Super Dad's Dominance/C11 Cleaning up Mrs Lin
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Super Dad's Dominance/C11 Cleaning up Mrs Lin
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C11 Cleaning up Mrs Lin

"You won't have to work so hard with me around from now on," Ye Kai stated calmly.

He was already seated in Su Ruoqing's car, preparing to head home with her.

Su Ruoqing, however, rolled her eyes.

"I earn less than 10,000 yuan a month, yet I'm supporting two babies. The nanny alone costs 5,000 yuan a day!"

Su Ruoqing sounded somewhat disheartened.

Being a single mother, the burden of raising two children alone was overwhelming.

Ye Kai sighed as well.

As the father of the two children, he felt he hadn't been responsible enough, which weighed heavily on his conscience.

Su Ruoqing remained silent.

Together, they made their way home.

This was Ye Kai's second visit to Su Ruoqing's apartment, and it felt strangely familiar to him. Deep down, he was filled with eager anticipation.

He was desperate to see the two babies.

Upon opening the door, they encountered the nanny just as she was about to leave. She and Ye Kai collided.

The nanny, Lin Meijuan, was a seasoned professional but somewhat harsh, particularly when working for Su Ruoqing, never wanting to waste a single minute.

With Su Ruoqing frequently working late, Lin Meijuan often had to care for the babies longer than expected, which she found quite irritating.

As Su Ruoqing and Ye Kai entered, Lin Meijuan's expression soured.

"Auntie Lin, are the babies asleep?" Su Ruoqing asked cautiously.

Lin Meijuan scoffed.

"The kids just went to bed. Why are you so late today? You've delayed my departure. If this keeps up, you'll have to pay extra..."

Lin Meijuan spoke while gathering her belongings, clearly intent on leaving right away.

Ye Kai stepped aside to give her space.

But just as Lin Meijuan was about to exit, she paused in front of Ye Kai, her face twisting into a sarcastic sneer.

"Oh, look at that. Miss Su has not only raised two babies but also taken in a stray man!"

Lin Meijuan's remarks were laced with sarcasm, leaving Ye Kai with a scowl on his face.

Su Ruoqing also looked visibly upset.

At that moment, Ye Kai's demeanor turned icy.

"Who are you calling a wild man?"

He was the father of two babies; the term "wild man" simply didn't apply to him.

Ye Kai could not accept Lin Meijuan's words.

Upon hearing Ye Kai's retort, Lin Meijuan scrutinized him from head to toe.

"Am I wrong? Look at you, nothing but a penniless kid with no prospects!" Lin Meijuan's voice dripped with scorn.


Ye Kai delivered a slap.

The force behind Ye Kai's hand was tremendous, and his slap landed fiercely on her face.

Lin Meijuan staggered and ended up sitting on the ground.

"You dare to hit me?" Lin Meijuan exclaimed in anger.

Ye Kai let out a smirk.

"Hit you? You're already fired. Don't bother coming back!" Ye Kai's voice was steady and composed.

His words sent Lin Meijuan reeling.

For the first time, a look of sheer panic crossed her face.

Su Ruoqing had always been timid for the sake of her children, but Ye Kai was breaking the mold.

Lin Meijuan experienced fear for the first time.

"Get out!" Ye Kai commanded coldly.

His voice was piercing, its intensity at its peak.

Lin Meijuan was consumed by fear, her forehead beaded with cold sweat. Even as a mere housekeeper, she was acutely aware of Ye Kai's formidable nature.

Lin Meijuan fled, her face smeared with disgrace.

Watching Lin Meijuan's retreating figure, Su Ruoqing was astounded.

She had never imagined Ye Kai could be so formidable, to the point of sending Lin Meijuan packing.

Deep down, Su Ruoqing felt a surge of relief.

But with Lin Meijuan gone, who would care for the children?

Su Ruoqing's mood soured at the thought.

Just then, the children's cries echoed through the house. They rushed inside, and Old Wang wasted no time donning an apron to start cooking.

Later that night, after the children were asleep, Ye Kai and Su Ruoqing sat down to a quiet dinner in the soft glow of the light.

Both felt an odd sense of unease, at a loss for words.

This peculiar sensation somehow brought with it a sense of happiness.

"I... I'll hire a postpartum nurse tomorrow!" Ye Kai declared.


Su Ruoqing let out a surprised shriek.

She truly couldn't fathom what all this meant.

"Where did you get so much money? You do realize that hiring a postpartum nurse is quite expensive!" Su Ruoqing expressed her concern.

She herself didn't have the funds at the moment, especially since the affordable Lin Meijuan had been driven away by Ye Kai's scolding. Su Ruoqing was feeling rather downcast.

Yet, Ye Kai just smiled slightly. There's an old saying, "Necessity is the mother of invention," and Ye Kai was well aware that his enhanced abilities, thanks to the system, were beyond the reach of the average person.

The night passed quietly, and the following day, being the weekend, found Su Ruoqing at home caring for the twins while Ye Kai set out to hire a postpartum nurse. With the tens of thousands he had recently made from Mr. Loong, hiring a nurse didn't seem like a daunting task.

Determined, Ye Kai headed to the domestic service center.

Before long, he stood at the entrance of the sprawling center, bustling with many people also in search of domestic help.

With a composed demeanor, Ye Kai entered, not the least bit daunted by the task at hand. After all, finding a postpartum nurse wasn't supposed to be hard.

Inside, he scrutinized the crowd, where numerous individuals were seeking employment. It seemed it would be a breeze to find a nurse.

However, after an extensive search, he found none that met his standards.

Just then, a young woman approached him.

She appeared to be in her early twenties, her natural beauty unenhanced by makeup, giving her a refreshingly pure aura.

The young woman regarded Ye Kai with a curious look.

"Excuse me, sir, are you looking to hire a postpartum nurse?" she asked in a soft voice.

At her question, Ye Kai nodded emphatically.

Her voice quivered slightly, her face etched with hope.

"Do you think I might be suitable?" she inquired.

The young girl spoke plainly.

A curious look crossed Ye Kai's face as he scrutinized her, his gaze intense and thoughtful.

He was well aware of the implications.

Her apparent innocence pleased Ye Kai immensely.


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