Strongest Lottery System/C20 Gu Family Disintegration
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Strongest Lottery System/C20 Gu Family Disintegration
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C20 Gu Family Disintegration

Gu Yuan's movements paused for a moment. Then, he realized that his previous attack had broken this magical equipment.


This time, Gu Yuan did not hesitate.

As Gu Yuan gave the order, a notification popped up beside his ears that he had received 640/1000 Energy Points.

Hearing the prompt, Gu Yuan's heart skipped a beat as he thought, "According to the system's indication, the energy value of the low-rank magic tool should be 1000. Due to the damage, I only got 640 points."

Gu Yuan remembered that Lin Pingtian had mentioned before that in the cultivation realm, magical equipment were the lowest level of existence. On top of them were magical equipment, spiritual weapons, and even spiritual treasures.

It seemed that he now had another way to obtain energy points.

While thinking, Gu Yuan walked directly in front of Gu Rou and passed the storage ring to her. Of course, Gu Yuan had already moved everything inside into his system backpack.

Seeing Gu Yuan actually give such a precious item to her, Gu Rou subconsciously refused, "Yuan, nun …"

Not giving Gu Rou any chance to decline, Gu Yuan said, "Aunt, don't worry about using this ring. I have even better ones."

Hearing Gu Yuan's words and recalling the Fangtian Halberd that suddenly appeared in Gu Yuan's hands, Gu Rou also reacted. She knew Gu Yuan was concerned about her and did not refuse.

The threshold to use a storage ring was not high. As long as the body possessed energy, it could be used regardless of whether it was inner force or true energy.

However, for a peripheral family like the Gu family, it was still very rare. At least in Gu Yuan's memory, there was no memory of a storage ring.

After handing the ring to Gu Rou, Gu Yuan turned around and walked towards Gu Wu's room.

From the moment Cui Ruo was defeated, Gu Wu had disappeared from the room's door. Gu Yuan suddenly thought worriedly, "Could there be a secret passage in this guy's house?"

"Such a bad luck..."

Gu Yuan came to Gu Wu's room and as expected, the old man had already disappeared. After searching for a while, Gu Yuan found a hidden mechanism on the wall behind the bed and pressed it forcefully. After a series of noises, a tunnel that could accommodate one person appeared in front of Gu Yuan.

Gu Yuan didn't pursue Gu Wu in a hurry. Instead, he turned around and returned to the Gu household's plaza.

Looking at the clansmen in front of him, Gu Yuan shouted, "Gu Wu has escaped!"

Although they vaguely guessed something from Gu Yuan's return, hearing Gu Yuan say it out loud in person still made everyone feel despair.

For a moment, all the members of the Gu family had ashen faces, as if they had resigned themselves to their fate.

With the first young Gu family branch family member kneeling down like a chain reaction, the rest of the Gu family members kneeled down one by one, praying for Gu Yuan's forgiveness.

"You pieces of trash, who told you to kneel down! It was all in vain that blood of the Gu Family flowed through your bodies. It was truly an utter disgrace to the Gu Family! "

At this moment, only a few Gu family elders and Gu Wu's loyal subordinates were still standing. They had a premonition of what would happen to them today, so they did not give in to Gu Yuan.

Among them, the Third Elder was especially agitated. He was blushing as he accused all the kneeling Gu family members.

"So noisy!"

Gu Yuan suddenly moved. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the Third Elder and punched him in the face.

Fresh blood flew out from the third elder's mouth along with several teeth. Half of his face was instantly sunken by Gu Yuan. His body shook and he slumped to the ground.

"You unfilial son of trash, how many times do you dare to do this …."


Without waiting for the other person to finish speaking, Gu Yuan's figure flashed again and the person who spoke fell down.

Looking at the terrified Gu family members, Gu Yuan said coldly, "If I kill them, will you accept it?"

"I admit defeat!"

"We submit, we submit."

At this moment, no one in the Gu family dared to refute Gu Yuan's words. Moreover, none of the remaining disciples were from the line of descent of the Gu family. In a family like the Gu family that valued bloodlines, they too had not received much attention from the family.

Seeing that everyone was eager to go along with him, Gu Yuan turned to the Gu family elders and other direct descendants who were still standing: "See that? This is the Gu family that you guys are referring to."

All the direct descendants of the Gu family paled as they heard the voices of the other branches. They did not expect these people to submit so easily to Gu Yuan.

"You guys have always looked down on others and looked down on the other branches, but you don't know that once you lose your power, they wouldn't treat you as family either. This is the noble Gu family you speak of."

"This kind of inhumane family is even worse than trash!"

With every sentence Gu Yuan said, the expressions of the Gu family members became even paler. The reality before them had stabbed into their hearts.

Their hearts were bleeding. For the Gu family, which had dominated the Qiuyun City hundreds of years ago, to fall to such a state, could it be that they were wrong about the pride of their bloodline?

Could it be that everything that the youth said was true? Were we really wrong?

At this moment, the arrogance on their bodies finally crumbled. Their so-called noble bloodline could not even withstand a single blow of absolute strength; their so-called number one clan in the past few hundred years, was merely a frog in a well in a remote corner.

"Kill us."

One of the elders had a deathly pale face. He slowly closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to see what was happening in front of him again.

"Don't worry, none of you will survive today."

The Fangtian Halberd appeared in Gu Yuan's hands once again. He felt a gaze from behind that seemed to be fixated on him the entire time. He knew that it was Gu Rou, but his movements did not stop at all.

The Gu family was already very pedantic towards these people. If they didn't die, the Gu family would be defeated by them sooner or later.

The Fangtian Halberd kept swinging, and every time, a direct descendant of the Gu family would fall. Gu Yuan only stopped when the last one died.

"Aunt, I'm sorry."

When Gu Yuan arrived in front of Gu Rou and saw her slightly reddened eyes, he felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Yuan, you did the right thing. Aunty understands your intentions. If the Gu family wants to continue, then they must die."

Seeing that Gu Rou actually understood his intentions, Gu Yuan was slightly surprised. He was even more touched as he said: "Aunt, what are your intentions towards the Gu family?"

Knowing that Gu Rou could not let this matter go, Gu Yuan took the initiative to ask.

Hearing Gu Yuan's question, Gu Rou thought for a moment before looking at Gu Yuan and saying, "Yuan, are you willing to take over the Gu family?"

"Eh …." Gu Yuan was momentarily stumped as he did not expect Gu Rou to ask him this question.

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