Super Billionaire System/C16 One More Meeting
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Super Billionaire System/C16 One More Meeting
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C16 One More Meeting

The voice of the Xiao Chu sounded in Jiang Yun's mind. He put the notification aside.

"Let's go," Yi Rann urged, not caring that Jiang Yun was distracted.

"Alright." Jiang Yun nodded his head. In the eyes of outsiders, the crisis of Jiang family had been resolved. Jiang Yun could now be at ease. He had an explanation for his sister Jiang Ying. However, Jiang Yun wouldn't let this matter go just like that. No matter who the person who wanted to deal with the Jiang family was, Jiang Yun would definitely teach them a lesson this time.

"What are you going to do next?" Yi Rann asked.

"Do what you should do," Jiang Yun said. "You will know soon."

There was a moment of silence in the car. Jiang Yun asked, "It seems that what happened yesterday was because of me. I think those people are here to cause trouble for me."

"Are you apologizing?" Yi Rann said, "If it is, then I accept."

"Your illness should be fine, right?" Jiang Yun continued to ask.

"My injury has nothing to do with you. It was just that I did not notice that it was a full moon night yesterday," Yi Rann said lightly. She did not blame him.

"Really." Jiang Yun shook his head. "You were so careless. Did you not look at the calendar?"

"Shut up." Yi Rann looked embarrassed. Jiang Yun's words seemed to have hit a sore spot.

"I think I have a way to heal you," Jiang Yun said.

"Forget it." Yi Rann shook her head. "It is already very good now. I appreciate your good intentions."

Jiang Yun didn't say anything else, but he could roughly guess what was going on. After all, Jiang Yun was not a doctor himself. Yi Rann must have looked for many doctors. That round bottle of medicine should be the proof. Yi Rann did not hope for Jiang Yun's words, and Jiang Yun could understand.

Yi Rann and Jiang Yun appeared in the company's lobby at the same time, and it was the reception desk for Jiang Yun.

"Inform all departments that I need to have a meeting," Jiang Yun said directly.

Regarding the company's matters, Jiang Yun initially only wanted to help Jiang Zhengcheng get through this obstacle. Jiang Yun himself did not want to be such a general manager. Although the system needed a lot of money, Jiang Yun's plan was not in the company. Perhaps Jiang Yun would find an agent and become a major shareholder. This might be the outcome Jiang Yun hoped for the most.

"Director Jiang, I have informed you." The receptionist was wearing heavy makeup.

If Jiang Yun had not seen Yi Rann before, he might have thought that the receptionist was not bad looking. He did not look at Yi Rann, who was beside him. Jiang Yun immediately gave her an evaluation in his heart. Yi Rann did not have any makeup on her face, nor did she have a strong perfume smell. Therefore, Jiang Yun did not say much to the receptionist. His attitude was the complete opposite of yesterday's.

The receptionist naturally saw Yi Rann beside him and was filled with jealousy. The difference in appearance between the two was obvious. After Jiang Yun and Yi Rann boarded the elevator, the receptionist said disdainfully, "What are you pretending to be innocent for? Seducing such a rich second generation, you really have no taste."

After Jiang Yun's Spiritual Strength had a qualitative change, not only did it have the ability to see through things, but it also greatly improved his hearing. Therefore, the receptionist's words fell into Jiang Yun's ears.

Jiang Yun looked at Yi Rann unnaturally, wondering if he had heard her.

"I have long been used to hearing things like this." Yi Rann opened her mouth and said. She did not have an angry expression, nor did she have any other expression. It was as if the receptionist's words were like air.

"Your growth experience is really complicated." "But beautiful women are getting more and more beautiful as they grow up. Were you very ugly when you were young?"

"I don't know."

Jiang Yun looked like he had gotten what he wanted. "Really? "Maybe I have seen you when I was young? I always have a special impression of people with strange looks."

Jiang Yun wanted to continue, but the temperature in the elevator was getting lower and lower. It seemed to be below zero, and the breathing in his mouth could be clearly seen. The cold started spreading under Jiang Yun's feet.

Jiang Yun tactfully shut his mouth, not daring to continue. He did not want to be frozen into a popsicle.

