Summoning The Glory of Kings/C5 Mission Accomplished!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C5 Mission Accomplished!
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C5 Mission Accomplished!


As Lu Yi touched down, the test puppet, swathed in a storm of swords, crumbled to pieces.

A behemoth crafted from innumerable precious materials by several master craftsmen.

It didn't even have the chance to bare its fangs before Lu Yi dispatched it with a single move.

With an unruffled expression and profound eyes, Lu Yi stood unfazed.

To him, annihilating a mechanical puppet seemed like a trivial feat.

His demeanor naturally exuded a confidence that seemed to dominate all beneath the heavens.

In that instant, the entire place fell into a hushed awe.

Everyone was astounded by Lu Yi's display.

He had obliterated the test puppet in one fell swoop.

Goodness, what level of power was this?

Who had dared call this man worthless?

Were all those previous tests just for show?

From that moment on, no one dared to underestimate Lu Yi.

The silence lingered for a mere couple of breaths before the Elder of the Combat Assessment regained his composure.

"Contestant number 52, you've passed the combat assessment with flying colors."

Down by the stage, Gong Binghan's eyes sparkled with pride. "I knew you had it in you."

Somewhere along the line, Gong Binghan's view of Lu Yi had undergone a complete transformation.

From initial disdain to respectful engagement, and now to curiosity and anticipation—a shift she herself couldn't fully account for.

Meanwhile, Gong Tian's hands quivered at his side.

"Impossible! How could he be this powerful? It's a good thing I didn't leave any evidence."

Previously, in a bid for revenge, Gong Tian had tampered with the test, but Lu Yi's swift victory rendered those efforts moot.

Beside him, Liu Shao'an's trembling went beyond his hands; his whole body shook with fear.

"What's he going to do to me? I'm filled with regret. If only I hadn't antagonized him," Liu Shao'an thought, practically wishing for the ground to swallow him.

If the puppet couldn't withstand a single move, what chance did his frail body stand?

It wasn't just those two; everyone who had ever wronged Lu Yi was now consumed by trepidation.

Each one feared becoming the next victim of Lu Yi's sword.

Up in the Elder's seats, Lord Xiahou chided the Gong family elders with a gleeful expression, "I've always said it—the tests must be conducted with fairness and integrity. We must give everyone the opportunity to participate!"

"If I weren't here this time, do you think you would have recognized such a promising talent?"

"What can I say about you all? Despite your age, you're still making these kinds of mistakes."

"Fine, if you don't want him, I'll take him with me."

The Gong family elders blushed with embarrassment, having been chastised by the City Lord for so long, not one dared to utter a word.

But upon hearing that the City Lord intended to take Lu Yi away, they couldn't contain their agitation.

"Lord City Lord, our Gong family is in dire straits!"

"Lord Xiahou, we are on our last legs. If you take him away, how much longer can the Gong family hold on?"

"Lord Xiahou, you can't just disregard our welfare!"

In a flash, the elders were in tears, their faces the very picture of despair.

When it came to acting, they were all consummate professionals.

Lord Xiahou remained steadfast, his face etched with sorrow, "You're not facing the challenges that Smallfrost City is."

"Looking at the time, the soul beasts in Kensingtara Hill are due for an uprising. Our younger generation is in desperate need of a leader!"

"Do you really want to stand by and watch Smallfrost City fall to ruin?"

"That's not a fair statement. If he stays with the Gong family, we will fully commit to his development, and we'll certainly send him to your aid when necessary!" the elder declared with conviction.

Lord Xiahou spoke with irrefutable authority, "Does the Gong family have more resources than I do?"

"If he comes with me, I will appoint him as the commander of the Liger Guard and take him under my wing for personal training!"

The Liger Guard was the personal army of the city lord.

To be appointed as the commander of the Liger Guard, one had to be among the most trusted in the city lord's inner circle!

Clearly, Xiahou was serious about recruiting Lu Yi.

The Gong family elders realized they were at a disadvantage, knowing they couldn't match the city lord's hard offer. They had to approach this from a different angle.

But they weren't foolish enough to voice this strategy.

After a moment's contemplation, one elder proposed, "In that case, why don't we let him decide in a fair competition?"

"Very well, present your offers, and let him make his choice!"

"It's settled then!"

In just a brief moment, Xiahou and the Gong family had struck a deal.

Meanwhile, Lu Yi, the focus of everyone's attention, remained motionless.

Someone whispered, "What's happening? Can't he pull off that move again?"

"That was way too brief."

Before the crowd could scoff, Lu Yi stirred on the stage.

Holy Spirit Power swirled around him, enigmatic and inscrutable.

He underwent another transformation.

"Ding! Beginner mission complete. Holy Spirit Power recovery speed and physical strength buff acquired."

With the system's prompt, Lu Yi grew even more formidable.

Opening his eyes, he was greeted by several obsequious elders and a stately middle-aged man.

Lu Yi furrowed his brow, wondering, "Are these folks here to seek reparations for the mechanical puppet?"

He didn't get a chance to speak before the City Lord did.

"Come with me. I'll make you a general, in command of the Tiger Leopard Guard."

Lu Yi was baffled. "???" Is this guy serious? What's he talking about?

The Gong family elder, taken aback, hastily beckoned Gong Binghan over and murmured something in his ear, then turned to Lu Yi with a grin.

"Lu Yi, you've been with our Gong family for a while now. How about staying on?"

"Rest assured, we'll provide ample resources, and your Lu family will benefit too."

"Of course, those perks probably don't interest you much. But if you decide to stay, you'll get to spend more time with Binghan."

The City Lord was livid.

These old men had no shame, resorting to a beauty ploy.

He was starting to regret laying out his offer so quickly.

"Lu Yi, what do you say to becoming my final disciple?"

The two factions argued heatedly, faces flushed.

Off to the side, Gong Binghan blushed, listening intently.

It took a while for Lu Yi to catch on – these people were vying for him!

Indeed, power was the ultimate currency!

The young disciples gathered around the arena were all feeling bitter.

What had happened? A nobody had suddenly turned into a prodigy.

And now, both Lord Xiahou and the elders were vying to recruit him.

It just didn't seem fair!

But despite their envy, not a single one dared to voice their discontent.

With Lu Yi's newfound strength, who would be foolish enough to make an enemy of him?

The very person at the center of their envy was wrestling with a dilemma.

He desired the girl, as well as power and strength. What was he to do?

After much deliberation, Lu Yi declared, "I'll take them all!"

All of them?

Now it was Lord Xiahou and the Gong family elders who were dumbfounded. He was just one man; how could he split himself in two?

"Is that not possible? You want me as your commander and also as your son-in-law. If I take her hand, won't I become the commander by her side?"

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