Summoning The Glory of Kings/C14 Traces!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C14 Traces!
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C14 Traces!

Lu Yi was unaware that a yellow-level Beastmaster had already set his sights on him.

As the sovereign of soul beasts in Kensingtara Hill, Taotie commanded a number of these creatures.

With Taotie's assistance, Lu Yi gained a basic understanding of the lay of the land in Kensingtara Hill.

Clearly, the Beastmaster's power was beyond what he had imagined, particularly in this terrain teeming with soul beasts—it was essentially the Beastmaster's home turf.

Lu Yi had Thunder Wolf dispatch a few mercenaries to relay the situation of Kensingtara Hill to Smallfrost City.

The system had issued a mission, after all, and six skill points were not to be easily earned.

Lu Yi was not about to forfeit such a bountiful reward.

Yet, Thunder Wolf and his crew were too feeble; even the mightier soul beasts could easily claim their lives.

Should they encounter the Beastmaster, Thunder Wolf and his group would prove almost useless.

They might even turn into a liability for Lu Yi.

Lu Yi had boldly promised to bring them back safely and then have them join the Liger Guard, where they could live the good life.

Lu Yi turned his attention to the system.

This was, after all, a system from Honor of Kings. Lu Yi was akin to a hero in combat, while Thunder Wolf was like a minion.

The health and attack power of a minion, of course, had potential for enhancement.

"System, is there a way to boost the Thunder Wolf Mercenary Group's strength?" Lu Yi inquired, half-expecting no answer from the system.

To his surprise, the system responded immediately.

"Ding! Congratulations, host, for activating the follower feature."

Lu Yi was ecstatic—it was like someone had handed him a pillow just as he wished for a nap.

He promptly accessed the follower interface and discovered he could enlist up to six followers, although only the first slot was currently available.

Lu Yi reviewed the follower slot details.

Allies within a thirty-meter radius of the follower would receive a 10% boost to their movement speed and attack power.

This was incredibly game-changing!

Lu Yi drew in a sharp breath. The follower's enhancements could also apply to him.

His speed was already remarkable, and with an additional 10% increase to his movement and attack power, his capabilities would surge significantly.

This turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

"Thunder Wolf!"

Lu Yi summoned Thunder Wolf to his side.

Thunder Wolf held a deep respect for Lu Yi's strength. Gone was his earlier disdain, replaced now by fervent admiration.

"Master!" Thunder Wolf knelt on one knee.

"Thunder Wolf, in recognition of your unwavering loyalty, I offer you a chance at fortune. Would you be willing to become my retainer?"

Thunder Wolf paused, momentarily taken aback. As a seasoned mercenary captain, he'd traveled far and wide and had seen much.

He was well aware of the concept of retainers.

Yet such positions were reserved for the most elite forces.

Even the Lord of Smallfrost City lacked the privilege to take on retainers.

What status did Lu Yi possess to be able to accept a retainer?

Thunder Wolf realized he had stumbled upon a tremendous opportunity. To pass it up now would be a regret that could last a lifetime.

"Thunder Wolf is willing to become your retainer, Master!"

Lu Yi breathed a sigh of relief. His concern was that Thunder Wolf might refuse, which would have forced him to compel agreement.

With Thunder Wolf's consent, a golden circle of light emerged beneath his feet, radiating out in waves to a thirty-meter radius.

As the golden ripples reached him, Lu Yi felt his body lighten significantly, nearly causing him to shudder.

The other mercenaries began to shout with excitement as they felt a ten percent surge in their strength.

Half an hour later, Taotie returned with news that caught Lu Yi off guard.

The Beastmaster had not left Mount Kensingtara; instead, he had set up camp there, seemingly plotting something.

"It looks like they're planning to strike at Smallfrost, but unfortunately..." A cold smile played on Lu Yi's lips. It was their misfortune to have crossed paths with him.

Lu Yi instructed Thunder Wolf to join Taotie in formation while he himself slipped into invisibility, moving silently towards the adversary.

Beastmasters were exceedingly rare; neither in Smallfrost City nor within the Gong family's records could Lu Yi recall any mention of such a profession.

For Lu Yi, encountering a Beastmaster on Kensingtara Hill was an exhilarating event.

He was a mere three hundred meters from the Beastmaster's position, close enough for a stealthy strike.

Lu Yi could see a man and a bird engaged in conversation.

"Ding! Congratulations, host. You've completed the mission and earned six skill points."

Without hesitation, Lu Yi allocated all the skill points to his Green Lotus Sword Song.

The Green Lotus Sword Song, an area-of-effect skill, grew more formidable with each level, particularly in group combat situations.

Yet, Lu Yi lamented his scant Holy Spirit Power, barely enough for three uses of the Green Lotus Sword Song before being drained.

He hoped the Beastmaster wasn't too formidable and that the battle would be swift.

Suddenly, the Red Skylark screeched, its wings slicing through the air towards Lu Yi.

The slicing wind blade, with its soul-shaking ferocity, loomed over Lu Yi.

"How could this be..." Lu Yi gasped, stunned that the Red Skylark had detected him.

"Gale Summon!"

Dodging the wind blade, Lu Yi locked eyes with the Red Skylark, its overwhelming presence sending shivers down his spine.

"What's the matter, Red Skylark?" Gu Yan snapped to attention, his smile twisted with malice. "To think there are still rats lurking around Kensingtara Hill."

Both Gu Yan and the Red Skylark were of the yellow level, making it nearly impossible for any martial artist below that rank to hide their presence from them, no matter how skilled.

In fact, not even Smallfrost City boasted a yellow level expert.

Together, Gu Yan and the Red Skylark could lay waste to Smallfrost City.

But Gu Yan's plan to bleed the city slowly was interrupted by this unexpected complication.

"Ding! Mission triggered: Defeat or slay the Yellow-level Beastmaster Gu Yan. The reward is ascension to the yellow level."

Upon receiving the system prompt, Lu Yi inhaled deeply. A yellow-level Beastmaster was the cause of the immense pressure he felt.

Yet, he was a man empowered by the Honor of Kings system; defeat here was not an option.

Even though using Gale Summon had given away his position, Lu Yi had vanished into stealth mode in an instant.

Now, he was unleashing the Kiss of Death.

His gaze was fixed on the Red Skylark. The true strength of a Beastmaster lay in his companion beast. Eliminate the Red Skylark, and whatever tricks Gu Yan had up his sleeve would be inconsequential to Lu Yi.

"Just a tiny mouse. Watch as I swallow it whole!" The Red Skylark was inexplicably thrilled, issuing a piercing screech that summoned a multitude of soul beasts to its side.

Meanwhile, Thunder Wolf and his companions had timely arrived at the scene.

The battle cry rang out: Kill!

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