Super Cultivating Conceited Master/C8 Prepare for War
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Super Cultivating Conceited Master/C8 Prepare for War
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C8 Prepare for War

"Teacher, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I'm guilty! I deserve to die! Can you stop crying? " The flustered Xiao mingshan didn't know what to say either.

"Why aren't you listening in class?" Yan xuemei resisted the urge to cry as he replied in an aggrieved tone.

"Teacher, I'm really studying right now. Do you believe in me? I promise I'll get a high score in tomorrow's exam. No, full score!" Xiao mingshan didn't know how to explain it to him, so he could only promise to get a higher score.

"Puchi!" Yan xuemei couldn't hold back her laughter. Although she knew that Xiao mingshan was comforting her, she still didn't want to let him off like this. She stopped her tears and said: "If you don't get full marks tomorrow, then focus on listening to my class!"

"Teacher, rest assured!" I'll definitely get full marks tomorrow, but can you let me review this first? " Xiao mingshan looked like he had complete confidence.

"You! Don't disturb everyone! " Although Yan xuemei was curious about what was going on with Xiao mingshan, he did not want to take up too much of the time in the classroom.

The group of students naturally did not think that Xiao mingshan could get a perfect score, but seeing that Yan xuemei was no longer crying, and did not care what he was doing, Shu xiaomann rolled his eyes at Xiao mingshan and turned back to continue listening to the lecture.

After this incident, nothing else happened. Other than the Yan xuemei, no one else cared about the Xiao mingshan, it was good that he didn't come. How could there be a teacher willing to waste his breath on him?

After all, he was not very serious in his classes and did not know many knowledge points. Now that he had the conditions and even made a bet with Teacher Li, he would naturally go all out.

In the afternoon, Xiao mingshan did not delay any longer and sent Shu xiaomann home. He hurriedly ran back home to continue fighting with Book Sea, and Shu xiaomann said that he would help him review it a few times, but he was rejected by Xiao mingshan. Shu xiaomann could only stomp his feet and enter his house in anger.

It was not that Xiao mingshan did not know what was good for him. With his current abilities, he would definitely be able to quickly study and learn from computer copies of the documents. How could Shu xiaomann be able to guide him?

"Ah!" Closing the book, Xiao mingshan couldn't help but stretch his body and mutter: "I've finally finished reading. The feeling when I'm doing the questions is pretty good. There shouldn't be any problems with tomorrow's exam.

He looked at his watch and thought that he could sleep another two hours. He got up to go to bed and accidentally saw a set of "Three Years of College Entrance Examination and Five Years Simulation" on the corner of the table.

The speed at which the Xiao mingshan's brain worked was not something ordinary people could compare to. In just an hour, he had completed all the questions.

"Sigh!" "It seems life is still not good enough." After comparing the answers, the Xiao mingshan sighed to himself.

In fact, it was no wonder. Xiao mingshan didn't listen to him normally in biology class and hadn't studied biology since yesterday so it was naturally impossible for him to get high marks.

"It seems like I need to review the creatures at noon!" Xiao mingshan had an idea in his mind. Just as he wanted to go to bed, he saw that it was already 7 o'clock. If he did not hurry up to take the exam, he would be late.

"Alright, let's head for the exam!" Muttering to himself, Xiao mingshan got up and walked out of the classroom.

Although Xiao mingshan had not slept a wink that night, the results were indeed very obvious. He had read the textbooks for each subject for three years at least twice, and had even done a lot of practice questions. During the process of doing practice, Xiao mingshan realized that as long as he mastered the knowledge points, he would not feel any pressure no matter how the pattern changed.

At this time, not only did Xiao mingshan, who had not slept for the entire night, not feel sleepy, rather, it was because the examination was about to begin and he felt a faint sense of excitement. When he arrived in the living room, he discovered that his father had already left for work, and he fiercely washed his face with cold water.

"Sanpang, how are you preparing for today's exam?" Shu xiaomann entered the class, put down his schoolbag and walked in front of Xiao mingshan, and asked while blinking his large eyes.

"Be careful not to let me take first place." The Xiao mingshan was full of confidence as he sat down on his seat and started to joke with the Shu xiaomann.

"Great!" Since you are so confident, I will wait and see! " The Shu xiaomann returned to his seat after he finished speaking.

Of course Shu xiaomann thought that Xiao mingshan was joking, but since he was so confident, his results would definitely not be too bad. In the future, the two of them might really be able to go to university together, so Shu xiaomann was very happy in his heart.

The first subject was naturally the Chinese Literature test. Because of their mother tongue, no matter how poor the results were, it was unlikely that the students would be unable to complete the mock exam. Therefore, this examination wouldn't burden the examinees as much as the other subjects, making it easier for the examinees to prepare for the rest of the exam.

A middle-aged woman with thick glasses came in holding a stack of papers. This was Xiao mingshan's form teacher, Teacher Li.

In fact, Xiao mingshan didn't really need much time to review the language last night. After all, he had so many years of foundation, but it was just that he did not know how to use it in the past.

However, he was still able to study some ancient poems and literatures. With his current photographic ability, Xiao mingshan was able to easily finish the questions on the text and part of the poems. Furthermore, Xiao mingshan believed that he had done it completely correctly.

As for how to differentiate sound and find the wrong answer, that was just it. After all, it was his mother tongue and not a heavenly book, so understanding reading was a piece of prose. Xiao mingshan calmed down and read it twice carefully, making it easy for him to answer the questions.

The scope of the title essay given was "Autumn", which required the examinee to write an essay with an understanding of "Autumn" of no less than 800 words. The topic and style of the essay were not limited.

With the harvest as the starting point, Xiao mingshan narrated the hard work he had done over the past ten years and the joy he had gained from the name of the Golden Ranking. With sincere words, he wrote down almost a thousand words.

Actually, there was nothing worth checking for the Chinese Literature test, as long as he answered the questions seriously. Otherwise, if he finished answering the questions, even if he was full of questions, there was no way to change it even if he wanted to.

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