Super Dad's Dominance/C18 King of Ksing
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Super Dad's Dominance/C18 King of Ksing
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C18 King of Ksing


Upon being questioned by Lee Feilong, Ye Kai finally looked up.

He had previously dismissed Lee Feilong's words without a second thought.

The situation at hand was astonishing to him; Ye Kai had actually acquired the King of Karaoke system.

"This is absolutely incredible!"

The King of Karaoke system lasted a mere 24 hours, yet it allowed him to mimic the vocal timbre of any singer in the world with nearly perfect accuracy.

Even more impressively, the system could enhance the originality and attractiveness of one's voice.

It could even elevate the voice to a higher level.

This ability was extraordinarily potent, enough to send shivers down one's spine.

While Ye Kai was eagerly exploring this new capability, Lee Feilong's voice shattered his excitement.

"Kid, are you brave enough to take me on?"

Lee Feilong spoke with an icy edge.

In reality, Lee Feilong loathed Ye Kai deeply. As the head of the Flying Dragon Group, he wasn't about to be intimidated by the likes of Ye Kai.

His sole focus was to best Ye Kai and subject him to a severe humiliation, as that was the only way Lee Feilong could salvage his pride.

This was the deep-seated desire within him.

Failing to restore his pride would be a truly pitiful outcome for him.

Not only was Lee Feilong the CEO of the Flying Dragon Group, but in his younger days, he was also a well-known singer.

Though not a professional, his singing prowess was nonetheless impressive.

He stood out among amateur singers, a fact that Lee Feilong took great pride in.

He couldn't fathom being outperformed by Ye Kai's vocals.

Moreover, this karaoke venue was of the highest caliber, equipped with state-of-the-art sound systems. Lee Feilong was convinced that Ye Kai had no clue about the intricacies of this KTV.

In essence, Lee Feilong's disdain for Ye Kai was palpable and unmistakable.

"Not up for the challenge?"

Upon hearing Lee Feilong's taunt, Ye Kai let out a derisive snort. He was incredulous at the man's audacity.

To be so belittled and insulted by him left Ye Kai at a loss for words.

Ye Kai refused to be demeaned by such shamelessness.

Ye Kai's lips curled in disdain.

He certainly wasn't bothered by the situation.

"Sure, I can match you, but as they say, there's no definitive best in literature and no runner-up in combat. Who would judge us?"

Ye Kai waved his hand dismissively as he spoke.

Even though everyone there was aligned with Lee Feilong, they couldn't deny that Ye Kai made a solid point.

Lee Feilong burst into hearty laughter.

"You clearly aren't familiar with this high-end KTV. Let me enlighten you—the songs here are scored by an automatic rating system..."

Lee Feilong prattled on. As a VIP regular, he was well-versed in all the amenities. In his eyes, Ye Kai was nothing more than a country bumpkin.

Ye Kai's eyes sparkled at the mention of a rating system.

"A scoring system, too?"

This exceeded his expectations.

With his unparalleled singing talent and the addition of a scoring system, it seemed almost too good to be true.

Ye Kai could barely suppress a chuckle.

He regarded Lee Feilong with a serene gaze.

"Alright then, you go first," he said, his voice as even as if he were discussing the weather.

Su Ruoqing nudged him upon hearing his words.

"How come I didn't know you could sing? You should know that Boss Lee is quite the force to be reckoned with. He's even hailed as the God of Song on the street!" Su Ruoqing's voice trembled with anxiety.

If Ye Kai lost, he'd have to meet a demand from Lee Feilong, and given Lee's unpredictable nature, it could be anything—potentially something perilous.

Su Ruoqing was certain of the stakes.

Yet, Ye Kai merely smiled, the epitome of tranquility. He didn't seem to take the challenge to heart.

He was the picture of composure.

This serenity was quintessential Ye Kai; he saw no reason to fret over the matter.

"I relish the chance to challenge the strong, but to be honest, I hardly consider Lee Feilong a worthy opponent," Ye Kai stated, his face a mask of calm as if he were speaking of something utterly mundane.

Upon hearing Ye Kai's remarks, Lee Feilong staggered slightly.


He was thoroughly incensed by Ye Kai. He had assumed that his words would be enough to make Ye Kai submit, but to his surprise, Ye Kai showed no sign of capitulation.

"Well, young man, let me give you a taste of my musical prowess!"

Lee Feilong grabbed the microphone and selected a song.

"Live for Another 500 Years..."

It was an epic song, and Lee Feilong began to belt it out with gusto.

Simultaneously, the KTV's scoring system kicked in.

Ye Kai observed keenly. The KTV's scoring criteria were straightforward, focusing on three aspects: vocal quality, pitch accuracy, and tone.

Only when all three were in harmony could one achieve a full score.

Ye Kai watched Lee Feilong's performance intently. As Lee Feilong started to sing, he exuded an overwhelming presence that seemed to hit everyone with an almost unbearable force.

This was the essence of Lee Feilong's music.

The music he produced was thrilling, even electrifying. The song, already challenging with its high notes, became even more majestic with Lee Feilong's rendition.

Though there was a gap compared to the original, Lee Feilong had pushed his amateur singing skills to their limits.

The computer's evaluation was impressive, awarding him a high score of 85 points.

When the song ended, everyone was visibly moved, their faces alight with excitement, as if Lee Feilong's performance had epitomized grandeur.

The once simple tune had taken on a new flavor through Lee Feilong's interpretation.

The crowd erupted into fervent applause.

"Boss Lee is truly formidable. Such a song belongs in the heavens; seldom is it heard on earth!"

"Boss Lee is unbeatable!"

"Boss Lee, you're my idol!"

The flattery poured in from all sides. Lee Feilong responded with a modest smile, nodding to the crowd like a true sovereign.

Witnessing this display, Ye Kai felt a wave of revulsion.

Meanwhile, Su Ruoqing was somewhat anxious.

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