Summoning The Glory of Kings/C1 Transcended!!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C1 Transcended!!
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C1 Transcended!!

"Lu Yi, have you made up your mind about which skills to cultivate?"

While Lu Yi was absorbing the information from the soul transfer, a woman's voice, tinged with impatience, interrupted his thoughts.

"Cultivate skills?"

It was then that Lu Yi noticed hundreds of skills had materialized in his mind.

Chaotic Fire Seed.

Blazing Light.

Divine Pen.

Green Lotus Sword Song.

He recognized them as the abilities of heroes from the game Honor of Kings, yet he was certain that the world he had been reborn into was in no way connected to that game.

The woman, noticing Lu Yi's bewildered look, frowned and asked, "Don't tell me you haven't awakened any innate skills?"

Awakening referred to the phenomenon where residents of the Holy Spirit Continent automatically mastered four skills by the age of ten. The woman before him, Gong Binghan, was a prodigy of the Gong family, blessed with the rare natural ice element as her innate skill.

To put it in terms Lu Yi could understand, she was akin to an ice mage.

"If the skills you've awakened are weak, there's no need for self-reproach. Your family never pegged you for a prodigy anyway," Gong Binghan stated coolly, her gaze carrying a trace of scorn.

On the Holy Spirit Continent, strength was paramount.

Since each person could only cultivate four skills, and those skills were predetermined, the innate skills one possessed were crucial in determining their potential for strength.

"I'm aware," Lu Yi responded with a sense of resignation.

From what he remembered,

he was the third-generation young master of the Lu family, a minor noble house on the Heavenly Saint Continent. It had been a rare occasion for his family to detect any talent for cultivation in him, so they had spared no expense in sending him to the distant Gong family for an awakening.

Unfortunately, the skill he had awakened was disappointingly weak. Unable to cope with the revelation, the original owner of the body had taken his own life, and Lu Yi, who had just died in a hospital, took over his soul.

"Take a break. There's an assessment at noon that will determine whether you can remain here with the Gong family to continue your cultivation. I might not hold much hope for you, but I still wish you'd give it your best shot," Gong Binghan said, leaving behind what could be construed as words of encouragement before exiting the room.

And what a room it was – a vast, barren space furnished with nothing more than a solitary bed.

In a swift mental tally, the space was easily over a hundred square meters – an expansive room with just a single bed for him, a newcomer. On Earth, where real estate prices could outshine the cost of gold, such a scenario was inconceivable.

"How extravagant," Lu Yi mused, but his thoughts quickly shifted to the pressing issue at hand.

First and foremost.

He had been reincarnated and might very well spend his future in an alien world. Adapting swiftly was essential, and the immediate challenge was selecting the talent and skills that would shape his destiny.

"Every skill from Honor of Kings is at my disposal, yet I'm limited to choosing only four."

Lu Yi, in his new existence, wasn't burdened with the mediocre talents of his predecessor.

He was free to choose for himself.

The catch was that his options were confined to the abilities found in Honor of Kings.

"What's the best choice?"

Lu Yi wrestled with the decision.

Selecting skills was tantamount to charting a course for his life. For a tranquil existence, one needed skills that ensured stability. For a life filled with excitement, the choices had to be daring.

And naturally.

There was the path of the mighty adventurer.

"In my past life, I was nothing more than a shut-in, enduring a meager existence, eventually succumbing in a hospital, unable to afford medical bills. My world was confined to a mere ten square meters."

Lu Yi had reached a decision.

This time around.

He intended to traverse the globe, to lead a life of grandeur, and if death were his fate, he'd ensure that Lu Yi's name would be etched in the annals of history.

"The world is fraught with peril, teeming with malevolent talents and soul beasts that threaten our very existence. Hence, a skill to safeguard my life is non-negotiable. My choice for the first skill is already clear."

Lu Yi engaged with the rune system in his mind.

He slotted 'Gale Summon' into one of the four vacant skill slots.

In the Holy Spirit Continent, such a skill bore a name so unremarkable that Gong Binghan would scoff at its mention. Yet, in Honor of Kings, it was the stuff of nightmares.

It boosted movement speed by 30%, allowed the user to evade all physical damage, and removed any slowing effects upon activation.

[Physical Immunity]!

An extraordinary skill wielded by the Archer Yu Ji.

Lu Yi's mind was rocked by a sudden explosion as he synchronized with the skill. Memories of the Gale Summon ability flooded in: "Immune to all attacks, uncontrollable for five seconds, speed increased by 50%!"

His pupils shrank in awe. The skill was incredibly overpowered.

But Lu Yi couldn't muster joy. "It consumes 50 points of Holy Spirit Power with a one-minute cooldown, and I only have 100 points!"

The silver lining, however, was that the skill was trainable. With practice, it would require less Holy Spirit Power and have a shorter cooldown.

"Decision made, no point dwelling on it. I've got my life-saving skill; now for an offensive one," Lu Yi resolved, despite the overwhelming number of attack skills in Honor of Kings.

"No need to hesitate."

He quickly selected his second skill: "Secret Technique – Ambush."

He chose the Lanying King's ultimate move, arguably the most balanced offensive and defensive skill in Honor of Kings. For someone like Lu Yi, eager to explore the world's marvels, it was the obvious choice.

"The energy cost is steep, though."

Using Ambush drained 50 points of Holy Spirit Power and initially lasted a mere ten seconds. But as he would cultivate it, the duration would extend.

"Now, all that's left is the passive and the ultimate skill," Lu Yi mused.

The passive skill was a no-brainer: "Kiss of Death."

Jing Ke's passive skill would refresh all cooldowns and restore 25% of lost HP upon defeating a talent or soul beast. For Lu Yi, often hampered by cooldowns, it was a divine ability.

Imagine the potential: with sufficient Holy Spirit Power, he would be formidable against soul beasts on his journeys.

"Just the ultimate skill to go."

Lu Yi hadn't anticipated identifying his innate talents so swiftly.

And as for that final, ultimate talent—there had been an answer all along.

"It has to be you."

Ultimate Move: Green Lotus Sword Song!

With a slight smile, Lu Yi fused the final skill into place, completing the most crucial task after soul transmigration.

As the quartet of skills coalesced.

Lu Yi's body was suffused with Holy Spirit Power, his once-mundane physique transformed, his life's essence elevated.

His entire demeanor underwent a transformation.

Eyes closed.

Savoring the changes within, Lu Yi's lips curved into a satisfied smile.

"Not bad at all."

As his life's essence ascended, a detached notification tone echoed in Lu Yi's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations, Host, for selecting your skill. System binding is successful."

"Ding! Congratulations, Host, on receiving the novice gift pack."

Without a moment's delay, Lu Yi eagerly opened the novice gift pack.

"Ding! Congratulations, Host, for acquiring 1 skill point."

"The Cold Winter Sword."

[Cold Winter has arrived. Blizzard. Freeze enemies. Costs nothing. Cooldown: 5 minutes.]

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