Super Dad's Dominance/C21 God Level Skill
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Super Dad's Dominance/C21 God Level Skill
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C21 God Level Skill

"Congratulations to the host for receiving a cash reward of $200,000 and 50 points..."

As Ye Kai left Su Ruoqing's house, the sound of the system's voice floated to him.

An excited look immediately spread across Ye Kai's face. A cash reward of $200,000 was a significant amount for him, but what truly thrilled him was not the cash itself, but the acquisition of 50 points.

With these points credited to his account, Ye Kai had fully unlocked the Reward Point Merchant Shop.

Back at home, lying on his bed, he eagerly entered the Merchant Shop mode.

The Reward Point Merchant Shop mode was indeed impressive, and it brought a smile to Ye Kai's face. Clearly, the system had its perks.

As soon as the Merchant Shop mode was activated, Ye Kai even unlocked a beginner's mode.

"One point for a great prize."

The sight of this option within the system's beginner mode sparked a surge of excitement in Ye Kai. The prospect of exchanging one point for a great prize was genuinely exhilarating.

Without hesitation, Ye Kai began to browse through the exchange options.

But his excitement turned to frustration when he realized that the exchange options lacked any concrete information.

The only item available for exchange in the Reward Point Merchant Shop was a mystery red packet.

What's more, the contents of the red packet were completely obscured from view.

The red packet came in four colors: red, yellow, blue, and green. He had to choose one color as his prize, and he only had one chance to do so.

Confronted with such a predicament, Ye Kai felt a sense of resignation. He considered the choice somewhat unsatisfactory.

With a sigh, Ye Kai acknowledged that this decision carried an element of chance.

He certainly didn't want to leave things to fate.

Thus, Ye Kai knew he had to approach the situation with a level head.

His expression serene, he was ready to face what came next.

After careful consideration, Ye Kai decided not to rush into opening the red packet. If he were to reveal its contents now, he'd have no opportunity to reconsider—certainly not an outcome he desired.

Rather than acting impulsively, Ye Kai preferred to wait. Perhaps patience would yield greater benefits, a thought that resonated deeply with him.

Having steadied his emotions, Ye Kai's demeanor became composed. He was acutely aware of the implications of his decision.

Deep in his heart, this was exactly what Ye Kai had been thinking.

The following morning, Ye Kai dressed sharply and made his way back to the company. He had completed the task assigned by the general manager, and he was confident that he wouldn't be hassled by that guy for the time being.

This was precisely the outcome Ye Kai had hoped for.

True to his expectations, Ma Kai didn't give Ye Kai any trouble, although his expression was sour.

It was clear that Ma Kai harbored a deep-seated hatred for Ye Kai.

When Ye Kai caught sight of Ma Kai's livid face, he couldn't help but chuckle. He casually gestured with his hand.

"Manager Ma, if there's anything you need, just give the word!"

Ye Kai spoke with a detached tone.

His words pushed Ma Kai to the brink of rage, his face turning ghostly pale and drained.

Yet, Ma Kai restrained himself from lashing out at Ye Kai.

"Uh!" Ye Kai considered that this man was incredibly cunning and had a formidable strategic mind. Despite Ye Kai's good fortune, Ma Kai hadn't made a move against him, which only confirmed his manipulative nature.

Ye Kai remained vigilant around Ma Kai.

With a forceful slam of the door, Ma Kai retreated to his room. He didn't appear to be gearing up for a confrontation with Ye Kai, but just then, someone else approached.

It was Ma Rulong.

Ye Kai couldn't suppress a smirk upon seeing him; he knew all too well what kind of man Ma Rulong was.

Certainly not an easy adversary, Ma Rulong was a figure to be feared.

As Ma Kai's lackey, he was directly involved in executing Ma Kai's schemes, which was somewhat disheartening for Ye Kai.

Ma Rulong made his way over.

"Ye Kai, you've made a significant contribution to the company. I'm quite pleased with you!" Ma Rulong said, clapping Ye Kai on the shoulder with a beaming smile.


Ye Kai grimaced, sensing the undertone in Ma Rulong's words.

Ma Rulong's praise left Ye Kai feeling uneasy.

This man was undoubtedly a loathsome and devious character. His current lack of overt plotting only served to confirm Ye Kai's suspicions.

Ye Kai responded with a cold laugh.

"Spit it out if you have something to say. I'm not fond of beating around the bush..." Ye Kai's blunt retort left Ma Rulong at a loss for words.

Ma Rulong was so infuriated that he was shaking all over.

To him, Ye Kai's directness was nothing short of an affront.

He had initially planned to cozy up to Ye Kai with the intention of finding a way to deal with him, but to his surprise, as soon as he approached Ye Kai, he was sharply rebuffed.

Ma Rulong was truly disheartened.

Yet, this man had a hide as thick as a rhinoceros, and he quickly bounced back.

Ma Rulong offered a slight smile.

"Brother, it's really just a misunderstanding between us. Please don't take it to heart. I admit, I've played a part in this confusion as well!"

Ma Rulong spoke with a hint of contrition in his voice.

Ye Kai, however, just scoffed at these words. He found it hard to believe that Ma Rulong would utter such sentiments. The very idea was laughable.

How could someone like Ma Rulong concede to him? The thought was absurd.

Ye Kai's smile was frosty, his demeanor even more detached.

Regardless of Ma Rulong's intentions, Ye Kai didn't consider him a threat. That was a testament to Ye Kai's confidence in his own abilities.

"I haven't said a word. There's no need for such theatrics."

With that, Ye Kai fell silent.

Ma Rulong had no choice but to depart, defeated.

"This guy definitely has a plot brewing. I need to stay on my toes!" Ye Kai mused. It was clear to him that Ma Rulong was up to something.

Ye Kai was aware that he hadn't yet exposed his deepest thoughts, but that didn't mean he was incapable of doing so when necessary.

All Ye Kai needed was the right moment.

But as the morning wore on, the Ma family brothers showed no signs of making a move against him, which Ye Kai found somewhat peculiar.

Just then, Ma Rulong approached.

"Mr. Ye Kai, it's time for lunch. Shall we go eat?" he said with feigned warmth.


Ye Kai's brow furrowed, his face etched with incredulity.

He was no fool and understood the implications all too well. Ma Rulong being this affable was out of character; there had to be an ulterior motive behind his words.

"What exactly is he up to?"

A sense of caution took root in Ye Kai's mind.

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