Summoning The Glory of Kings/C2 Encountered a Blocker!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C2 Encountered a Blocker!
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C2 Encountered a Blocker!

Lu Yi hadn't anticipated the newcomer's gift package to be so lavish.

With skill points allocated, he tenderly stroked the Cold Winter sword that had materialized in his grasp.

"Three thousand guests drunk with floral bloom, one sword's chill binds fourteen states in gloom."

The words escaped Lu Yi's lips unbidden.


With noon approaching, the time for the test was imminent.

Disciples of the Gong family, along with young masters like Lu Yi, emerged from their rooms in succession.

They made their way to the Gong family's training field.

Among the crowd, each with their own expression—some jubilant, others anxious—stood Gong Binghan, a figure impossible to overlook.

Gong family disciples clustered around her, stars orbiting a luminous moon.

Gong Binghan was a paragon of talent, backed by a formidable lineage and blessed with stunning beauty.

She was constantly besieged by admirers, much to her annoyance.

Midway to the field, Gong Binghan suddenly realized she had neglected to notify Lu Yi.

"Damn, I've completely forgotten about Lu Yi."

"These pests are to blame."

Without them, she wouldn't have erred.

Casting a disdainful glance at the clingy crowd, Gong Binghan pivoted and made her way to Lu Yi's quarters.

"Binghan, where are you off to? The test is about to start."

"Binghan, slow down, wait for us!"

"Binghan, you..."

Without looking back, Gong Binghan dismissed them with a frosty retort, "That's none of your business!"

She continued on her path, undeterred.

As she walked, Lu Yi inexplicably came to mind.

"That guy may lack in talent, but he's not without his merits."

To Gong Binghan, Lu Yi's reserved nature was a virtue in its own right.

Outside his room.

Gong Binghan rapped gently on the door, "Lu Yi, open up."


Lu Yi swung the door open.

Without lifting her gaze, Gong Binghan began, "Lu Yi, the test is starting shortly. Your cultivation skills will determine..."

Her sentence hung in the air as Gong Binghan froze, her voice cutting off sharply.

Her mouth fell open, eyes widening in shock.

In that moment, Gong Binghan unexpectedly appeared somewhat adorable, a stark contrast to her usual haughty demeanor. Yet Lu Yi remained unmoved, his voice cool and authoritative as he instructed, "Go take the test." His tone brooked no argument.

"Okay." Gong Binghan, for reasons unknown, found herself complying with Lu Yi's directive. But her mind was swirling with questions:

"How could he have changed so drastically in such a short time?"

"How can one person possess such a complex presence?"

These thoughts puzzled Gong Binghan, whose keen senses, honed by her formidable talents, could detect the imposing pressure and enigmatic aura emanating from Lu Yi. It was ethereal, sharp, and icy.

Her contemplation was abruptly shattered by a scornful voice. "Binghan, why are you associating with this loser?"

"Ha, I wondered who it was. Turns out it's you, the trash, Lu Yi!"

"You're not seriously thinking of participating in the test, are you? Haha."

The group that had been lingering around Gong Binghan eyed Lu Yi with hostility. They hadn't bothered to head to the training grounds after she had left; instead, they waited for her return. In this world, weakness was the greatest sin, and Lu Yi had often been the target of their mockery.

Now, seeing the idolized Binghan seek out Lu Yi, their disdain turned to a burning desire to put him in his place. Little did they know, the Lu Yi standing before them had long since shed the skin of his former self.

"So what if I am?" Lu Yi replied with a light chuckle, his demeanor easy, clearly untroubled by the group's malice.

Among them, Gong Tian and Liu Shao'an, members of the Gong family's side branches, were the most formidable. They had led the charge in tormenting Lu Yi in the past.

Hearing Lu Yi's response, the two sneered. "Lu Yi, who gave you the audacity to talk back to us?"

"Haha, this guy never learns his lesson."

"Lu Yi, surely you haven't forgotten the times you groveled on the ground, barking like a dog, begging us to spare you?"

Laughter erupted from the crowd, and Lu Yi felt a rush of defiance surge within him.

The deep-seated hatred etched into his very bones came flooding to the surface.

"Rest assured, I'll reclaim the dignity you've lost!" Lu Yi whispered under his breath as he strode toward the raucous crowd.

The sight of Lu Yi approaching only fueled their excitement.

They clenched their fists and gripped their weapons, ready for confrontation.

"Stop right there!" Gong Binghan bellowed, "Clear the path!"

Gong Binghan's icy glare sent a ripple of uncertainty through the crowd.

In hushed tones, Gong Tian and Liu Shao'an quickly conferred. Liu Shao'an stepped forward and challenged,

"Binghan, why bother defending such a loser?"

"Exactly, even if he does attend the assessment, what good will it do? He'd be better off packing up and going home now, to avoid further embarrassment!"

Gong Binghan's face darkened further, "The assessment is mandatory for everyone. What are you suggesting?"

Gong Tian couldn't hide his glee, "We don't mean any harm."

"However, our Gong family's assessments are always graced by distinguished guests." Pointing at Lu Yi, Gong Tian added, "If this failure participates, won't it tarnish our family's reputation?"

Liu Shao'an chimed in, "He can attend the assessment, but how about we test his abilities first?"

Their intentions were clear as day.

They aimed to give Lu Yi a harsh lesson before the assessment and force him out of the Gong family in disgrace!

Gong Binghan's anger reached a boiling point, "Or perhaps you'd like to test my abilities as well?"

The crowd grew restless, seeing Gong Binghan's unwavering support for Lu Yi.

"What's gotten into her? Why is our goddess defending this nobody?"

"No need for all this fuss. Bring it on," Lu Yi said unexpectedly, his voice cutting through the tension. "I'm curious to see what they're made of."

"We'll do it!" Gong Tian and Liu Shao'an declared in unison.

Neither wanted to pass up the opportunity to put Lu Yi in his place.

"Come at me, both of you," Lu Yi taunted, beckoning with a crooked finger.

Concerned that Gong Binghan might intervene once more, Gong Tian and Liu Shao'an dropped their mockery and focused on the task at hand. Their Holy Spirit Power surged as they readied themselves for the onslaught.

Gong Binghan initially thought Lu Yi was just trying to show off in front of her, which made her respect for him diminish a bit more. Yet, she couldn't stand idly by while he was getting beaten. Rushing to shield him, she was promptly stopped by Lu Yi himself.

Fuming, Gong Binghan snapped, "Lu Yi, have you lost your mind? Is this really the time to grandstand? You know, even if you pull this stunt, it won't make me think any more highly of you."

Lu Yi, baffled by her vanity, brushed Gong Binghan aside, stating simply, "I haven't lost it."

Just then, Gong Tian and Liu Shao'an joined the fray. Both possessed remarkable talents. Gong Tian had the power of the fire element at his command, while Liu Shao'an had harnessed the earth element. One boasted formidable offensive capabilities, and the other excelled at ensnaring opponents. Despite their recent awakenings, they both wielded considerable combat prowess. For them, taking on Lu Yi was a walk in the park.

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