Super Dad's Dominance/C13 Smashing the Hooligans
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Super Dad's Dominance/C13 Smashing the Hooligans
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C13 Smashing the Hooligans

"The Martial Arts Grandmaster System has granted a temporary extension of six hours. During this time, the host can wield the power of any historical-level master with ease!"

The system's voice echoed.

"Is it really that incredible?"

Ye Kai was astounded.

The power was beyond his wildest dreams, utterly unbelievable. He was lost in thought, fully aware of the implications.

With a determined glint in his eye, Ye Kai was ready for what was to come.

The Martial Arts Grandmaster System was outrageously potent, leaving Ye Kai momentarily dumbfounded.

However, the gang leader was seething with rage.

"Kid, what do you think you're doing?"

His voice was heavy with fury.


Ye Kai snapped back to reality.

He looked up, fixing the other man with a serious gaze.

"Xu Xinxin is under my protection now. Beat it!" Ye Kai declared boldly.

He was in no mood to ponder the identities of these thugs. With the Martial Arts Grandmaster System, he could act with impunity.

The gang leader shook with rage, his face contorting with anger.

"Do you have any idea who I am?"

He inhaled deeply.

Ye Kai dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

"It doesn't matter who you are. Xu Xinxin is now employed by me!" Ye Kai stated emphatically.

The gang leader was livid, practically beside himself with anger.

"I'll have you know, I'm from the Donglai Martial Club. The name's Wang Donglai, and in the eastern part of the city, my strength is unrivaled. You dare to disrespect me? Well, don't say I didn't warn you when I stop playing nice!"

Wang Donglai's fists were clenched with indignation.

At the mention of his name, a flicker of recognition crossed Ye Kai's face.

"So this is Wang Donglai."

Ye Kai was familiar with the name; Wang Donglai was a celebrated master of the Donglai Martial Club, renowned for his formidable prowess.

A man of considerable repute, Ye Kai knew that Wang Donglai had claimed numerous championships, his skills and tactics far beyond those of the average fighter.

"This guy is actually incredibly strong. Thank goodness I have the Martial Arts Grandmaster System now, or the consequences would be dire!"

Ye Kai inhaled sharply, his thoughts racing.

Just then, Wang Donglai's henchmen had encircled him.

The two underlings stood with an air of arrogance.

"Hand that woman over to me, and you can scram!" they demanded indignantly.

Ye Kai let out a cold laugh.

"And what if I refuse? What can you possibly do to me?"

The two henchmen let out a loud cry, clearly unaccustomed to such disrespect. They were Wang Donglai's men, accustomed to deference even from formidable masters.

Who would dare to treat them with such insolence?

The henchmen looked furious, their fists clenched as they charged at Ye Kai.

"Please select your attack method!"

The voice of the system echoed.

"Taiji Fist, Eight Extremes Fist, Taekwondo..."

A variety of techniques were at Ye Kai's disposal.

"Fierce Tiger Fist!"

Overwhelmed by the array of martial arts before him, Ye Kai nevertheless chose the Fierce Tiger Fist.

The name Fierce Tiger Fist itself suggested raw power, fitting Ye Kai's current mood perfectly.

"Fierce Tiger Fist, learning initiated!"

A lengthy progress bar materialized in Ye Kai's mind, quickly filling to 100%.

Ye Kai's body seemed to move on its own, as if he had mastered the Fierce Tiger Fist by instinct.

At that moment, the two henchmen launched their attack.

Their presence was formidable as they bore down on Ye Kai. But he stood firm, unshaken, as if their efforts were trivial.

As the henchmen closed in, Ye Kai unleashed an inch punch.

This punch was the essence of the Fierce Tiger Fist.

The explosive power!

The Fierce Tiger Fist's technique was brutally powerful. The punch hit nothing but air, yet its force still erupted violently.

The strength of the Fierce Tiger Fist was not something the average person could contend with.


A thunderous explosion echoed as the Fierce Tiger Fist detonated in midair, the sound reverberating as if the very air had burst apart.


The two underlings were thrown into disarray by the force of Ye Kai's punches, stumbling backward at breakneck speed. They coughed up blood before collapsing onto the ground, completely drained of their ability to fight.


Wang Donglai watched the scene unfold with his mouth agape, unable to believe what he was seeing. He had personally trained these two men, and their skills were not to be underestimated by any means.

Yet, in the face of Ye Kai, they stood no chance. How could Wang Donglai not be astounded?

He was considered the city's top boxer, yet he had never heard of someone like Ye Kai.

The power Ye Kai demonstrated went far beyond Wang Donglai's wildest expectations.

The brutality of that punch was unparalleled.

Wang Donglai was petrified, utterly shaken by Ye Kai's prowess, but Ye Kai merely offered a slight, mocking smile.

"You're not as impressive as I thought," Ye Kai said with a hint of contempt.

Wang Donglai staggered, barely holding back a mouthful of blood.

Despite this, he recognized that Ye Kai's strength was immeasurable, leaving him uncertain whether to engage or not.

After a moment's hesitation and sizing up Ye Kai's formidable demeanor, Wang Donglai appeared to reach a conclusion.

"Kid, the mountains remain unchanged, the rivers ever-flowing; we shall meet again," he declared. With that, he turned on his heel and left.


Ye Kai was left dumbfounded by the turn of events.

He was at a loss for words as his opponent fled in panic.

Shaking his head in resignation, Ye Kai lamented, "What a waste!"

His time as a Martial Arts Grandmaster was limited to six hours, and he had hoped for a real challenge, but Wang Donglai had fallen short.

Ye Kai could only express his frustration.

By now, Wang Donglai had made his escape.

Turning to Xu Xinxin, Ye Kai noticed her expression was one of sheer terror.

Xu Xinxin was in disbelief. "Boss Ye Kai, I had no idea you were so formidable!" she said, her face awash with admiration.

Ye Kai's gaze grew icy.

He felt it was time to give Xu Xinxin a reminder.

"I don't care about your past. What matters is the here and now."

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