Summoning The Glory of Kings/C12 Battle of the Soul Beasts!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C12 Battle of the Soul Beasts!
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C12 Battle of the Soul Beasts!

In an instant, Lu Yi vanished from his spot, as though he had never been there at all.

Ipalth suddenly found himself without a target. He had Lu Yi in his sights, but then his adversary's presence just vanished without a trace.

The sensation of throwing a heavy punch into thin air was intensely frustrating, leaving Ipalth feeling deeply uncomfortable, unable to release his pent-up aggression, almost choking on his own blood.

In reality, Lu Yi was merely steps away, observing Ipalth deploy his skills as if he were merely a spectator.

It must be acknowledged that among the formidable opponents Lu Yi had encountered, Ipalth was notably skilled. His technique, if further refined, would be devastatingly powerful on the battlefield, an undeniable asset.

It's no surprise he had slain so many soul beasts.

However, stealth attacks do have their time constraints.

Moreover, Lu Yi was eager for a swift resolution; he had no intention of squandering time here.

Be it Smallfrost or the Gong family, they were but minor players on this vast continent.

He had no desire to be ensnared in such confines.

The Cold Winter Sword thrust forward, its icy gleam slicing through the heavens, impaling Ipalth through the chest.

With a thunderous crash, Ipalth collapsed to the ground, his eyes wide with disbelief.

He simply couldn't fathom being bested by a youth.

"Could you be... a yellow level master?" Ipalth gasped out the question, then drew his final breath.

In a single stroke, Lu Yi had dispatched the mightiest of them all, seemingly without breaking a sweat.

The Crimson Blood Mercenaries stood in shock, until someone cried out, "Avenge the Captain!" and they surged forward in a frenzy.

"Kill!" Thunder Wolf bellowed, leading his troops into the fray.

Ipalth's demise had sent his followers' morale into a nosedive, no match for the ferocity of the Thunder Wolf Mercenary Group, and they were quickly eradicated.

Surveying the multitude of fallen bodies, Lu Yi remained impassive.

Should the soul beasts breach the city, the tens of thousands of Smallfrost citizens would be reduced to mere fodder.

Such was the harsh reality of this world.

Thunder Wolf gathered the loot and, kneeling before Lu Yi, presented him with the bounty: "Sir, here are eight thousand gold coins and seven hundred soul beast crystals."

"Alright, keep it. Strip off some of the better gear, and let's head to the heart of Kensingtara Hill to see what madness has overtaken the soul beasts."

"By the way, what did he mean by a 'yellow level' expert before he died?"

Thunder Wolf wasn't puzzled by Lu Yi's question. Without his fortuitous encounter, he too would have been unaware of such formidable beings in the world.

"My lord, the world actually has four tiers of power: Heaven, Earth, Black, and Yellow."

Thunder Wolf's knowledge was limited, but it was enough to enlighten Lu Yi.

Warriors of this world could only awaken four skills, yet the enhancement of these skills was akin to a metamorphosis.

A single transformation elevates a skill to the yellow level.

But throughout the continent's vast history, the mightiest have only attained the earth level, possessing the power to churn seas and revered as deities.

Yellow level experts, however, were unheard of in both Smallfrost City and the Gong family.

"Advancing a skill is indeed challenging. I'm curious about the capabilities of a yellow level expert," Lu Yi said, his interest piqued.

Ipalth considered himself a yellow level expert, but Lu Yi knew better. His own skill level fell short of Ipalth's, yet the sheer potency of his abilities was unmatched.

Take the Green Lotus Sword Song, for instance, ethereal as a celestial being and with an elusive quality that made it untraceable. Should a yellow level expert dare to confront Lu Yi, they might find themselves at a disadvantage.

After regrouping, the party hastened towards the center of Kensingtara Hill.

Kensingtara Hill, a haven for soul beasts, had never seen the birth of a yellow level creature.

Had there been one, Smallfrost City would have been razed long ago.

Both Xiahou and Lu Yi found the situation peculiar.

The soul beast tides of Kensingtara Hill had surged before, but this occurrence was notably bizarre.

It was as though an unseen force was orchestrating the chaos from the shadows.

With Thunder Wolf's intimate knowledge of the hill, he guided Lu Yi and the rest past several soul beast lairs, swiftly arriving at the core of the region.

Thunder Wolf had only ventured into the central area twice, each visit marked by a brief stop before he hastily retreated.

The soul beasts that roamed this region were formidable adversaries, possessing not only strength and special abilities but intelligence on par with humans.

Many a powerful mercenary group had sought to conquer this territory, only to end up as prey to the soul beasts.

"Sir, we've penetrated deep into the central area. The soul beasts here are highly territorial, and I fear we've been detected," Thunder Wolf said, his voice quivering with apprehension.

Lu Yi shook his head, pointing ahead. "There's a surge of energy coming from that direction."

Thunder Wolf paused, taken aback. He hadn't noticed anything amiss, only the omnipresent sense of peril.

"Come on, let's check it out. There might be an unexpected discovery ahead," Lu Yi said, his interest piqued.

It appeared that their journey to the heart of Kensingtara Hill was well-timed; the behavior of the soul beasts here was indeed peculiar.

Having recently ascended to the rank of commander of the Liger Guard, Lu Yi knew that successfully quelling the beast tide would significantly bolster his prestige.

After all, without renown, how could one encounter all the world's beauties?

Lu Yi was known for his swiftness, but navigating the central area required a more cautious pace, especially with Thunder Wolf and the others in tow.

His temperament, a blend of action and stillness, became more apparent, and Thunder Wolf, particularly attuned to the aura of killing intent, sensed it emanating from Lu Yi.

It was a transcendent quality, as if he were not of this world.

Thunder Wolf concealed his astonishment; Lu Yi was no ordinary figure.

To rise to the position of commander of the Liger Guard at such a young age, becoming a notable personage in Smallfrost, was no small feat.

It wouldn't be long before he made his mark within the dynasty.

Perhaps aligning with such a being was the opportunity the Thunder Wolf Mercenary Group had been waiting for.

The distant roars echoed like thunder, palpable even to the frailest of mercenaries, signaling a titanic clash.

It was a confrontation among the mightiest of soul beasts, evoking a sense of the sky crumbling and the earth splitting asunder.

Lu Yi instructed the remaining mercenaries to stay put, allowing only Thunder Wolf to accompany him.

Amidst the overwhelming presences, the mercenaries struggled to even keep their footing. Should they have charged into the fray, it's likely they would have been frozen with terror right there.

Thunder Wolf steeled himself and pressed on. The tumult they heard could only mean one thing: the rulers of Kensingtara Hill were clashing in combat.

What could possibly drive the kings of Kensingtara Hill to engage in such fratricidal warfare?

Thunder Wolf was aware that Kensingtara Hill was home to four sovereign soul beasts, each commanding legions of their kind and ruling over their respective domains.

Yet, in a startling turn of events, these four soul beast monarchs were now embroiled in a fierce melee, each leading their finest warriors into the maelstrom.

Witnessing the spectacle of hundreds of soul beasts locked in battle, even Lu Yi was taken aback, his mouth agape in astonishment.

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