Summoning The Glory of Kings/C8 The Strongest Support!
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Summoning The Glory of Kings/C8 The Strongest Support!
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C8 The Strongest Support!

"What's the matter?"

The four asked simultaneously.

"I... I... I..."

Whether out of intense nervousness or sheer fright, the green-clad servant couldn't utter a complete sentence.

Impatient, the group hurriedly dashed outside.

Exiting the living room, they were met with an enormous, grotesque head.

Unmistakably, it was as large as a house.

What's more, the head's owner was familiar to all.

"Taotie? Why is he here? And since when is the Qiongqi a fierce beast and not a soul beast?" Xia Shan was utterly baffled.

Xiahou and the rest were just as bewildered.

A fierce beast? What in the world?

Could it be planning to lay waste to the city?

Their speculation, as it turned out, was accurate!


The sound of impact thundered through the air!

The city wall, solid as it had seemed, crumbled like foam under Taotie's massive claw, the size of a cauldron lid, tearing a vast gap with a single swipe.

"We can't just sit here and wait for doom!"

Having seen the might of the Taotie, Xiahou decisively concluded.

"Not just sit here and wait for doom? Are we really going to take on this behemoth?"

Xia Shan threw a stunned look at Xiahou.

"What other choice do we have? If we do nothing, I fear Smallfrost will be reduced to rubble in no time!"

Xiahou declared, his tone grave and deliberate.

"So what are we waiting for?"

Lu Yi cracked a slight smile and spearheaded their advance.

In his eyes, the formidable beast was no more threatening than a child's stuffed toy.

With Lu Yi taking action, Xia Shan wouldn't be outdone. Brandishing two golden hammers, he charged into the fray.

Atop the city wall, Lu Yi stood, sword slung across his back.

He faced the colossal Taotie without a trace of fear, only a blazing eagerness for battle.

To Lu Yi, the Taotie was akin to the Tyrant Dragon from Honor of Kings—formidable, yes, but conquerable with sufficient might.


Newbie Side Mission: Repel the Taotie and bolster your renown!

The system's voice echoed once more.

Lu Yi was anticipating this exact prompt from the system.

As the voice ceased, Lu Yi sprang into action, his Cold Winter Sword emitting a brilliant white light as it descended upon the Taotie's head.

Simultaneously, Gong Binghan unleashed all her abilities in rapid succession:

"Ice Seal a Thousand Li!"

"Ice Cold Grip!"

"Ice and Snowland!"

In an instant, every soul beast outside the city gates was encased in ice, leaving even the formidable Taotie at a loss.

The combined damage and effects of these three control skills would make them the ultimate support in Honor of Kings—unmatched by any other.

Meanwhile, Lu Yi swiftly revised his tactics, focusing now on leveling up in the wilderness and swiftly completing his pending newbie mission: slay a hundred soul beasts.

With a swift motion, he vanished from the trio's view.

"Kiss of Death!"

Thanks to his passive skills, the ability refreshed repeatedly.

Lu Yi's Cold Winter Sword danced through the air, and within seconds, the majority of the soul beasts lay slain.


"Congratulations, host, for completing the novice mission. You have been awarded 3 free skill points."

Upon hearing this, Lu Yi could barely contain his excitement—it was almost enough to make him leap for joy. Three skill points could significantly elevate his abilities, a boon many could only wish for in their wildest dreams!

Without a moment's hesitation, Lu Yi allocated the three new skill points, along with the one he had previously earned. One point went to Gale Summon, two to Kiss of Death, and the last to his ultimate skill. This allocation drastically reduced cooldown times and extended his immunity to damage. As for the damage output, Lu Yi was confident that even the Taotie would not be a match for him, especially with Gong Binghan's support.

After the distribution, Lu Yi's body underwent a remarkable transformation, and his Holy Spirit Power ascended to an entirely new level.

Elsewhere, Xia Shan was thoroughly enjoying his battle. But just then, the soul beasts stirred into action, plunging Xia Shan into immediate peril.

"Not good!"

"Gale Summon!"

In an instant, Lu Yi transformed into a streak of lightning, surging into the throng of beasts. With a mere sweep of his hand, several soul beasts lay defeated.

"Truly extraordinary!"

Witnessing Lu Yi's effortless dispatch of the soul beasts, Xia Shan realized the vast chasm between their abilities.

"Brother Lu, I owe you my life!"

"At such a critical juncture, drop the formalities! Come with me, let's take down that behemoth!"

"Let's do it!"

"Gale Summon!"

Thanks to the cooldown reduction from the Kiss of Death, Gale Summon was ready once again in no time.

With Lu Yi's assistance, Xia Shan found his way to safety.

"Now it's your turn!"

Atop the city walls!

Lu Yi gazed down at the Taotie with an icy stare.

Gong Binghan launched another synchronized attack.

Soon, the Taotie was riddled with wounds and contemplating retreat.

Having accomplished his objective, Lu Yi swiftly sheathed the Cold Winter Sword and addressed the Taotie, "I had no intention of harming you. It's time for you to go."

"Thank you!"

The crowd was astounded.

A savage beast speaking human tongue was unheard of.

Naturally, this was part of the reason Lu Yi spared the Taotie.

He had sensed something amiss during the fight—everything was happening too quickly.

Now, with the beast speaking human language, Lu Yi's suspicions were confirmed.

There was definitely someone pulling the strings!

"It looks like a trip to Kensingtara Hill is in order."

After the Taotie's departure, Lu Yi shared his suspicions with Xiahou.

Xiahou pondered for a moment, his expression growing increasingly grave.

"If what you say is true, then the fate of Smallfrost rests in your hands. Don't worry about these soul beasts; the Liger Guard and I can hold the fort for some time."

"Understood! There's no time to waste; we must prepare to depart immediately!"

After a brief period of preparation, Lu Yi, Xia Shan, and Gong Binghan, along with over a dozen Liger Guard elites, set foot in Kensingtara Hill.

Upon their arrival, they were greeted by an intense, bone-chilling cold—a stark contrast to the Kensingtara Hill of old, where soul beasts roamed amidst the verdant foliage, and the air was filled with the melody of birds and the scent of blooming flowers, creating a charm all its own.

Even amidst the annual chaos of the rebellion, nothing was quite as bone-chilling as the present moment.

At this instant, with the exception of Lu Yi,

everyone else felt as though they hadn't arrived at Kensingtara Hill, but had instead stepped into a veritable hell on earth.

Gong Binghan, in particular, was visibly petrified. As soon as she set foot on Kensingtara Hill, she clung desperately to Lu Yi's sleeve, her fear plain for all to see.

"To avoid any unforeseen incidents, let's do a headcount," Lu Yi proposed.

"Sounds good!" came the unanimous response.






But the anticipated "ten" never came.

"What... What's happening? How are we missing someone?"

Panic erupted among the group.

A living, breathing person had vanished without a trace!

And the most unsettling part? The one who disappeared hadn't made the slightest sound.

Silently, they were gone.

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