Super Dad's Dominance/C10 Healing
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Super Dad's Dominance/C10 Healing
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C10 Healing

The elder was astounded by Ye Kai's words.

He found it hard to believe that Ye Kai had so easily discerned Mr. Loong's ailment. After all, it had taken the elder a thorough examination to diagnose Mr. Loong's condition.

Yet, there was Ye Kai, identifying Mr. Loong's illness with a mere glance, a feat that seemed nothing short of miraculous.

The elder clutched Ye Kai's arm, his heart brimming with hope.

He knew the significance of this moment.

"Young man, how did you figure it out?" the elder asked with a hint of sarcasm.

Ye Kai simply smiled serenely.

"It was a guess!"

Those three words left the elder and Mr. Loong utterly speechless, their faces a picture of shock.

"Well, if there's nothing more, I'll be on my way!" Ye Kai remarked, noting the elder had released his grip.

Ye Kai was playing a strategic game, a psychological ploy.

Indeed, Ye Kai's mind game had the elder completely under his sway. The effectiveness of this tactic stemmed from Ye Kai's possession of the Divine Doctor System.

With the system's enhancement, Ye Kai could see that Mr. Loong's condition had deteriorated beyond control.

Mr. Loong was desperate, like a drowning man reaching for a lifeline.

In such a situation, Mr. Loong was not about to let Ye Kai walk away.

Sure enough, Mr. Loong quickly stepped in front of Ye Kai, blocking his path, with a trace of a smile on his face.

"You were right, and I was wrong. Please, don't go," Mr. Loong implored.

Mr. Loong's humility was so profound he nearly knelt, yet he still carried the presence of a top-notch master.

Observing Mr. Loong's demeanor, Ye Kai allowed himself a small smile, his expression tranquil.

He gave Mr. Loong's shoulder a reassuring pat.

"Stand up. Treating your condition is no big deal."

At Ye Kai's words, both Mr. Loong and the elder were visibly shaken, neither able to fathom that Ye Kai's offer was genuine.

Their faces were etched with fear.

Ye Kai maintained his calm smile.

"Now, I can begin your treatment. Afterward..." Ye Kai began.

Upon hearing Ye Kai's words, Mr. Loong quickly pulled a bank card from his pocket and placed it in front of Ye Kai with a decisive slap.

"The bank card contains exactly the amount needed for the rent. Take it all. If you can heal me, I'll be sure to reward you handsomely!"

Ye Kai's eyes sparkled at the sight of the money. "Making money really can be easy!" he mused with satisfaction. The Divine Doctor System was proving to be quite remarkable.

Without delay, Ye Kai began his treatment. His techniques were exceptionally powerful, and he was confident in his ability to heal with ease.

Under the meticulous manipulation of the Divine Doctor System, it wasn't long before Mr. Loong's health was fully restored, though he didn't yet reveal his improved condition.

Mr. Loong turned his attention to an elderly man who promptly examined him. As the elder concluded his examination, beads of cold sweat formed on his brow, utterly astounded by Ye Kai's skill.

"How did you do it?" he exclaimed, having observed Ye Kai's subtle movements, which seemed no more than a flick of the fingers, yet had effectively completed the treatment.

"Mr. Loong, your illness... it's gone," the old man stated reluctantly, despite struggling to accept the miraculous recovery.

Mr. Loong was ecstatic. His frail health had seemed beyond hope, yet Ye Kai had effortlessly turned the tide, bringing about a complete cure.

In awe of Ye Kai, Mr. Loong knelt down reverently. "Young man, from this day forward, you are my savior. I, Wang Loong, am a man of my word. From now on, you are my greatest benefactor!"

Ye Kai was torn between amusement and emotion at Mr. Loong's gesture. Nevertheless, he acknowledged the man's genuine loyalty.

Helping Mr. Loong to his feet, Ye Kai advised, "Your illness is cured, but you must still undergo weekly check-ups. I'll return next week." With that, Ye Kai decided it was time to depart.

Having completed the task at hand, Ye Kai saw no reason to linger. He had to check in with Ma Kai.

The thought of Ma Kai's likely reaction brought a smirk to Ye Kai's face.

With the contract and bank card in hand, Ye Kai made his exit, promptly returning to his duties and heading straight for the General Manager's office.

He produced the bank card with a flourish.

"Piece of cake!" he announced to Ma Kai.

"Huh?" Ma Kai and Ma Rulong were taken aback, unable to fathom the turn of events. Their faces were a picture of dismay.

Ye Kai allowed himself a slight grin, casually brandishing the bank card.

"If there's nothing else, may I be excused?" he asked, his tone laced with defiance.

Confronted with the likes of Ma Kai and Ma Rulong, Ye Kai saw no need for pleasantries. His demeanor remained composed, his eyes betraying a hint of frost.

The pair stood there, momentarily stunned.

Back in the marketing department, the workday was drawing to a close. Su Ruoqing was there, waiting for Ye Kai's return.

"Ah, you're back!" she exclaimed, surprised to see Ye Kai.

She had feared that an encounter with Mr. Loong would lead to humiliation or worse for Ye Kai.

A peculiar sensation had taken root deep within Su Ruoqing.

Yet here was Ye Kai, seemingly unfazed by the ordeal.

"I'm fine. Their scheming couldn't possibly touch me," Ye Kai replied coolly.

"You..." Su Ruoqing hesitated, words failing her.

Ye Kai was equally taken aback by her reaction.

He scratched his head, slightly puzzled.

"Could you, perhaps, come over to my place today? I..." Su Ruoqing trailed off.

Taking care of two little ones, Su Ruoqing barely had a moment to herself, let alone time to cook. And certainly, the nanny wouldn't lift a finger to help her in the kitchen.

The nanny's fees were exorbitant, and her attitude left much to be desired. It was all quite frustrating for Su Ruoqing.

Since tasting Ye Kai's cooking the day before, she couldn't help but crave more.

In just one day, Su Ruoqing had brought Ye Kai a multitude of surprises.

"Could he truly be capable of taking on the responsibilities of a father?" Su Ruoqing pondered.

For the first time, she began to see Ye Kai in a new light.

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