Summoning The Glory of Kings/C6 All of Them Were Chosen!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C6 All of Them Were Chosen!
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C6 All of Them Were Chosen!

"Choose one?"

The City Lord and the Gong family elders were baffled. You're just one person; how can you split yourself in two?

"Is that not possible? You want me as your commander and also as your son-in-law. If I bring her along as the commander's wife, wouldn't that solve everything?"

Upon hearing this...

Gong Binghan's usually icy face flushed with embarrassment. The thought of being taken to Smallfrost as the commander's wife was mortifying.


But the Gong family elder spotted an opportunity.

If Gong Binghan became the commander's wife, then Lu Yi would be part of the family, and the Liger Guard would effectively be under the Gong family's influence.

What a brilliant idea!

"Fine, if that's the case, we won't object. Binghan, from now on, you'll accompany Lu Yi to Flatminster. Make sure to foster a close relationship with him!"

The elder looked at Gong Binghan with great expectations.

The City Lord found it peculiar. He had just been lamenting the troubles with the Gong family, but the moment he heard the young lady would accompany them, his mood lifted.

"Has this old man lost his mind?"

But since the Gong family agreed, he held his tongue.

"Very well, starting today, Lu Yi is the commander of my Liger Guard, in charge of three thousand soldiers."

The City Lord watched Lu Yi, who seemed quite pleased with the Gong family's victory, and a slight smile played on his lips.

Did he really think leading the Liger Guard would be a walk in the park?

"However, I may be entrusting you with military authority, but whether those men will follow your lead is up to your own skill."

"Rest assured, City Lord."

Lu Yi was intrigued. Easy victories held no value for him. "I excel at handling the unruly!"

Lu Yi had it all planned out.

Once in command of the Liger Guard, he'd expose his troops to the so-called soul beasts. And what could be better than engaging with a stunning beauty like Gong Binghan along the way? That was true happiness.


The City Lord commended, yet inwardly he thought, 'Without a lesson from the Liger Guard, you'll never recognize who truly runs this city.'

After that, things became much simpler.

Lu Yi had dispatched all the puppets, necessitating a temporary halt to the assessment until new ones could be delivered.

The City Lord, having benefited from Lu Yi's assistance, was eager to depart.

He had no desire to invite further complications!

In the afternoon, Lu Yi settled into the chariot, drawn by a creature clad in iron armor, resembling both a wolf and a horse.

Gong Binghan, seated beside him, explained that it was a cross between a soul beast and a horse, known as a Wolf Soul Horse, with a pace that could rival a sports car.

"Binghan, do you have any dreams?" Lu Yi inquired as the carriage rumbled forward.

Even with the swift Wolf Soul Horse, the journey back to Smallfrost would take half a day, so with time to spare, Lu Yi struck up a conversation about dreams with Gong Binghan.

"Yes," she replied, her directness a signature trait. "To marry a strong man."

Her implication was clear: to win her over, one simply needed to be formidable. Until then, she expected no advances.

'If you're not formidable, I won't marry you!'

"Is that so?" Lu Yi responded, feeling somewhat disheartened. His own dream was to explore the diverse wonders of other worlds, hence his focus on life-preserving skills in his training.

If he resolved to become formidable...

He had a myriad of options, such as adopting the passive approach of Cheng Yaojin, taking a beating before turning the tables on his adversary...

"Lu Yi, I'll admit, I once scorned you, even looked down on you, but today you've changed my perception. You're strong, or rather, you possess a remarkable talent. With effort, the path to becoming formidable isn't far off for you," Gong Binghan said earnestly.

"What does being a strong person mean to you?" Lu Yi asked, probing deeper.

The definition of strength varied greatly. A City Lord might be considered strong within the Gong family, yet be seen as merely average elsewhere.

Gong Binghan hadn't anticipated Lu Yi's thoughtful inquiry. She regarded him and offered a seemingly insightful, yet utterly nonsensical response, "You'll be a strong person when I perceive you as one."

"I'll strive to be the strong person you envision," Lu Yi muttered, feeling frustrated. The idea seemed absurd to him. Becoming strong wasn't just desirable—it was essential. How else could he charm all the girls in the world?

As they rode in the car, Lu Yi and his companion exchanged words, and before they knew it, half the day had slipped away. Approaching the gates of Smallfrost, Lu Yi's blood surged with excitement at the sight of the countless soul beasts.

Arrows poured down from the city walls like a torrential downpour, while the roars of soul beasts filled the air below—a truly awe-inspiring scene. In contrast to Lu Yi's exhilaration, Gong Binghan couldn't mask her fear. Soul beasts, formidable creatures that shouldn't exist, were naturally bloodthirsty and impervious to weapons. Just one could easily take a human life, let alone the swarming mass before the city gates.

What baffled Gong Binghan even more was that these beasts usually roamed Kensingtara Hill. In the event of an uprising, only a handful would emerge—nothing like the inexplicable situation they now faced.

Lost in her thoughts, Gong Binghan was jolted back to reality by a voice as loud as thunder. "Be careful!" Xiahou bellowed, sending a lunging soul beast flying with a powerful kick. The creature howled as it crashed to the ground, a good ten meters away.

"What's happening?" Gong Binghan peered out, her voice tinged with panic.

"We're surrounded," Xiahou replied, his face grave, a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead.

"What do we do now?"

"We break through the encirclement!" Xiahou declared with determination.

"But there are dozens of soul beasts! How can just the three of us manage?" Gong Binghan's mind raced with confusion and fear.

"If we can't, we die," came Lu Yi's steely response from behind her. His aura flared, as if he had transformed into a different person altogether. The palpable killing intent emanating from him took Gong Binghan aback and even Xiahou was momentarily taken aback.

Without another word, Lu Yi leapt from the car, Cold Winter Sword in hand, and charged into the fray.


Newbie Mission: Protect Smallfrost and slay 100 soul beasts!

"Gale Summon!"

Without a moment's hesitation, Lu Yi unleashed his skill.

Within mere seconds, he moved through the battlefield as if he were in a deserted land.

Everywhere he went, a river of blood followed.

"That makes about ten now!"

Lu Yi smirked, casting a glance over the severed limbs strewn behind him.

Witnessing Lu Yi's valiant display, a spark ignited within Gong Binghan's heart.

She then unleashed the pent-up inferno within her!

"Icy Cold Grip!"

A chill swept through the area in an instant.

The soul beasts were ensnared by the biting frost.

Only Lu Yi, who had employed a secret technique for a stealth attack, narrowly escaped the icy fate.

"Nicely done!"

Seeing the soul beasts immobilized, Lu Yi flashed Gong Binghan a thumbs-up.

He then resumed his relentless assault.

In the span of a few breaths, dozens of soul beasts lay defeated.

Simultaneously, Lu Yi had carved a path for their escape.

"Now's our chance, move!"

At Lu Yi's command, the pair quickly snapped to attention and leaped atop the city walls.

"Looks like the mission will have to wait until next time!"

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