Super Dad's Dominance/C2 Earning Money Plan
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Super Dad's Dominance/C2 Earning Money Plan
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C2 Earning Money Plan

Ten minutes later, a rich, sweet aroma filled the air.


Su Ruoqing was quite puzzled.

Just then, the two babies in her arms began to shout excitedly.

The babies had already stopped crying. They reached out eagerly, seemingly fascinated by the dishes Ye Kai had prepared.

Ye Kai chuckled.

The Culinary Master System was proving to be incredibly effective, much to Ye Kai's satisfaction. He had never possessed such cooking skills before.

The babies quickly donned their bibs and began to eat.

As Su Ruoqing fed the babies, their faces lit up with excitement, their earlier hunger forgotten.

The meal was soon over, and the babies drifted off to sleep, content.

Watching the two peacefully sleeping babies, Su Ruoqing's face was filled with joy. Ye Kai, on the other hand, seemed uncertain.

"Are they... my children?" he finally asked, gathering his courage.


Su Ruoqing's face registered shock, as if she had been hit by a bolt of lightning, hardly able to believe Ye Kai would ask such a question.


"I still remember what happened two years ago," Ye Kai admitted.

His face was a mix of emotions, but he needed to ask.

Su Ruoqing remained silent, her expression tinged with sadness.

Ye Kai's demeanor was stern.

"So it's true! With something this significant, why didn't you come to me?"

Su Ruoqing, though a supervisor at her company, didn't earn a high salary. Raising two children on her own was a struggle.

Confronted with Ye Kai's question, her expression turned even more bitter.

"What good would telling you have done? You were just an intern. How could you possibly afford to support two children? Now that you know, what can you do?"

Su Ruoqing's face was a complex tapestry of emotions.

Yet, Ye Kai looked at the children and smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll take responsibility."

Su Ruoqing shook her head.

"With what will you take responsibility? My monthly salary is barely 7,000 yuan, just enough to cover the children's expenses, and you..."

She hesitated.

"You're still an intern, earning a mere 3,000 yuan a month. That's hardly enough to support yourself, let alone help me raise the children."

Upon hearing those words, Ye Kai was rendered speechless.

It was clear that Su Ruoqing didn't believe him in the slightest.

Ye Kai's hands balled into tight fists.

Indeed, he wasn't flush with cash. As an intern at the company, his monthly salary was a mere 3,000 yuan.

And there was no guarantee that he would even receive that money.

Yet, Ye Kai was determined not to abandon his child.

"I am the father, and I will not give up!" he declared with conviction.

A fleeting affair two years prior had led to this predicament, and Ye Kai was resolute in accepting his responsibilities.

Su Ruoqing seemed momentarily moved by his declaration, but her demeanor quickly shifted.

She pulled a list from her bag.

"If you're intent on proving yourself, then purchase everything on this list. These are the essentials for the children!"

Ye Kai accepted the list with a sense of bewilderment and scanned the items. The contents took him aback.

"Thirty thousand yuan..."

He inhaled sharply.

The list detailed the daily needs for the twins: diapers, toys, formula, and more.

"Yes, my entire salary goes towards caring for the children, and I need to pay for a nanny, so we're about to run out of supplies. If you're proving you can support the children, start by getting these items..." Su Ruoqing's voice was faint, her expectations low.


Ye Kai looked at the list, his face etched with frustration.

The old adage rang true: without money, even heroes falter. And Ye Kai was no exception. Without funds, he felt powerless.

The babies' necessities cost a fortune, and Ye Kai's bank account held less than a thousand yuan.

But as a man, how could he retreat in the face of adversity? Ye Kai would never allow it.

His fists clenched tighter.

"Just wait..."

With the list in hand, Ye Kai dashed out the door.

Su Ruoqing watched his retreating figure, her mind a whirl of uncertainty.

Her life, once tranquil, was now disrupted by Su Ruoqing's unexpected arrival.

Gazing at the two slumbering infants, Su Ruoqing was at a loss for words.

Ye Kai had already bolted from the apartment.

He was filled with self-loathing for his perceived incompetence.

Out of nowhere, the system's voice echoed in his mind.

"Congratulations, host, on receiving a temporary mission to purchase items for your baby. You have two options: one is to receive a standard set of baby products from the system; the other is to take on a challenge. If you succeed, the reward will be a set of top-tier international baby products. Please make your selection!"

Upon hearing the system's voice, Ye Kai didn't hesitate to choose the second option.

His baby would certainly not be using substandard products; of that, Ye Kai was certain. Once he made his choice, the system promptly issued the mission.

"Mission location: Baicheng Building, premier baby products store. Participate in the store's event and secure first place..."

"The system will now randomly assign a special skill to the main character: Unlimited Agility, with a duration of one hour..."

The system's voice lingered, sparking a reaction in Ye Kai.

"Unlimited Agility!"

The skill sounded incredibly powerful, yet whether it would prove effective was something Ye Kai couldn't predict. He found the whole situation somewhat peculiar.

Determined to uncover the truth, Ye Kai set out.

A countdown began in his mind, signaling that the system had initiated the timer. Ye Kai realized he could no longer afford to delay.

Any further hesitation would mean missing his chance.

With no time to lose, Ye Kai sprinted towards his destination at breakneck speed.

He soon reached the Treasure City Commercial Building, a renowned shopping center in the city known for its high-end luxury goods.

Ye Kai had only heard of this place; it was his first visit. Rumor had it that the merchandise here consisted of top international brands, with prices often exceeding hundreds of thousands.

The clientele was typically wealthy and distinguished.

As an intern, Ye Kai had never had the occasion to visit such a place, and he found the experience quite novel.

Watching the countdown tick away, Ye Kai was aware that time was of the essence. He couldn't afford to dawdle and promptly made his way forward.

Ye Kai burst into the mall, intent on finding the baby products section. The place was a treasure trove of luxury items, and the baby products were just one of the many categories available.

But as Ye Kai entered, he was completely taken aback.

Nearly everyone present was clad in sharp suits or lavish gowns, with the sole exception of Ye Kai.

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