Summoning The Glory of Kings/C16 Suppress!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C16 Suppress!
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C16 Suppress!

A Yellow Level powerhouse!

Lu Yi!

It was only after Lu Yi ascended to the ranks of a Yellow Level expert that he truly grasped the formidable nature of such a warrior.

A Yellow Level expert possessed at least one skill that had attained the tenth level.

A skill of such caliber, once unleashed, could not only turn rivers and seas upside down but its might was exponentially greater than that of a level one skill.

It must be said that Lu Yi was incredibly fortunate to have emerged victorious and slain the Red Skylark.

The Red Skylark, in its arrogance and conceit, utterly dismissed Lu Yi and his companions, regarding them as nothing more than insects.

Such disdain and negligence were the true architects of the Red Skylark's downfall.

From within the Red Skylark's body, Lu Yi extracted a massive soul crystal, one that was imbued with an exceptionally rich energy, distinct from other soul crystals.

Moreover, every part of the Red Skylark was a treasure trove. The Thunder Wolf Mercenary Group spent a full half-hour meticulously dissecting the Red Skylark's remains.

The materials they retrieved were, by Thunder Wolf's estimates, even more valuable than the previously acquired soul crystals.

Lu Yi turned his gaze to the Taotie.

Now a Yellow Level expert himself, Lu Yi's discernment had significantly sharpened, allowing him to recognize the extraordinary nature of the Taotie.

As one of the potential rulers of Kensingtara Hill, the Taotie was on the cusp of the Yellow Level. However, breaking through to that tier was no simple feat.

Otherwise, the expansive domain of Smallfrost City would have already produced a Yellow Level expert.

The Taotie, eyeing the Red Skylark's soul crystal, displayed an unmistakable longing.

"Taotie, if you consume this soul crystal, could you ascend to the Yellow Level?" Lu Yi inquired abruptly.

Taken aback, the Taotie then prostrated itself before Lu Yi, for whom advancing to the Yellow Level would signify a profound transformation.

Lu Yi was at a loss for what to do with the Red Skylark's soul crystal.

With a newfound appreciation for the strength of a Yellow Level expert, Lu Yi set his sights on Kensingtara Hill.

The Lu family, reliant on the Gong family for support, would see their standing dramatically transformed with a Yellow Level expert to fortify their ranks.

"Let's make a pact. Become my pet beast, and I'll ensure your ascension to the yellow level," Lu Yi said, his tone casual as if ascending to the yellow level was a trivial task for him.

Without a moment's hesitation, the Taotie extracted a drop of its essence blood from its forehead and presented it to Lu Yi.

Lu Yi accepted the offering and swallowed it whole. In that moment, a delicate bond formed between them, so potent that with a mere thought, he could cause the Taotie to self-destruct.

Having given the Red Skylark's soul crystal to the Taotie, Lu Yi instructed it to remain at Kensingtara Hill.

The might of Kensingtara Hill was enough to instill fear in the hearts of those in Smallfrost. By having the Taotie stay, Lu Yi aimed to harness and integrate its formidable power.

Upon his return to Smallfrost, the news Lu Yi brought with him sent shockwaves through Xiahou.

Xiahou's complexion turned a ghastly pale. It was beyond his comprehension that the beast tide was not only man-made but orchestrated by a formidable yellow level Beastmaster.

It was fortunate he had sought out Lu Yi at the Gong family's residence; otherwise, Smallfrost might have been in ruins by now.

"This matter must be reported to the prefecture!" Xiahou wasted no time on pleasantries with Lu Yi and promptly relayed the information to the authorities.

With a yellow level expert involved, Xiahou dared not keep the incident under wraps, especially since the Beastmaster's target was Smallfrost itself.

Xiahou kept the incident discreet, merely summoning the city's elite to concisely inform them of the situation.

As the grand commander of the Liger Guard, Lu Yi had integrated the Thunder Wolf Mercenary Group into their ranks. He then had Xia Shan divide the guards into three teams, rotating patrols throughout the city to preempt any potential unrest.

Three days later, word arrived from the prefecture confirming the incident was the work of a rogue yellow level expert. The authorities had mobilized their forces to apprehend Gu Yan with utmost urgency.

In those three days, the weight of worry had aged Xiahou considerably.

"Commander Lu, I require your assistance with a matter."

Lu Yi found it peculiar. A mere yellow level Beastmaster had managed to frighten Xiahou, a respected city lord and a figure of authority. What could have spooked him so thoroughly?

"City Lord, pursuing that yellow level Beastmaster won't be a quick task," Lu Yi admitted, rubbing his temples. Gu Yan had slipped away using a secret treasure, and his whereabouts were anyone's guess.

The past three days had been quite comfortable for Lu Yi. Aside from the Thunder Wolf, few in Smallfrost were aware that he had attained the status of a yellow level expert.

During this time, Lu Yi immersed himself in a wealth of books, deepening his understanding of the world around him. Smallfrost City fell under the governance of Jiangzhou, which boasted dozens of cities of its stature.

The sheer size of Jiangzhou's territory left Lu Yi astounded, dwarfing the large provinces of his previous life. The thought of how vast the entire continent might be was staggering.

Many people spent their entire lives within the confines of their family's domain, never venturing beyond. Considering the wilderness teemed with soul beasts, and a single misstep could turn one into their prey, it was hardly surprising. This was no laughing matter.

Upon realizing the enormity of this world, Lu Yi could hardly contain his joy.

"Commander Lu, this visit isn't about the yellow level Beastmaster. The prefecture has intervened, and the other party wouldn't dare make a bold move now," explained the visitor.

"The real reason I'm here is to ask for your assistance. The Four City Alliance Conference is fast approaching. I was slated to lead our delegation, but given recent events, I'd like to request that you take charge this time."

Lu Yi was familiar with the Four City Alliance Conference, a gathering of the numerous cities under Jiangzhou's jurisdiction. Some were hundreds, even thousands of kilometers apart, but those in close proximity had banded together to form alliances, ready to face any crisis.

Smallfrost, Castleminster, Hawk Castle, and the other cities in the alliance were fairly matched in strength. And with the looming threat of the Beast Tide, unity among them was stronger than ever.

What's more crucial is that the four cities share governance over a land of treasures, within which lies the Transcending Mortality Fruit.

Consuming this fruit offers a rare opportunity to ascend to the yellow level.

However, with only one Transcending Mortality Fruit available and no fair way to divide it among the cities, it is typically sold to the prefecture in exchange for various rewards.

But this year's Four City Alliance Conference has taken an unexpected turn.

Hawk Castle is hosting the event and has announced a new twist: a contest among the youth. The victor will be awarded the coveted Transcending Mortality Fruit.

"Commander Lu, the odds of the Transcending Mortality Fruit enabling a breakthrough to the yellow level are slim, but hope remains... You possess remarkable talent, yet to gain entry to the prefecture, reaching the yellow level is a minimum requirement."

"That is where true practitioners belong. Anywhere below the prefecture is essentially a lawless realm."

Lu Yi was taken aback by this revelation.

It wasn't the scarcity of yellow level masters that surprised him, but rather the implication that the region itself might be imposing limits on the advancement of the Ten Thousand Spirits.

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