Summoning The Glory of Kings/C17 Return to the Gong Family!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C17 Return to the Gong Family!
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C17 Return to the Gong Family!

Upon learning that Lu Yi had taken on another mission, his people expressed their concerns to him with worry in their voices. They all understood that Lu Yi was now living in a different realm from them.

Despite not knowing why Lu Yi consistently chose to battle in perilous places, they recognized that once he made up his mind, no amount of persuasion would change his course. As Lu Yi's supporters, they could only offer their silent backing from the shadows.

Those who stood with Lu Yi knew well that their support was essential. His actions carried a special significance, and their role was to stand behind him.

"Don't worry. You need to trust me. I will definitely return. Aren't you aware of my strength?" Lu Yi reassured them.

Looking at the faces before him, Lu Yi felt a profound warmth in his heart. With a wave of his hand, he departed from his home.

Home was filled with so many beautiful people that it was like a siren's call, tempting Lu Yi to forget his troubles. But he was aware that succumbing to such distractions could lead to serious trouble.

Lu Yi's safety was far from guaranteed. The mastermind who had killed his family was still at large, an adversary beyond his current ability to confront. Despite his long search, the true nature of this hidden enemy remained elusive, underscoring the danger Lu Yi faced.

With this awareness of danger, Lu Yi knew he had to keep enhancing his strength. He was convinced that only by becoming more powerful could he face the mastermind, or any other threat, with confidence.

Beyond the immediate threat, Lu Yi felt a pervasive sense of crisis. Joining the organization had opened his eyes to a world much more complex and perilous than any ordinary person could fathom. Invisible forces and unimaginable entities lurked beyond the veil of the ordinary—like the small world he had previously entered, and now the emergence of an Atlantis, realms beyond the wildest dreams of the uninitiated.

These were the stuff of legends, yet Lu Yi had encountered them firsthand. All these experiences led him to one conclusion: the world was far more intricate than he had ever imagined.

There might be even more dangerous entities lurking in this world than we can imagine.

"Could all the legends and myths actually be true? If that's the case, even with my current abilities, I'd be nothing but cannon fodder, easily snuffed out in a single breath."

This thought instilled an overwhelming sense of urgency in Lu Yi. He was well aware that his strength was considerable compared to the average person.

But against those truly fearsome beings, he was still far too weak.

These formidable entities could extinguish Lu Yi as effortlessly as blowing out a candle. That was a level of power he couldn't hope to resist.

"I need to boost my strength—and fast. That way, if I face any challenges in the future, I'll have a fighting chance to respond."

With a determined clench of his fists, Lu Yi resolved to rapidly bolster his abilities.

This time, his journey was to Atlantis, and he hadn't bothered with packing a change of clothes.

Aside from what he was wearing, Lu Yi's only companion was a massive long sword he held in his grip.

The sword was like an extension of himself, a weapon far superior to any ordinary alloy blade.

Heading into peril, it was essential to bring such a formidable weapon. It was the key to ensuring his safety.

Despite striding through the streets with the enormous sword, the people around him scarcely batted an eye.

Times had changed. In a world advancing at breakneck speed, Lu Yi's presence with the sword didn't even draw curious glances.

They probably assumed he was engaged in some elaborate role-playing, and nobody believed the sword was genuine.

Some even whipped out their phones to snap photos of him, unable to resist capturing Lu Yi's imposing stature, even though he lacked the usual cosplay attire and only wielded the massive sword.

But Lu Yi wasn't fazed by their attention; he had grown accustomed to such reactions and ignored the continuous clicks of cameras.

Upon arriving at the airport, he quickly spotted the individuals there to meet him.

As an operative of a secretive organization tasked with a special mission, Lu Yi's flight was anything but ordinary.

On this occasion, Lu Yi had chartered a private jet, making him the sole passenger aboard.

Additionally, he was allowed to bring his long sword with him.

For someone in his organization, carrying weapons and gear was standard practice, and there would be no inspections to worry about for Lu Yi.

In fact, Lu Yi bypassed security altogether and proceeded directly to the waiting area.

The flight crew was comprised of individuals with specialized training, accustomed to serving VIPs.

Upon witnessing Lu Yi board with his long sword, the crew was filled with curiosity.

Yet, due to their professionalism, they understood that it was not their place to engage Lu Yi in conversation under these circumstances.

Instead, they observed him with a respectful curiosity.

The crew was well aware that those who flew on such a plane were of the highest caliber.

Typically, they interacted with individuals exuding powerful presences, clearly indicative of high-ranking officials.

Lu Yi, however, presented a different image. He possessed a unique aura that set him apart from the usual dignitaries.

Thanks to the special arrangements made for him, Lu Yi reached his destination in no time.

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