Summoning The Glory of Kings/C10 The Most Dangerous Place Was the Safest!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C10 The Most Dangerous Place Was the Safest!
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C10 The Most Dangerous Place Was the Safest!

Lu Yi's revelation jolted Xia Shan awake, as if a puzzle piece clicked into place.

"You're suggesting there's a connection with the Poison System Holy Soul Masters in Smallfrost?"

"Merely speculating," Lu Yi admitted, cautious not to jump to conclusions.

His suspicion arose from the fact that the soul beasts were converging on Smallfrost.

Their aberrant behavior seemed linked to the Poison System Holy Soul Master, especially since in Honor of Kings, poison abilities typically come with controlling effects.

They might not turn soul beasts into the undead, but control alone was a formidable power.

"I've never witnessed it myself, but my uncle has shared stories. Before Smallfrost, there was a family that took great pride in their mastery of poison."

"A family of Poison System specialists?"

"Exactly. My grandfather and father mentioned them too," Gong Binghan chimed in, a realization dawning on him.

"The Gu family!"

Xia Shan and Gong Binghan exclaimed together.

Over a century ago, the Gu family was a dominant force in Smallfrost, notorious for their poisonous prowess and taking pride in their venomous skills.

Their arrogance and disdain for others ultimately led to their downfall, as they were singled out and banished from the city.

"You should take your men and report back to the City Lord. Meanwhile, I'll delve deeper into this. We'll coordinate our efforts from both ends."


Xia Shan's respect for Lu Yi was boundless, even surpassing that for Xiahou. He hung on Lu Yi's every word.

"Maybe I should accompany you?" suggested Gong Binghan.

"That's not an option. We don't know what dangers lie ahead. You can't join me," Lu Yi said firmly, brooking no dissent.


"No 'buts.' That's the end of it."

With those final words, Lu Yi strode off, soon vanishing from sight.

Oddly, Lu Yi encountered no significant trouble on his journey. At worst, he faced a couple of minor soul beasts, which he dispatched effortlessly without even resorting to his skills.

He eyed the towering mountain range in the distance, a slight grin forming.

"We're closing in on our destination," he mused confidently.

Lu Yi's certainty was not unfounded. After all, the imposing range lay at the heart of Kensingtara Hill, known as the most perilous region.

For those operating behind the scenes, it was an uncommon sanctuary.

The most perilous places often proved to be the safest.

Mulling over this, Lu Yi couldn't help but pick up his pace.

After covering a distance of three to five hundred meters, he caught the sound of rustling.

"There's someone here!"

Without a second thought, Lu Yi ducked into the underbrush.

Soon enough, he spotted a group of uniformly dressed men heading his way.

Their attire made it clear: these were mercenaries who hunted soul beasts for hefty profits.

Yet, this band of mercenaries was utterly disheartened, resembling defeated roosters, heads hanging low in despair.

They looked so downcast it was as if 'despondent' was etched across their foreheads.

But fate has a way of playing tricks, especially when you're down.

Just when you're feeling your worst, it digs a pit to give you a nudge.

The mercenary group near Lu Yi was about to learn this firsthand.


A thunderous bellow jolted the dispirited men to attention.

Before them stood a soul beast as massive as a hillock.

More accurately, a ferocious beast.

The very Taotie that Lu Yi had driven off.

"Talk about bad luck!"

From his distant hiding spot, Lu Yi shook his head in dismay.

The mercenaries, on the other hand, were on high alert.

And the Taotie? It seemed to be lashing out in a fit of pique.

Its successive roars sapped the mercenaries of their will to fight.

Without waiting for them to react, the Taotie struck first.

Desperate to survive, the mercenaries rallied to fight back.

But against overwhelming power, they were like fish on a chopping block—helpless prey.

"We're going all in!"

A bearded man bellowed, charging headlong into the fray.

Moments later, he was sent flying back like a kite with its string cut.

Unable to stand by any longer, Lu Yi leaped out, positioning himself between the mercenaries and the Taotie.

At the sight of Lu Yi, the Taotie's pupils shrank, and it quivered uncontrollably.

The mercenaries were stunned, their gazes filled with awe as they looked at Lu Yi.

What sort of power did he possess to make a fierce beast cower in fear?

What happens if he strikes?

And if he's an adversary?

Could they all be annihilated?

With these thoughts, everyone began to shiver like the mythical Taotie.

Only the big-bearded man who had been knocked down managed to pick himself up and, with great deference, clasped his hands together, saying, "Thank you for your help. I'm the leader of the Thunder Wolf Mercenary Group, known as Thunder Wolf. How may I address you?"

"No need for thanks. I saw injustice on the road and drew my sword to help. It was nothing. Just call me Lu Yi."

"Understood, Brother Lu! What brings you to Kensingtara Hill all by yourself?"

Thunder Wolf inquired with caution, wary of speaking out of turn.

"Just taking a leisurely stroll, nothing more. But what's got you all in such disarray?"

Lu Yi cut straight to the chase without mincing words.

He was already calculating his next move.

Right now, he was short on hands!

And these folks might just come in handy at the heart of Kensingtara Hill.

"Ah, it's not worth mentioning!"

Thunder Wolf gestured dismissively, his face a portrait of resignation starkly contrasting with his brawny confidence.

But Lu Yi needed no explanation; Thunder Wolf's expression said it all.

"Have you been double-crossed?"

"How did you know, Brother Lu? To be honest, it's a bit embarrassing. Every year, we hunt low-level soul beasts to support our families. This time, on our way here, we encountered another mercenary group. We'd just come out of a tough battle, everyone was wounded, and that's when we were ambushed and robbed," Thunder Wolf explained thoroughly.

"I see. Well then, I'll help you reclaim your belongings!"

Lu Yi offered, presenting an offer Thunder Wolf couldn't refuse.

"Are you serious, Brother Lu?"

"There's just one condition. After we get your items back, you'll need to accompany me to the center of Kensingtara Hill."


Thunder Wolf hesitated.

The depths of Kensingtara Hill were no place for a mercenary group of their caliber.

Even elite mercenary groups might not return alive from such a place.

Going there would be like serving themselves up to the soul beast on a silver platter.

But before Thunder Wolf could object,

Lu Yi, intuitively grasping his thoughts, dangled an even more alluring offer.

"The soul beast will be mine, but the rewards will be yours. Plus, I assure you a safe return. Once back, each of you will have the opportunity to join the Liger Guard!"

The Liger Guard!

The Liger Guard of Smallfrost!

Expressions of astonishment washed over Thunder Wolf and his comrades.

For mercenaries accustomed to living on the knife's edge, the city guards of any typical town were a distant dream.

And the Liger Guard, an elite personal guard, was something else entirely!

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