Strongest Lottery System/C15 Gu Rou's Cardiac Knot
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Strongest Lottery System/C15 Gu Rou's Cardiac Knot
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C15 Gu Rou's Cardiac Knot

"Auntie, do you have something to say to me?" Seeing Gu Rou's expression, Gu Yuan asked directly.

"Is Yuan going to look back at the family for revenge?"

Seeing Gu Yuan nod, a hint of reluctance flashed across Gu Rou's eyes. She finally sighed and seemed to have thought of something. She raised her head and said to Gu Yuan, "Can you bring me along?"

Gu Yuan wanted to refuse her, but seeing the determination in Gu Rou's eyes, he hesitated.

Gu Yuan understood Gu Rou's thoughts.

Even though the Gu family had treated the two of them coldly, it was still a place where Gu Rou had lived in ever since she was young. Her memories of her childhood and her only family in this world were there, and even though they had been treated cruelly before, even on the day of her marriage, they hadn't felt any sadness for her.

But she … Still not able to bear it.

Gu Yuan didn't agree with this, but he couldn't refute his aunt. In the end, he spoke with a cold tone, "Gu Wu and some people must die."

Although Gu Yuan's tone was cold, he also made a compromise.

Gu Rou paused when she heard that. Her eyes became gentle as she looked at Gu Yuan seriously and said, "Yuan, don't be angry at your aunt. In your aunt's heart, the most important thing is always you. About the Gu family's matters, we'll do whatever you say. Aunt will listen to you. "

It was just a simple sentence, but it made Gu Yuan's originally depressed mood suddenly clear.

"Alright, Aunt don't worry. After killing Gu Wu and the other main culprits, as long as the remaining Gu family members are willing to change, I won't make things too difficult for them."

After respectfully sending Gu Yuan and Gu Yuan out of the Lin Family, Lin Pingtian even expressed his willingness to support Gu Yuan in becoming the next generation Patriarch of the Gu Family.

Lin Pingtian had thought deeply about the reason for his statement.

One must know, Gu Yuan was only 17 years old, but what did 17 years old mean?

It could be said that with Gu Yuan's talent and hard work, Lin Pingtian was sure that as long as no accidents happened, within a few years, Gu Yuan would grow to the extent that everyone had to look up to his Qiuyun City.

Moreover, since they had befriended each other before the other party had even matured, it would undoubtedly be extremely advantageous for the future position of their Lin Family in the Qiuyun City.

This was an investment, though it had a gambling quality to it.

As for the Gu family …

Lin Pingtian was not optimistic.

Gu Wu could be considered shrewd and scheming, but he was far too vicious and untrustworthy. Furthermore, his subordinates were incompetent people who only knew how to fight and kill. In Lin Pingtian's opinion, they were nothing.

Right now, the only thing Lin Pingtian was worried about was whether the Gu family and Wang Family were plotting something.

Lin Pingtian had been very surprised when he found out that the Gu family was planning to marry their family's daughter, Gu Rou, and his foolish brother.

However, since it was for the family's benefit and the marriage partner had nothing to say, Lin Pingtian naturally agreed.

However, Gu Wu made a strange request.

It was to ensure Gu Rou's perfect form.

At the beginning, Lin Pingtian was a little angry, but after the Gu family sent a lot of precious herbs as compensation, Lin Pingtian reluctantly agreed.

Fortunately, his younger brother was a fool and didn't know anything about men and women.

After that, it was a coincidence that because of some things, he had to go to Wang Family to discuss with the Wang Family Master Wang Kun. Because Lin Family and Wang Family were pretty good, and because Lin Pingtian frequently came to Wang Family as a guest, the servant did not notify him, but only told him the location of the Patriarch.

He didn't expect that outside of Wang Kun's study room, he would hear Gu Wu and Wang Kun secretly plotting something.

At that time, Lin Pingtian was also curious, so he stood outside the door and eavesdropped on the conversation between the two.

"Yin Body... Sacrifice …. The Netherworld … "

Just as he was about to listen carefully, he was discovered by Gu Wu.

Lin Pingtian had always felt that this matter would not be simple.

At this time, looking at the figures of Gu Yuan and Gu Rou disappearing in the distance, Lin Pingtian muttered to himself: "I hope that nothing unexpected will happen, and that this decision of mine will not harm Lin Family."

It was clearly daytime, yet the main gate of the Gu family, the number one clan in Qiuyun City, was tightly shut.

Inside the gate, the Gu family warriors were hiding in various hidden corners, all nocked and nervously staring at the door as if something terrifying would suddenly appear there.

It was obvious that he was seriously injured. When he returned home, he did not explain anything to the others and directly ordered everyone to enter a state of alert, closing the door tightly. Every key position was guarded by countless servants.

After that, he gathered all the Elders and Houtian masters to have a secret discussion with each other for a long time.

Although he didn't know what had happened, the entire Gu family had become nervous. It was obvious that something that the family head valued so much was not a small matter, nor could it be a good thing.

Sure enough, after a while, the elders who had participated in the secret discussion came out one by one with either surprised or gloomy faces.

In the Gu Clan's inner courtyard, Gu Wu did not appear while facing all the Gu Clan members. Instead, Second Elder Gu Ze announced a piece of news that surprised everyone.

The traitor who had escaped from the Gu family a month ago, Gu Yuan, had returned.

Patriarch Gu Wu was severely injured by that unfilial son in order to protect the family.

Gu Yuan's strength … Xiantian!

Following Gu Ze's words, all of the Gu family members felt as if the sky had fallen. They couldn't believe what they had heard.

Everyone only had one thought in their minds.

"Isn't that bastard a trash with blocked meridians?"

"How did he suddenly become an Upper Sky?"

"Could it be that the rumors about Gu Yuan regaining his strength is true?"

No matter what, the facts were already laid out in front of them, and no one could deny it.

At the same time as everyone was discussing with one another …

In front of the Gu Clan's gate.

Gu Yuan!

Looking at the tightly shut door in front of him, Gu Yuan felt the difference between the open and the hidden. He turned around and looked at Gu Rou.

Seeing Gu Rou nod at him, Gu Yuan smiled faintly.

In the next moment, the look in his eyes became sharp, and the Fangtian Halberd suddenly appeared in his hand, and he shouted: "Fangtian Cleaving!"


With an explosive sound, the Fangtian Halberd smashed against the tightly shut scarlet door with a whistling sound.

The door that was abnormally hard was easily smashed into smithereens as if it had been struck by a cannonball.

The wood shavings that were flying at high speed were like bullets being shot out, shooting towards the servants who were standing guard behind the door.

"Ah ~

"My god!"

"My eyes …"

Along with a series of miserable shrieks, all of these servants were lying on the ground. A fiendish figure appeared at the door amidst the clamor of the crowd.

Gu Rou, who followed closely behind, couldn't bear to see this anymore. However, she also knew how much grievance Gu Yuan had suffered at the Gu household over the years.

"As long as the Gu family is not exterminated, the rest … Just let him be. "

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