Super Dad's Dominance/C12 Helplessness
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Super Dad's Dominance/C12 Helplessness
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C12 Helplessness

The young girl's cheeks were flushed as she gazed at Ye Kai.

"What's the situation?" Ye Kai asked, puzzled by the girl's demeanor.

Her expression had taken Ye Kai aback. She didn't fit the profile of someone applying for a nanny position, and she was quite attractive.

He noticed she was clutching a book—a rather sophisticated one at that.

"How much are you asking to be a nanny?" Ye Kai inquired earnestly.

At his question, the girl's face turned even redder.

"As long as you're willing to take me in, any amount will do..."


Ye Kai was at a loss for words.

"This isn't some kind of scam, is it?"

He was aware of con artists who employed such tactics, and he couldn't shake the feeling that this girl might be one of them, which made him anxious.

The girl gestured dismissively.

Her complexion was rosy, and she appeared extremely shy.

"I, Xu Xinxin, would never engage in such deceit. Big brother, I'm truly desperate..."

Tears were brimming in her eyes.

Ye Kai felt torn.

Entrusting his two little ones to a stranger was risky, especially if that stranger proved untrustworthy.

Just then, the voice of the system echoed in his mind.

"Congratulations, host, on receiving a temporary mission. Talent appraisal mode is now activated, and you've been awarded three appraisal red packets..."

As the system spoke, three red packets materialized in Ye Kai's mind, leaving him momentarily dumbfounded.

"Appraisal red packets?"

He was clueless about the term, his expression one of bewilderment, but the system's voice continued to drift through his thoughts.

"The Appraisal System is a highly sophisticated feature of this system. You're receiving a trial version, with three opportunities to use it. Within these opportunities, you can evaluate talent, but remember, you only get three effective uses!"

"The first opportunity is now underway..."

Xu Xinxin's information swiftly downloaded into Ye Kai's consciousness.

"Name: Xu Xinxin, Age: 23, Measurements..."


"Talent level: Orange, Potential for future development: 5 stars!"

Ye Kai was astounded by the data.

The Orange level is the second tier within the hierarchy of talent, and a development rating of 5 stars indicates that Xu Xinxin could very well become a talent of global renown, provided she receives the proper guidance.

"Is she really that extraordinary?" Ye Kai's eyes widened in disbelief.

He found it hard to believe that he could stumble upon such a prodigy by simply searching for a nanny.

Xu Xinxin's talents were truly exceptional.

"What kind of talent does Xu Xinxin possess?"

Ye Kai pressed for an answer.

But the system responded with a few bold lines.

"Host does not have the required permissions. To access this information, you must upgrade to the Platinum rank!"


Ye Kai sighed in frustration.

He could clearly see the system interface and his current rank.

One-star Bronze.

Reaching Platinum would surely take a considerable amount of time.

Nevertheless, this revelation was crucial for Ye Kai.

At the very least, he could be certain that Xu Xinxin was an exceptional talent, possessing unique abilities in a certain area.

Which specific abilities, Ye Kai had yet to discover.

However, one thing was clear to Ye Kai: Xu Xinxin had certain distinctive qualities.

With this in mind, Ye Kai was struck with an idea—to bring Xu Xinxin into his fold.

He would not pass up the opportunity to work with a talent of her caliber, someone with a five-star development rating. For Ye Kai, Xu Xinxin was a talent of monstrous proportions.

A slight smile crossed his face.

This smile sent a shiver down Xu Xinxin's spine.

"Boss, is everything okay?"

Xu Xinxin asked, her voice quivering.

"Uh, yes, I'm fine. It's just that..."

Ye Kai shared his thoughts.

Upon hearing this, Xu Xinxin was stunned.

"You really want to hire me? And offer a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan?"

Xu Xinxin could hardly believe her ears.

She had merely sought a month-long nanny position, but Ye Kai's offer was far beyond her expectations.

The situation had surpassed anything Xu Xinxin could have imagined.

Taking a deep breath, her face registered her astonishment.

Ye Kai simply smiled.

"Miss Xu, is there an issue?" he inquired, his face a picture of curiosity.

Xu Xinxin immediately shook her head.


She was visibly excited.

But just then, several people approached from a distance, their faces twisted with arrogance and flashing with extreme violence.

It was clear from their expressions that they were unhinged.

Ye Kai was momentarily taken aback by the sight.

Xu Xinxin, however, was so frightened that she was shaking all over.

She quickly took refuge behind Ye Kai.


Her voice quivered as she spoke.

"What in the world is going on?" Ye Kai asked, his expression grave.

Xu Xinxin, rendered speechless, seemed to have encountered something truly horrifying.

Just then, the group had closed in around them.

They looked menacing.

The ringleader was a thug with a muscular build, exuding raw power.

"I finally found you..." he said with anger in his voice.

Xu Xinxin, terrified, clung to Ye Kai for protection, her hands visibly trembling.

Ye Kai felt a sense of helplessness wash over him.

Clearly, Xu Xinxin was in a peculiar state.

He fell into deep contemplation.

The situation was apparent: these people were after Xu Xinxin, but their exact intentions remained unknown to Ye Kai.

He was on high alert.

Xu Xinxin was an orange-level talent Ye Kai had only recently discovered. Such a talent was not easily matched by the average person.

Ye Kai would not allow Xu Xinxin to be taken by anyone else; the thought was unbearable to him, and a flicker of cold determination passed through his eyes.

Even though Ye Kai wasn't much of a fighter, he was resolved to protect Xu Xinxin.

In that moment, a compass materialized in Ye Kai's mind.

"Lottery mode activated!"

His eyes sparkled with anticipation.

He hadn't expected the lottery mode to kick in at such a critical juncture, a turn of events of great significance for Ye Kai.

A slight smile crept onto his face.

"Start the lottery!" Ye Kai entered the data without hesitation.

And with that, the lottery mode commenced, the compass spinning wildly, its velocity reaching an unparalleled speed.

As the compass finished its spin, it gradually came to a halt, revealing a set of data before Ye Kai.

"Congratulations, host, on securing a temporary reward: the Martial Arts Grandmaster System. This system allows you to enhance your abilities to their utmost potential and grants you a temporary boost as a Martial Arts Grandmaster!"

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