Summoning The Glory of Kings/C20 Debate!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C20 Debate!
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C20 Debate!

"No, we can't set up camp on that mountain," Lu Yi stated firmly, shaking his head.

A flash of malevolence crossed Zhang Ziping's face. He had once been the leader, his decisions unchallenged. But now, reduced to vice leader, his authority was questioned, even on matters as routine as selecting a campsite. Yet, his logic had been sound. Historically, as leader, he had always chosen to camp at the mountain's base, where water was plentiful for cooking and the terrain offered a strategic advantage—easy to defend and difficult for enemies to breach.

The wilderness was a far cry from the safety of city life, teeming with fierce soul beasts and laden with peril. A defensible location could serve as a sanctuary against the unpredictable elements.

"Hmph, a petty man revels in petty victories," Zhang Ziping muttered, his face a mask of cold contempt, eyes alight with mockery. "Then enlighten me, why can't we camp at the mountain's base?"

Lu Yi hesitated, unable to articulate his misgivings, yet he sensed something amiss. After a moment of reflection, he grasped the warning his intuition was signaling. "I have a strong feeling there's a powerful soul beast lurking there," he declared with conviction. Lu Yi's sixth sense was his most formidable asset, a harbinger of danger that he could not ignore.

Zhang Ziping scoffed, his scorn deepening. He approached Lu Yi, his voice icy with confrontation. "We've always camped at the mountain's base. Am I not aware of the presence of soul beasts?"

"Moreover, we're a good ten miles from the mountain's foot. How could you possibly know there's a powerful soul beast there? Are you claiming to be clairvoyant?"

"Or perhaps you're just trying to undermine me, fabricating nonsense to prevent everyone from spending the night in a secure location?"

"By putting your own selfish desires above the safety of hundreds from Flatminster, you reveal yourself as nothing more than a despicable, self-serving wretch."

Zhang Ziping's cutting remarks resonated with the crowd, drawing their collective gaze. Doubtful eyes turned toward Lu Yi, and whispers spread like wildfire, a chorus of mistrust echoing among the ranks.

"Yeah, I'm also feeling uneasy about camping here," someone murmured, voicing the growing concern.

"Plus, I've heard that in the past, we always set up camp at the base of the mountain. I've heard it was a blast."

Though they wouldn't voice their doubts in Lu Yi's presence, their skepticism was clearly etched on their faces.

Some who were unconvinced by Lu Yi didn't hesitate to launch into criticism.

One person spoke up with a biting tone, "I agree with Master Zhang Ziping. We should make camp at the mountain's base. This place is just too risky."

"Hmph, and to think I once considered him a hero. Turns out he's just a scoundrel who gambles with our lives for his own gain!"

"Exactly. Lord Zhang Ziping is seasoned in leading expeditions. Lu Yi hasn't even stepped foot outside Flatminster, so naturally, Lord Zhang's advice holds more weight."

Their murmuring was like a barrage of sharp needles to Lu Yi's ears, leaving him gasping for air.

His breathing became increasingly labored.

"I told you, that place is off-limits," Lu Yi insisted through gritted teeth.

His strong intuition screamed that disaster would strike if they went there!

He couldn't stand idly by and watch these people walk into peril!

As their leader, it was his duty to ensure their safety.

Yet, no one seemed to grasp the depth of Lu Yi's concern.

Though Lu Yi was a formidable fighter, his leadership experience paled in comparison to Zhang Ziping's, at least in the eyes of the others.

And that mountain base was their usual campsite...

"Look, we get that you want to prove you're right. But you can't just disregard our safety, can you?" sneered a disciple from the Gong family, seizing the chance to mock Lu Yi.

"Indeed. With such a lack of responsibility, how can you even be our leader?"

Another chimed in with sarcasm.

A smug smile crept into Zhang Ziping's eyes. He clapped Lu Yi on the shoulder, adopting a patronizing tone, "Lu Yi, I've crossed more bridges than the roads you've traveled. You've achieved some success, sure, but remember to stay humble. That's how you'll truly advance."

Lu Yi nearly choked with indignation.

"We cannot go to that mountain base," Lu Yi stated, his voice now icy with resolve.

"I'm the captain, and you all need to follow my lead. If I say we're setting up camp here tonight, then that's what we're doing," Lu Yi stated with conviction.

"Hmph, what does it matter if you're the captain? The role of captain is to ensure everyone's safety, not to lead them to their doom."

"And if you mess around, we can revoke your captaincy at any time," Zhang Ziping said icily, his gaze on Xu Yang filled with mockery. Clearly, he was biding his time, waiting for Lu Yi to slip up.

"How about we put it to a vote? Those in favor of camping here, stand with Captain Lu. Those who want to camp at the mountain's base, stand with me. What do you say?" Zhang Ziping proposed, a cold smirk on his face.

Sure enough, it played out just as he had anticipated. Nearly everyone sided with him, eager to camp at the mountain's base.

Yet, from within the crowd, a lone voice emerged, and a solitary figure moved to stand by Lu Yi. "I trust him. Commander Lu would never put us in harm's way," declared Gong Binghan, her hands quivering slightly but her voice resolute.

"The majority rules," Zhang Ziping said, casting a dismissive glance at Gong Binghan.

Despite the heated debate, Lu Yi was unable to sway the group's decision to camp at the mountain's base.

Feeling utterly helpless, Lu Yi knew his reputation in Flatminster wasn't enough. He was among peers, and his lack of wilderness experience did little to bolster his authority. Meanwhile, Zhang Ziping was a seasoned leader, with countless successful expeditions under his belt and no history of mishaps. The mountain's base was a well-established campsite, so it was hardly surprising that no one heeded Lu Yi's advice.

"Lu Yi, why are you so adamant about not camping at the mountain's base?" Gong Binghan, after much internal struggle, finally mustered the courage to ask as she walked alongside him.

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