Summoning The Glory of Kings/C18 The Patriarch's Thoughts!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C18 The Patriarch's Thoughts!
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C18 The Patriarch's Thoughts!

But what on earth was this Lu Yi character who burst onto the scene? He swooped in and snatched away everything that was theirs, not even leaving them a scrap of underwear. Their hatred for Lu Yi was so intense it was as if they could no longer share the same sky.

Blinded by this hatred, they failed to recognize the vast gulf between themselves and Lu Yi. "This guy is way too cocky. I want to put him in his place," one of them grumbled.

"You think you're the only one? I'm burning to do the same. The rage of having your wife stolen is as deep as the pain of losing a father. Gong Binghan was nearly mine, but then this Lu Yi comes out of nowhere and takes her from me. I want him dead!" another seethed, his eyes bloodshot with fury.

Clearly, hatred had clouded his judgment, driving him to madness. "But we're no match for him now. What do we do?"

"We wait. There's always a way," came the reply.

Meanwhile, these men huddled together, murmuring in hushed tones, plotting their next move.

Across the way, Lu Yi had exerted tremendous effort to snap these people out of their blind adoration and back to reality. "There's an important matter I need to share with you," Xu Yang said, relieved to see their expressions returning to normal.

"Commander Lu, whatever it is, just say the word," the Gong family patriarch declared, thumping his chest with a readiness to face any challenge for his leader.

Indeed, the patriarch of the Gong family had accepted his role; he was Lu Yi's subordinate. Despite his seniority and being many times Lu Yi's age, power trumped all. In this world, might made right, and the powerful dictated the fates of others.

Seniority? If you're weak, who cares about your age?

"Ahem, I wouldn't go as far as to say I'd go through fire and water, but I've come to inform you that tomorrow, Smallfrost City will dispatch a team to the Four City Gathering. The Gong family is to select five of its most exceptional talents. As team leader, I will guide our Smallfrost City to ultimate victory!"

After listening, the Gong family patriarch nodded, showing no surprise.

"We've been notified by the City Lord," he said. "The candidates have been chosen. By tomorrow, we can..."

It was then that something seemed off to him. It took a moment, but the realization dawned on him—hadn't Lu Yi mentioned he was the team leader?

Lu Yi, the team leader?

The revelation left the patriarch of the Gong family utterly astonished.

Eventually, he managed a wry smile, accepting the turn of events with a mix of resignation and delight.

Now, he believed that not fully committing Xu Yang to the City Lord was the best decision of his life.

His thoughts turned to Gong Binghan.

"Don't waste this chance, Little Han," he mused. "You mustn't let Lu Yi fall into the hands of some enchanting temptress..."


After everything that had happened, it was clear Lu Yi couldn't stay in his original room any longer.

The room was spacious, but it was bare and lonely.

The Gong family patriarch had Lu Yi move into a courtyard house.

This place, wow, it was called a courtyard, but it came complete with artificial hills and waterscapes.

Lu Yi surveyed his new surroundings with a touch of sentiment.

This was the house of his dreams, and to think it had become a reality so swiftly.

Yet, the idea of living out his days here had lost its appeal.

No matter how picturesque the artificial scenery, it couldn't compare to the beauty of nature.

Lu Yi's new aspiration was to roam through real mountains and rivers, to explore the world's poetry and distant horizons.

Still, spending a night in such a room wasn't too shabby.

As he entered, a squeaking noise caught his attention.

Lu Yi was puzzled. Wasn't this courtyard supposed to be empty?

There shouldn't be anyone around, so what was the source of the noise?

Could there be a thief? That seemed unlikely.

With a look of confusion, Lu Yi stepped further inside, only to come face to face with Gong Binghan.

"What are you doing here?" they asked in unison.

Both paused, taken aback.

Gong Binghan stepped back, her cheeks flushed, her gaze downcast.

She appeared utterly bewildered.

Suddenly, Xu Yang was reminded of a saying from Earth: "In a world with few truths, a woman's blush is worth more than anything else."

Gong Binghan's cheeks were flushed — it was plain as day.

Then, Lu Yi stepped in front of him, a mischievous grin on his face. "What's up? What brings you to my room?"

"The Patriarch sent me," Gong Binghan murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lu Yi, caught off guard, hadn't expected the Gong family Patriarch to send her. But he wasn't naive; the Patriarch's intentions were clear as crystal.

As Gong Binghan's blush deepened, it was evident she had realized something too. Her body tensed, her face etched with fear. Clearly, she was terrified.

Xu Yang glanced at her, unimpressed by the drama. "This compound is large, with plenty of rooms. Find somewhere else to sleep."

With that, Xu Yang stretched out on the bed, his tone nonchalant. "Got things to do tomorrow, so best hit the hay early. Goodnight."

Without another look at Gong Binghan, he closed his eyes.

Stunned, Gong Binghan stood there. Lu Yi, lying on the bed, was the epitome of youthful rebellion — handsome, passionate, and wild. Yet, on certain matters, he was as proper as an old maid.

Gong Binghan questioned herself. In her shoes, wouldn't another man have leaped at the opportunity like a starving wolf? But not Lu Yi.

"Fine, I'm going," Gong Binghan said, exiting the room. As the door clicked shut, a wave of disappointment washed over her.

Outside, she let out a forlorn sigh. Was her allure insufficient? Why did Lu Yi seem indifferent to her?

With a heavy heart, Gong Binghan left the courtyard.

Back inside, Lu Yi opened his eyes, a wry smile on his face. The room's lingering scent stirred something within him. He understood the Gong family head's reasons for sending Gong Binghan.

But Lu Yi was a man of principles. Sure, he appreciated beauty — who didn't? Yet, principles defined him just as much.

Such matters can only come to pass when there is mutual affection.


The following morning, the elite of Smallfrost City assembled in the square before the Lord's Mansion in Flatminster. Lu Yi, serving as the team leader, stood with commanding presence before the gathered individuals, surveying the crowd below.

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