Super Dad's Dominance/C4 A Request from the Bottom of His Heart
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Super Dad's Dominance/C4 A Request from the Bottom of His Heart
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C4 A Request from the Bottom of His Heart

"This unlimited agility is truly remarkable," Ye Kai mused with excitement.

He perceived his surroundings as if they were in slow motion.

Regrettably, the effect of this incredible agility was fleeting, lasting only a brief moment.

It was about to run out.

"If only I could possess this ability permanently!" Ye Kai wished inwardly.


Sunn Wencheng's voice snapped Ye Kai out of his reverie.

"Do you need something?"

Ye Kai inquired bluntly.

Sunn Wencheng replied, "Brother, your agility is exceptional, clearly beyond that of an ordinary person. I really enjoy making new friends. How about we become friends?"

Sunn Wencheng extended his hand.


Upon hearing the offer, Ye Kai nodded.

"Absolutely, no problem!"

Observing Sunn Wencheng, who exuded the air of a wealthy heir, Ye Kai had no qualms about befriending him.

Becoming friends with Sunn Wencheng seemed like a beneficial move to Ye Kai.

With these thoughts, Ye Kai accepted Sunn Wencheng's business card, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then jogged off.

Half an hour later, he arrived back at Su Ruoqing's apartment.

The two babies were asleep, while Su Ruoqing sat serenely on the bed, watching over them. Seeing Ye Kai return, she looked somewhat disappointed.

Ye Kai's quick return indicated that he hadn't managed to purchase any baby supplies, suggesting he lacked the financial means to support the children.

Yet, Ye Kai placed three sets of premium baby products beside Su Ruoqing.

"All set!"

Ye Kai felt a surge of paternal pride.


Su Ruoqing was speechless with astonishment at the sight of the three sets of baby products. Each set was top-of-the-line, from renowned international brands, and priced at about 100,000 yuan.

Ye Kai had brought home three sets in one go, amounting to 300,000 yuan.

"Where did you get so much money?"

Su Ruoqing asked, her voice tinged with alarm.

She was terrified that Ye Kai might have resorted to desperate measures to afford the baby supplies.

Ye Kai offered a mysterious smile.

"I met someone, and this was a gift from him!"

While speaking, Ye Kai recounted his encounter with Sunn Wencheng, though he deliberately omitted some details.

He chose not to disclose the truth about his acquisition of the Infinite Agility System; that was his greatest secret, and Ye Kai had no intention of sharing it with anyone.

Besides, he was aware that revealing such a secret might lead others to view him as a monster.

Nobody would believe it anyway.

Ye Kai's smile broadened.

Just then, the sound of the babies' cries filled the air. The twins had awakened and were wailing loudly.

Su Ruoqing rushed to their side, and upon seeing their mother, the babies' cries ceased.

"Quick, help me with the diapers!"

Su Ruoqing, noticing that one of the babies had wet themselves, urgently requested Ye Kai's assistance.


Ye Kai was momentarily flustered.

He was a novice at changing diapers and was completely clueless about the process, which was somewhat frustrating for him.

After a bit of clumsy searching, Ye Kai located the diapers. He handed them to Su Ruoqing, who skillfully changed the baby. The baby snuggled contentedly in her mother's embrace, a blissful smile on its face.

Witnessing this tender moment, Ye Kai couldn't help but smile.

Then, the younger baby began to fuss.

To Ye Kai's surprise, she lunged into his arms.


A profound sense of joy welled up inside Ye Kai. Responding to the younger baby's eager gaze, he extended his arms and held her close.

The younger baby settled peacefully in Ye Kai's embrace, exuding a sense of trust.

An unusual emotion flickered in Ye Kai's heart.

In that instant, a wave of happiness washed over him. However, the serene moment was interrupted by the sudden ring of Su Ruoqing's phone.

"Who could it be?"

Ye Kai muttered, perplexed.

It was late at night; who would be calling at this hour?

Su Ruoqing answered the call, only to be greeted by an angry outburst.

"Director Su, the contract with Tiankang Group is still unresolved. What exactly are you doing?" The harsh voice belonged to a woman.

Su Ruoqing's brow furrowed in response.

Ye Kai felt a pang of recognition.

Having been with the company for two months, he immediately identified the voice as that of the company's formidable Chen Wenli.

Chen Wenli is the Executive Vice President of the company, but she holds another title as well—the wife of the General Manager.

At around forty years old, Chen Wenli is quite the shrew, especially skilled in the art of jealousy.

She has never taken kindly to Su Ruoqing.

As the spouse of General Manager Liu Dabao, Chen Wenli wields her power within the company like a tyrant. She's a formidable presence to say the least.

Almost everyone in the company has an apt nickname for Chen Wenli: "Tigress!"

"Get to the company now, no matter what. I need to see the financial statements immediately!" Chen Wenli barked into the phone before abruptly hanging up.

Tears welled up in Su Ruoqing's eyes, filled with frustration.

"Can you... could you look after the baby for me? I have to make a trip to the company," Su Ruoqing asked, her voice quivering.

Ye Kai's face registered a shift in emotion.

It was clear that Chen Wenli was intentionally being difficult. This 'Tigress' was truly detestable.

Ye Kai's expression became icy.

"Don't worry. You stay home and take good care of the baby. I'll handle this," Ye Kai assured her.


Doubt clouded Su Ruoqing's face.

She couldn't imagine Ye Kai standing up to Chen Wenli. After all, Ye Kai was just an intern with no real understanding of business matters.

How could he possibly stand a chance against Chen Wenli? The thought was inconceivable.

Su Ruoqing was incredulous.

Yet, Ye Kai merely offered a calm smile.

"Rest assured, I've got this," he said confidently. With that, Ye Kai left with a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Moments before, a voice from the system had echoed in Ye Kai's mind, simple and to the point: Ye Kai had just received a significant gift.

"Congratulations, host, on completing the task. You've earned a big gift bag. The Rant System will enhance your logical and linguistic prowess to unbeatable levels!" announced the system's voice.

"Duration: three hours!"

With this new information, a knowing smile spread across Ye Kai's face. He knew exactly what this meant.

He smiled to himself.

"Chen Wenli, if you hadn't crossed me, there would be no issue. But if you dare to offend me, I'll have the last word..."

With that thought, Ye Kai's excitement grew.

He felt that the system had provided him with an abundance of bonuses.

Having left Su Ruoqing's house, Ye Kai hailed a cab and set off for the company, his spirits soaring.

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