Super Dad's Dominance/C14 New Trouble
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Super Dad's Dominance/C14 New Trouble
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C14 New Trouble

Having taken Xu Xinxin under his wing, Ye Kai felt it was necessary to set some expectations with her.

"You'll be looking after my two little ones. Whatever you've been through before doesn't matter to me, but you must..."

Ye Kai issued a cautious warning.

Xu Xinxin nodded compliantly.

"Rest assured, I'll take great care of your two treasures!" she assured him.

Pleased with her response, Ye Kai nodded contentedly.

He then escorted Xu Xinxin back to Su Ruoqing's home and introduced the two women. They hit it off immediately, chatting as if they were old friends who had just met. Ye Kai found himself sidelined.

But he didn't mind the downtime; the babies were playing on the bed, and he eagerly joined in, eliciting peals of laughter from them.

Just then, Ye Kai's account pinged with a notification.

"Congratulations on completing the novice mission!"

His balance had surged by 100,000 yuan. The windfall thrilled Ye Kai, who hadn't anticipated such a generous reward for a beginner's task.

Still, he kept his composure. As someone with a system now, he couldn't afford to show too much excitement.

That would be unseemly.

Ye Kai simply smiled with a serene confidence.

His demeanor was earnest, his emotions perfectly steady.

At that moment, Su Ruoqing looked up.

"I need to discuss child care with Xinxin. You go buy some groceries," she instructed.


Ye Kai was slightly taken aback but also felt a surge of happiness.

Buying groceries for his little ones was a joy in itself, and a smile graced his face.

"I'll be back in a flash!"

With that, Ye Kai set out. Now a modestly wealthy man with 100,000 yuan to his name, he wasn't bothered by the errand.

Ye Kai maintained his equanimity.

While 100,000 yuan wasn't a fortune, it was a significant amount for him at the moment.

Leaving Su Ruoqing's place, he made his way to the market.

It was 1 PM, and Ye Kai had three hours to spare.

He wasn't in any rush.

Strolling forward, Ye Kai reminisced about the commanding presence he had when he had just defeated two thugs, a memory that stirred a hint of excitement within him.

The skirmish with the thugs had been unsatisfying, yet his time with the Martial Arts Grandmaster System was dwindling—only six hours remained. This limitation was a source of frustration for Ye Kai.

It was then that he sensed someone tailing him.

With the Martial Arts Grandmaster System enhancing his Sensing Ability, Ye Kai was acutely aware of his surroundings. The realization that he was being followed etched a peculiar look onto his face.

"Who's there?"

Ye Kai called out quietly, but received no reply.

His expression grew intense.

Ye Kai understood the gravity of the situation and was fully prepared for what might come.

Taking a deep breath, he acknowledged the seriousness of the matter, his gaze heavy with anticipation.

This scenario was beyond anything Ye Kai could have anticipated.

Spotting a park ahead, he swiftly darted into it, blending into the surroundings while staying alert.

That's when Ye Kai spotted the pursuer.

The figure moved with ghostly speed, almost elusive.

"Where do you think you're going?!"

Ye Kai spun around, coming to an abrupt halt.

His movements were lightning-fast, a testament to the enhancements provided by the system.

Ye Kai's techniques were far beyond the ordinary, bolstered by the system's augmentation, the extent of which was beyond imagination.

He caught the man in a firm grip.


The man let out a startled scream.

But Ye Kai was already upon him. With just a slight misstep, he was face to face with the man, his speed unparalleled.

The young man attempted a kick at Ye Kai, but Ye Kai was unfazed and countered with his own.

"Whirlwind Kick!"

The kick was formidable, a signature move of a Martial Arts Grandmaster, its power epitomizing the ultimate in martial prowess.


The young man's form went sprawling uncontrollably, crashing to the ground in a heap.

As he lay there, Ye Kai couldn't help but smile, his Martial Arts Grandmaster System proving its formidable strength. The young man stood no chance against him.

Ye Kai cracked a slight smile.

"Who exactly are you? And why are you tailing me?" Ye Kai approached the young man with a frosty expression.

At Ye Kai's words, the young man's brow creased slightly, and he hung his head, his face clouded with gloom.

Ye Kai seized his shoulder and hoisted him up.

"You might as well confess—I already know Wang Donglai sent you, didn't he?"


The young man was at a loss for words after Ye Kai's pointed question.

His face contorted with discomfort.

Ye Kai let out a small smile.

"Tell me the truth!" he demanded.

Defiance was written all over the young man's face.

"You ambushed me just now, so it doesn't count!" the young man retorted.

Ye Kai gestured dismissively.

"Fine, if that's how you want it, I'll release you and we can have a proper match!" Ye Kai felt a surge of excitement within.

He hadn't used his Martial Arts Grandmaster System for long, and if he didn't seize the opportunity now, he might never get another chance.

So Ye Kai treasured the time he was using it.

A cold smirk crossed his face.

Noticing Ye Kai's readiness, the young man staggered slightly.

"Do you really mean to have a rematch with me?" the young man asked.

Ye Kai gestured casually.

"Enough talk. Whatever move you make, I'll match it!" Ye Kai declared earnestly.

The young man was taken aback by this statement.

For both to use the same move was a significant disadvantage for the one imitating; only if the imitator's strength was several times that of the attacker would such a tactic be feasible.

The young man couldn't believe that Wang's strength was several times his own—it was simply inconceivable to him.

"Fine, I've been practicing Tai Chi since childhood. If that's the case, I'll counter you with Tai Chi!"

The young man's fists tightened as he spoke with fierce resolve.

He was determined to confront Ye Kai with the techniques of Tai Chi.

"Tai Chi," Ye Kai said with a cold chuckle.

That was precisely what he needed.

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