The Unexpected Tycoon: From Humble Beginnings/C21 The Sister next Door Yi Meng
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The Unexpected Tycoon: From Humble Beginnings/C21 The Sister next Door Yi Meng
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C21 The Sister next Door Yi Meng

According to Chu Liang's request, Tu Hu had been training harder recently.

After every training session, Chu Liang was so tired that he almost fell to the ground. However, it was not a small success to persevere. Chu Liang felt that his physical fitness was much better than before. It seemed that his strength was also a little stronger.

The sun was very bright today. After a simple wash up, Chu Liang took the book Qin Ke wanted him to read and went to the balcony to sit down.

The gentle sunlight shone on his face and he looked at the book comfortably.

Suddenly, rustling sounds came from the quiet environment. Chu Liang followed the sound and looked over. It was the villa next door.

There was a row of potted plants. Some were green and some flowers were blooming. A young woman was holding a flower pot in her hand and humming a tune as she watered the plants.

She was dressed simply as if she was still in pajamas. However, she had a different vibe about her.

"You just moved in recently, right?" It seemed that this woman had lived longer than her.

" Mmm." Chu Liang nodded.

The young woman put down the pot and stretched herself in the sun. "It's so comfortable. It's been a long time since I tried to sleep so well."

The woman was in the sunlight and was as attractive as a painting. She was 1.7 meters tall. Chu Liang immediately thought of two words. She was slim and elegant. She was graceful and charming.

She seemed to be staring at others. It was very rude. Chu Liang said, "I moved in not long ago."

"This house was always empty before. I think so." The woman was not born. She was a little generous.

"You don't know me?" The woman stared at Chu Liang and asked.

To be able to afford a house here, one must be wealthy. The woman was alone again. In fact, Chu Liang thought she was the canary raised by the boss.

He looked at her face again and felt that she was familiar. He just didn't remember where he had seen her for a while.

"You don't know her?"

"It seems that I am not red enough." The woman mumbled, "I think you're only in your early twenties. Don't you watch TV?"

After her reminder, Chu Liang suddenly thought of a few popular TV programs. He patted his head and said, "You are Yi Meng!"

Yi Meng was said to be able to see her as long as you turn on the TV. This year, she had already broadcasted four of her TV shows. Every one of them was very popular. It was not an exaggeration to say that she was currently the most popular television little flower.

"Hehe!" Only then did Yi Meng laugh complacently. "I thought someone didn't know me."

Chu Liang could not see any airs of a big star from her. She was very down-to-earth, playful, and a little weird.

"Do you want me to sign for you?" Yi Meng said with interest.

"My roommate likes you very much. It's your fan."

If Zhao Jie knew that his goddess lived next to him, he would probably rush over.

Yi Meng was not disappointed. She tilted her head and looked at Chu Liang for a long time. "So you are not my fan. You don't like me?"

Chu Liang could not stand Yi Meng's talk. "Your TV is pretty. I like it."

"Then you are my fan! I have tens of millions of fans. You can just admit it. If you are too embarrassed to admit it, it's fine. Hehe. "

After saying that, Yi Meng waved her hand and turned into the house, leaving behind only a beautiful figure.

Chu Liang closed the book and was silent for a while. This big star was interesting. The 18 minor stars all had a dozen bodyguards protecting them. They looked like strangers.

However, Yi Meng surprised Chu Liang. She had a lively personality, just like the older sister next door. Of course, she did live next door to him now.

If there was a chance next time, he could really ask for a few signatures. It would not be bad to make Zhao Jie and the others happy.

"Boss, Secretary Qin has already agreed to let you go there." Tu Hu came up and said.

"Let's go."

Tu Hu drove and soon arrived at a furniture city.

It occupied a large area. Five or six high-rise buildings formed a large circle. Imported, domestic, from low to high, all kinds of furniture could be found.

The two of them came to the address Qin Ke gave them.

