Summoning The Glory of Kings/C7 Die!!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C7 Die!!
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C7 Die!!

Atop the city wall, Lu Yi quickly tallied the soul beasts he had slain and found he was still halfway from his goal.

Such a shame!

Yet, Lu Yi wasn't disheartened by this.

He understood that simply surviving this ordeal was fortunate enough.

After all, a good meal is worth waiting for.

While Lu Yi was deep in thought, City Lord Xiahou approached him, a retinue of over a hundred armored soldiers in tow.

"You really saved us this time!" The City Lord clapped Lu Yi on the shoulder, eyes brimming with appreciation.

"You're too kind, City Lord," Lu Yi responded with a bow.

"Not at all!"

Xiahou gestured dismissively, then turned to address the crowd, "Let me introduce the man before you, the new commander of Smallfrost City's Liger Guard, Lu Yi! Let's give him a warm welcome!"

With that, Xiahou led the applause.

But the armored soldiers exchanged uncertain glances, remaining silent.

Lu Yi sensed an underlying issue at play.

Indeed, everything unfolded as he had anticipated.

Upon entering the City Lord's Mansion's grand meeting hall with Xiahou, a figure clad in golden armor, reminiscent of the Canopy Marshal, stepped forward with a fierce glare.

"Are you Lu Yi, the new commander of the Liger Guard?"

"I am. Is there an issue?"

Lu Yi stood his ground, poised and composed.

Xiahou seemed unfazed by the confrontation.

For Lu Yi, claiming the title of the Liger Guard's commander was an inevitable challenge.

Many aspired to the position.

Including the Canopy Marshal, who was challenging Lu Yi.

The Canopy Marshal, real name Xia Shan, was Xiahou's nephew and a prominent figure among the City Lord's Mansion's new generation.

His prowess placed him within the top five of the mansion's ranks.

Xiahou had once considered him for the role of the Liger Guard's commander, but Xia Shan's volatile and domineering nature made him unsuitable for leadership.

Thus, Xiahou ultimately abandoned the idea.

Suddenly, Lu Yi made an appearance.

And just like that, he became the commander of the Liger Guard.

How could he come to terms with that?

"It's about time someone shook him up!"

Xiahou leisurely sipped his tea, watching the unfolding drama with anticipation.

"No problem at all. I've heard about Brother Lu's formidable strength and I'm itching for a chance to test my skills against yours. Would Brother Lu honor me with a match?"


"Excellent. However, before we begin, I have a modest proposal. Would Brother Lu be open to it?"

With a slight smile, Xia Shan revealed his calculated intentions.

Lu Yi, of course, was well aware of Xia Shan's thoughts.

"Speak your mind!"

"If Brother Lu loses, you will step down. If I lose, you may deal with me as you see fit!"

"No problem!"

Lu Yi kept his smile, though a storm was brewing inside him.

This was the first time he'd been so openly challenged!

Who had emboldened Xia Shan?

Was it Liang Jingru?

The battle ignited, spreading like wildfire!

The crowd quickly gathered to witness the spectacle.

Outside the council hall, Lu Yi and Xia Shan faced off.

The air was charged with an unspoken tension, and a light breeze added an eerie undertone to the scene.

"Thunder's Fury!"

In a flash, Xia Shan launched his attack!

The sky darkened with clouds and thunder roared.

Suddenly, hundreds of lightning bolts, thick as bowls, streaked down towards Lu Yi, threatening to swallow the earth itself.


"Boss Xia is formidable indeed, terrifyingly so!"

"Absolutely, he used this very move to instantly annihilate someone last time!"

As the crowd murmured amongst themselves, they scattered to avoid the lightning.

No one wanted to be an accidental casualty!

Hearing the word 'annihilate' sent a shiver down Gong Binghan's spine.

The power of lightning was unmatched in its destructive force.

Even the strong, if struck, would not escape unscathed.

Yet, Lu Yi stood still. Had he been petrified by fear?

At that critical moment, realizing the gravity of the situation, Xiahou couldn't help but yell, "Stop right there!"

Alas, it was too late!

Hundreds of lightning bolts were mere inches from Lu Yi.

It looked like Lu Yi was about to meet his end.

But in that instant, Lu Yi sprang into action!

"Gale Summon!"

With a sudden burst of speed, Lu Yi became a blur of afterimages.

In a blink, he was behind Xia Shan, his sword descending in a swift arc!


Xia Shan was sent flying over a hundred meters, his lightning scattering wildly across the courtyard.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Before Xia Shan could gather his wits, Lu Yi, using his secret technique, reappeared behind him and stated calmly, "You've lost."

"I've lost."

Xia Shan was acutely aware that Lu Yi could have ended him with a single sword strike.

But he hadn't.

This time, his defeat was undeniable.

As Gong Binghan heard Xia Shan concede, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The others were in disbelief at what they had just witnessed!

The once haughty and domineering Xia Shan had actually surrendered.

They weren't oblivious, though.

The brief skirmish had clearly shown who was the superior fighter.

"As I said before, I've lost. Do with me as you will."

Xia Shan hung his head, looking every bit the defeated cock.

"Brother Xia, don't be so hard on yourself. It was just a friendly match! Winning and losing is all part of the game. Still, I appreciate you holding back," Lu Yi said with a smile, offering his hand to Xia Shan.

Xia Shan gratefully accepted the gesture.

Xiahou, too, was more than pleased with the outcome.

After all, his objective had been met.

"Excellent, excellent! But you two owe me some yard work when you get the chance."

Xiahou chuckled, gesturing to the disheveled courtyard before draping an arm around each of their shoulders and heading to the dining room.

"Come on, let's go. You must be exhausted after that bout. Time for a well-deserved feast. And you, young lady, join us!"

At the table, the three men feasted heartily.

Once sated, Xiahou posed the same question that had been on Gong Binghan's mind.

Why had the soul beast suddenly attacked the city?

"Perhaps we should venture into the depths of Kensingtara Hill to uncover the truth?"

Pondering the question, Lu Yi quickly shared his thoughts.

He still had an unfinished mission, after all!

"It seems that's our only option at the moment," Xiahou agreed, nodding in affirmation at Lu Yi.

"Alright, I'll join you!" declared Xiahou.

"Then... then I'll come along too!"

Gong Binghan's voice was barely audible, yet it caught the attention of the other three.

Lu Yi, in particular, didn't hesitate to tease Gong Binghan, "Why the blush? Are you worried about me?"

"Not at all. I just want to check out Kensingtara Hill, that's all!"

"Ah, I see!"

Amidst their light-hearted banter, a green-clothed servant burst through the door.

With a tense look and shivering voice, the servant stammered, "T-this is terrible news!"

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