wan'er, clearly pleased.

Feeling utterly mortified yet unable to defy Lee Cann's command, Mu Wan'er continued to call out, word by word.

Her voice perfectly captured the essence of a woman's first intimate experience, as if she were a natural.

The four men listening in grasped the subtleties behind that voice.

Only its creator, the voice's originator, remained oblivious, unaware of why he was compelled to perform such a mortifying act.

"Second Brother, I can't stand it anymore. This scoundrel is a brute, showing no tenderness or consideration for a lady," grumbled a burly man under his breath.

Another deep voice chuckled, "Tender and considerate? Third Brother, if you had this beauty at your mercy, you'd probably be even wilder."

The third man gave a sleazy laugh, offering no denial.

Lee Cann, overhearing the exchange, allowed a smile to play on his lips.

The time was ripe.

Abruptly, he quickened the rocking of the bed and instructed Mu Wan'er, "Make your voice more urgent."


Amidst Mu Wan'er's hastened, sultry moans, Lee Cann came to a halt.

"Ah..." Lee Cann deliberately let out a loud sigh.

Puzzled, Mu Wan'er inquired, "Young Master, what's the matter?"

Feigning dissatisfaction, Lee Cann replied, "I've run out of medicine lately and feel a bit weak, somewhat exhausted."

"Then allow me to attend to you, Young Master, and help you rest," Mu Wan'er offered with a coy smile.

Outside the door, Lee Cann's words left the three burly men exchanging bewildered glances.

"Was that even two minutes? We thought he was formidable, but he's nothing more than a silver-headed wax gun!"

Their tone dripped with scorn.

"Second Brother, let's get a room next door. We can have a drink while we wait for Big Brother!"

Half an hour later, a tantalizing scent suddenly wafted into Lee Cann and Mu Wan'er's room.

Lee Cann, who had been meditating with his eyes closed, abruptly opened them.

"Ding! Exposure to Ten Fragrance Soft Tendon Powder. Exchange points +20."

"Ding! Host body detected to be under the influence of Ten Fragrance Soft Tendon Powder. It is advised to take a Detoxification Pill."

So it was Ten Fragrance Soft Tendon Powder.

With just a thought, two Detoxification Pills materialized in his hand.

"Here, take this!" Lee Cann offered one to Mu Wan'er.

Unaccustomed to the situation, Mu Wan'er hesitantly opened her mouth and swallowed the pill.

Lee Cann followed suit, consuming the other pill.

"This poison is known as Ten Fragrance Tendon Dissipation. It seals the victim's martial abilities and saps their muscle strength, rendering them as helpless as a cripple. Now, let's act poisoned!"

With that, Lee Cann collapsed onto the bed, feigning complete weakness.

Mu Wan'er, observing Lee Cann's exaggerated act, couldn't suppress a giggle.

"What's so funny?" Lee Cann inquired.

"Young Master, you've changed so much," Mu Wan'er remarked.

"Which is better, then or now?" Lee Cann probed.

"The past was good, but now it's even better," Mu Wan'er replied with a smile.

"You're such a tease!" Lee Cann chuckled, playfully flicking Mu Wan'er's nose.

"Get ready, they've arrived."

Both Lee Cann and Mu Wan'er adopted the guise of being afflicted by the poison.

The door creaked open.

An elder accompanied by four burly men entered, with Young Master Zhou Fan carrying a large burlap sack.

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