Originally, Jiang Yun wanted to take him by surprise. He wanted to give the guy who wanted to take his life a surprise. However, it was obvious that he wasn't fully prepared. He wanted to surprise the guy by surprise, and he had already missed the best time.

"I'm very happy to have a meeting for two consecutive days," Jiang Yun said.

Around him were middle-aged men in their forties or fifties. They had been in society for decades. Now, seeing such a young boy talking so loudly, they only treated it as a joke in their hearts.

"Get up and tell us how our company will develop in the future!" Oh right, what's your name? "

Jiang Yun looked at Feng Yifan. He was asking the obvious. He had come today for this guy.

"I'm just a construction department. The development of the company is up to you to decide."

"Oh, so you don't have any suggestions?" Jiang Yun only needed a simple reason, that was all.

"General Manager Jiang, what do you mean?" No matter how deep Feng Yifan's mansion was, when he heard Jiang Yun's words, it was impossible for him to remain indifferent.

"Nothing. I just feel like you're useless. What do you think you should do about useless people?"

"Then what kind of good suggestions can you make?"

"Of course." Jiang Yun slammed the table. "We are using legal weapons to protect the company's interests at this time. I think our company has been cheated."

"Really?" Feng Yifan sat on the chair and smiled at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun cursed in his heart, "Even this can't scare you, and you can still keep your cool. But you can keep your cool. Not everyone can keep their cool."

Jiang Yun glanced at the other important tasks in the corner of his eyes. He could clearly see the movements of one of them.

Yi Rann originally thought that it would be enough for Jiang Yun to take out the mining contract and even use force to fire a few fellows. But Yi Rann did not expect this method of calling the police. Jiang Yun also had this plan a long time ago, but the results might not be that great. Now that he said it, it was only a means to scare them. He did not take it seriously.

Jiang Yun's words had scared someone, and that was enough. The purchasing of the land was a plot that the entire company knew about. It could be successful because Jiang Zhengcheng deliberately gave the power to the deputy manager. There was no need to continue, otherwise the company would be an empty shell.

"You are fired." Jiang Yun patted Feng Yifan's shoulder. "Get out."

Jiang Yun's words shocked everyone. In name, the company was run by Jiang Yun, but in the dark, he was still led by Feng Yifan. How could there be someone as direct as Jiang Yun?

No one said anything. They quietly watched the situation unfold. If Feng Yifan left just like that, all his actions would be in vain. After all, his goal was the Jiang family's company. The other side had conspired with him because of Feng Yifan's status. Feng Yifan was nothing, so he wouldn't leave.

Wei San's face was expressionless. He clenched his fists with both hands. "Get lost, get lost! If you leave, I'll be the one in charge of Jiang family's company! "

"I think you're mistaken!" Feng Yifan said. "You're the general manager, so you don't have the right to appoint or dismiss me. My position is decided by the shareholders."

"You're quite right" Jiang Yun said.

Jiang Yun had accepted Jiang Zhengcheng's shares, but the company didn't know about it. Jiang Zhengcheng's shares accounted for 40%. Logically speaking, they could only hold a shareholders meeting to appoint and dismiss Feng Yifan. Things didn't go as smoothly as Jiang Yun had expected.

"General manager, you can hold a shareholder meeting in five days, which is the weekend, to decide whether I'm going to stay or not," Feng Yifan suggested to Jiang Yun. However, this suggestion was to buy time for Feng Yifan himself. He knew that the weekend was the deadline for Jiang family. After the weekend, Jiang Yun would no longer be a threat to him.

Of course, Jiang Yun knew about Feng Yifan's plan, and Jiang Yun's reckless action didn't achieve much.

"That's good. In five days, we'll hold a shareholder meeting," Jiang Yun said. "Meeting adjourned."

Yi Rann stayed in the meeting room. When the meeting ended, she made some noise.

"No matter what, you are on my side. Why don't you speak up for me?" Jiang Yun asked, "You play with your phone during the meeting."

"Are you blaming me?" Yi Rann frowned, "See for yourself."

Jiang Yun took Yi Rann's phone and stopped it on an article page. He started to read.

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