Super Dad's Dominance/C19 Skills
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Super Dad's Dominance/C19 Skills
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C19 Skills

Lee Feilong is incredibly talented. His song is flawless. Do you truly believe you can beat him? If not, perhaps we should just leave..."

Su Ruoqing's voice quivered as she offered words of comfort. She didn't want Ye Kai to face humiliation again, because losing to Lee Feilong would be more than just embarrassing.

Su Ruoqing was acutely aware of the kind of man Lee Feilong was—an individual whose cunning knew no bounds.

In dealing with someone like him, any slip-up or imprudence could spell disaster. That was the terrifying aspect of Lee Feilong.

Upon hearing Su Ruoqing's concerns, Ye Kai cracked a smile. Clearly, Su Ruoqing harbored some fear towards Lee Feilong, but Ye Kai felt differently.

Far from fearing Lee Feilong, Ye Kai found the idea laughable. How could someone like Lee Feilong ever threaten him? The disparity between them was vast.

Ye Kai possessed formidable strength, and he had demonstrated it thoroughly. If he couldn't surpass Lee Feilong, it would indeed be a disgrace.

With the system's enhancements, if Ye Kai couldn't match Lee Feilong's prowess, he might as well give up.

Just then, Lee Feilong set down his microphone, his expression one of contempt as he addressed Ye Kai, "Young man, you might as well kneel and admit defeat now. Save yourself the embarrassment of competing further!"

It seemed as though Lee Feilong was offering friendly advice.

Ye Kai's face took on a look of resignation. He had encountered shameless individuals before, but Lee Feilong's audacity was a first for him.

Lee Feilong's level of shamelessness was beyond Ye Kai's wildest imagination.

With a cold laugh, Ye Kai said, "You only scored 85 points. To me, that score..."

He paused deliberately, scanning the room to find onlookers looking at him with scorn as if they held him in contempt.

But Ye Kai remained unfazed.

He continued calmly, "That score is simply too low. I could easily score over 95 points with little effort. There's just no comparison between us."

Ye Kai spoke with a calmness that suggested he was discussing something utterly mundane. Yet, to the onlookers, his words struck like a bolt from the blue.

The crowd was utterly speechless.

For a long stretch, silence enveloped the KTV, as if it were a meditation chamber. After a minute, someone finally let out a deep cough, which set off a wave of raucous laughter.

"Has this guy lost his mind?"

"I'd say he's gone mad. Seems like there's something off with his mental state!"

"He just scored 95 points. Does he even realize how rigorous this scoring system is?"

Everyone regarded Ye Kai with scorn.

"Exactly! Even professional singers are doing well to score 90 points. And those who've managed 92 points? They're considered God-level. To score over 95 points, you'd have to be a top-tier God. How could it possibly be this guy here?"

The murmurs continued among the crowd.

Ye Kai just gave a cold laugh in response to their comments.

How could they possibly understand his capabilities? Now was the time for Ye Kai to demonstrate what true talent and skill looked like.

Without hesitation, Ye Kai grabbed the microphone and queued up the same song.

The crowd was floored. They had never imagined Ye Kai would have the audacity to choose the same song as Lee Feilong, setting the stage for a head-to-head battle.

Their faces were a mix of eagerness and disbelief. Some even thought Ye Kai's boldness was akin to a death wish.

It was a moment that left them utterly astounded.

Sensing their reaction, Ye Kai allowed himself a slight smile. He was unfazed by their skepticism, his demeanor one of serene confidence.

"Pay close attention and I'll show you what real strength is," he declared.

With that, Ye Kai began to sing.

But as his voice filled the room, the crowd was left agape.

They were in disbelief at what they were hearing.

Ye Kai's voice was eerily perfect.

"Wait, how is this possible?"

The shock was palpable among the onlookers.

Their faces turned ashen as they struggled to accept the reality before them. The sheer terror of the situation had surpassed all their expectations.

Ye Kai's voice was indistinguishable from the original artist's.

"No way!"

Lee Feilong was stunned.

He couldn't deny it; Ye Kai's voice was virtually identical to the original singer's, a fact that shattered his preconceptions.

Lee Feilong was convinced that Ye Kai was just playing a recording of the original artist.

But when he muted the sound, he discovered that things were not as he had imagined.

Ye Kai wasn't playing the original track.

"Can this be real?"

Lee Feilong was utterly astonished.

He found it hard to believe that what he was witnessing was true; it far surpassed his wildest dreams. The sheer terror of the situation left him in shock.

Ye Kai hadn't played the original track. His performance was indistinguishable from that of the original artist.

Lee Feilong couldn't believe it was true. He began to question his entire life, yet reality was proving him wrong.

Because Ye Kai was singing a cappella.

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

Su Ruoqing's eyes were wide with amazement.

If Lee Feilong's music could be said to match the mood of the song, then Ye Kai's music was nothing short of God Level.

His melody and voice were impeccable, the hallmark of elite music.

A look of profound shock crossed Ye Kai's face.

The music was simply too perfect, surpassing the imagination of all present. Ye Kai's performance had reached its zenith.

As he finished his song, the audience erupted into applause. The score displayed on the big screen left Lee Feilong speechless.

"99 points!"


Lee Feilong nearly choked on his own disbelief.

The score was outrageously high, surpassing even his own expectations.

With the song over, Ye Kai stood up, a subtle smile gracing his face.

"Do you have anything else? If not, perhaps we should conclude today's event," he suggested.

At Ye Kai's words, Lee Feilong felt like he was on the verge of collapsing.

But he had to concede that Ye Kai had thoroughly bested him; there was no longer any doubt between them.

A flicker of resentment passed through Lee Feilong's eyes.

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