Summoning The Glory of Kings/C19 Set up Camp!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C19 Set up Camp!
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C19 Set up Camp!

"This time, our journey to Transcending Mortality Canyon is a departure from the norm."

"Because this time, we're going to battle for the glory of Sky Eagle City and to claim the Transcending Mortality Fruit. Do you have the confidence to succeed?" Lu Yi asked with fervor.

He had rehearsed these lines the night before, and now he was delivering them with conviction.

Yet, the response from the crowd below took Xu Yang by surprise.

A throng of fiery youths bellowed their confidence.

Their faces were aglow with excitement, their voices thundering through the skies!

From below, Lu Kaishan, the head of the Lu family, watched Lu Yi with satisfaction, stroking his long beard with pride.

"Sending Lu Yi to the Gong family was the best decision of my life."

"Indeed, who would have guessed Lu Yi was such a dark horse? We mistook him for a failure, only to discover he's a prodigy."

"Hehe, I have a feeling that with Lu Yi among us, it's only a matter of time before our Lu family surpasses the Gong family. It's just that our past treatment of Lu Yi... it wasn't exactly kind. Maybe we should extend an olive branch, try to win back his favor."

The Lu family patriarch, Lu Kaishan, and the other elders murmured among themselves, their eyes tinged with remorse for not recognizing Lu Yi's talents sooner.

On the stage, Lu Yi spoke briefly before concluding.

He was never one for superfluous words.

After Lu Yi's succinct speech, the City Lord of Smallfrost took the stage. Despite his rousing yet verbose rhetoric, the elite youths below listened with a mix of enthusiasm and weariness.

Eventually, the City Lord wrapped up his long-winded speech and got to the heart of the matter.

"This time, our expedition will be led by Commander Lu Yi, with Zhang Ziping serving as his deputy."

No sooner had he spoken than a man with a square, earnest face stepped forward.

A murmur swept through the crowd.

"Wasn't he the captain before? Now he's been made the deputy."

"Right, I thought he was always the one in charge. I assumed he wouldn't be part of this mission, but to see him as the deputy is unexpected."

"Yeah, but you've got to admit, Commander Lu Yi is seriously impressive. In just a matter of days, he's managed to secure the City Lord's complete trust."

These murmurs found their way to Zhang Ziping's ears, intensifying the already tumultuous waves in his unsettled heart.

His eyes bore into Lu Yi with a deep-seated hatred.

Lu Yi felt a piercing sensation on his back, as if being stabbed by something sharp, causing him great discomfort.

Turning around, he caught sight of the fiery anger in Zhang Ziping's eyes.

Clearly, the fury was aimed at him.

Lu Yi was puzzled. What had he done wrong? He couldn't recall offending this person, so why such a hostile gaze?

"Hello, I'm not quite sure of the way around here. Even though I'm a lieutenant, I could use your guidance," Lu Yi said with a smile, extending his hand.

Zhang Ziping's face darkened further, his expression as cold and unwelcoming as ancient ice.

"Heh, you think you're so capable? At least you realize you're just a greenhorn."

The words were laced with sarcasm, leaving an unpleasant taste.

Lu Yi heard the jibe and, though it made him uncomfortable, chose not to engage. He simply withdrew his hand.

If Zhang Ziping wasn't going to be cordial, Lu Yi saw no reason to extend any courtesies in return.

Lu Yi lived by a simple principle: if someone showed him respect, he'd return it tenfold. But if they came at him with coldness, he wouldn't waste his warmth.

Xiahou, the City Lord of Flatminster, had also picked up on the tension between Lu Yi and Zhang Ziping.

With a light cough, he approached Zhang Ziping, chuckling as he spoke.

"Brother Zhang, I understand you might not fully respect Commander Lu, but that's the nature of our world..."

"The new waves push the old ones, and we, the old waves, are bound to perish on the shore."

Zhang Ziping's face softened slightly as he nodded in agreement.

What he truly thought, however, was known only to him.

After some preparation, the group of a hundred set out in grand fashion.

Lu Yi, leading the Liger Guard, marched at the forefront.

A host of elite scions from various families trailed behind him.

Beside them, five hundred members of the Liger Guard stood sentinel, their protection of these favored sons of heaven as steadfast as iron.

Out in the wild, the biting wind carried the occasional glimpse of formidable soul beasts. With each step, the landscape grew more desolate.

For these scions of Flatminster, venturing beyond the city walls was a novel experience, akin to tourists embarking on an adventure. Their journey was marked by a spirited atmosphere.


As the day waned, the sun dipped low in the western sky, ushering in the night.

Upon reaching an expansive grassland, Lu Yi halted and surveyed the surroundings.

"Let's make camp here," Lu Yi declared.

The area was spacious and level, ample for their hundreds-strong encampment. Furthermore, its distance from any mountains and absence of apparent dangers made it an ideal spot for setting up camp.

"I disagree," interjected Zhang Ziping at that moment.

"Why do you object?" Lu Yi inquired, an eyebrow arched in curiosity.

"Firstly, there's no water source here. Our water supply is reserved for emergencies, not to be squandered. Additionally, this open space is too exposed, making it easy prey for soul beasts."

"Choosing to camp here would be to court peril!"

Zhang Ziping's head wagged as he spoke, his expression conveying a world-weariness that seemed to say, 'I've been through more than you've even seen, kid. You're just too green.'

Lu Yi pondered and had to concede that Zhang Ziping had a point. The lack of water was a concern, and their supply was not to be wasted thoughtlessly.

As for the issue of being too exposed, Lu Yi could only offer a wry smile.

"Alright, then where do you suggest we camp?" Lu Yi asked, genuinely open to guidance. Zhang Ziping's extensive experience as a leader was not lost on him, and Lu Yi held a deep trust in his judgment.

"Last time, we camped on that hill up ahead. Why not head there again this time?" Zhang Ziping suggested, pointing towards a towering mountain in the distance.

Lu Yi's gaze followed to the mountain, a sense of unease stirring within him.

He had an inkling that camping beside that mountain might invite unforeseen danger.

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