"Young Master Chu, you're here." Qin Ke stood up to welcome him and whispered something about the situation.

The person waiting in the meeting room was a middle-aged man in a suit and shoes. He was the owner of the new furniture that they wanted to buy, Nie Jiang.

Qin Ke had already started many rounds of negotiations with Nie Jiang. She had analyzed the profitability of the new furniture over the past few years. After a few rounds of negotiations, Nie Jiang still did not give a clear answer.

So he had always been curious about who exactly wanted to purchase the new furniture. Qin Ke was already so powerful. Then the boss behind her must be extraordinary. However, when he saw the young Chu Liang, his eyes were still a little disappointed. Just this young man? Could he be some rich second generation playboy?

"Hello, Director Nie. I'm Chu Liang."

Nie Jiang stood up and shook hands with Chu Liang. "Hello, Director Chu."

Qin Ke went straight to the point. "Director Nie, you know our sincerity. Name a price."

Unlike Yang Jinmin, who had a lot of businesses involved, The only thing Nie Jiang was doing right now was making new furniture. If he sold the new furniture, it would be hard for him to make a new one. He was not familiar with other industries, so it was unreasonable for him to retire so early.

"Manager Qin, I know you are all very sincere. It's just that I don't want to sell the profits to others. Please understand."

It seemed that he had encountered a small problem.

"Your main business is still in Hua City. The ones that can be sold only take up less than 20% of your sales. " In the past few years, the import rate has increased, and the market share in the local area is not high. Although the new business can still bring more than five million to Director Nie every year, it will only become harder and harder to do it in the future." Qin Ke said straightforwardly.

Nie Jiang frowned. Qin Ke's words were a little harsh, but what she said was the truth.

Chu Liang took advantage of the situation and said, "If Director Nie gives us the new profit, I will give you a good price. 80 million."

It was hard to say whether Li Xin could create 5 million a year for the next 16 years, but 80 million was real gold and silver.

"So what if you take over?" Nie Jiang kept asking.

"I am confident that I can help you. I want to become the number one furniture giant in Hua City." Qin Ke's eyes lit up when she spoke.

"Impossible. Carpenters are the number one. It's hard to shake them." Nie Jiang had been competing with Chiang Jian for so many years, but he still felt that it was wishful thinking.

Chu Liang and Qin Ke looked at each other and gave each other a look. They then continued, "I can see that Director Nie does not want to sell new products."

"Actually, we have other options." Qin Ke was very direct. "Director Nie, if you do not cooperate with us, we might be competitors next time."

After a few conversations, Nie Jiang felt that Qin Ke was very capable. If he had another opponent, he might be able to split the market.

"Secretary Qin, don't scare us, Director Nie." Chu Liang thought about it and said, "Director Nie, I won't hide it anymore. I want to kill the carpenter. It's fine if you don't want to sell the new ones. Let's just invest. "

Sniping the carpenter was Nie Jiang's wish. It was just that he had been at a disadvantage for the past few years. If he had a talent like Qin Ke and Chu Liang's financial resources, it might really work.

Nie Jiang was moved. "Yes! I'd like to see how Young Master Chu and the rest of you can snipe the carpenter. It's time for me, Li Xin, to take first place."

After half an hour of negotiation, Chu Liang finally invested 30 million, taking up 49% of the shares. Originally, according to what Qin Ke said, they were going to take the majority, but Chu Liang saw that it was Nie Jiang's blood and sweat, so he did not say anything.

"Young Master Chu, why don't we have a meal together?" Nie Jiang was overwhelmed by emotions.

"We are all on the same side. Just call me Chu, Brother Jiang. However, he wasn't in a hurry to eat. " Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win a hundred battles. I want to go to the carpenter and see. "

This efficiency was truly beyond words.

It's not convenient for me to show myself, otherwise I will go with you. But I will follow Manager Qin's plan and do my best to rectify the profits. " Next, it's up to you. "

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