Super Dad's Dominance/C5 A Flurry of Curses
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Super Dad's Dominance/C5 A Flurry of Curses
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C5 A Flurry of Curses

On the third floor of the company, a loud voice was bellowing.

"Damn it, if you can't even handle such a small project, what good are you to me?" The speaker was a woman.

Her voice was grating, piercingly sharp, and listening to it was extremely uncomfortable.

"Chen Wenli!" Ye Kai's heart stirred upon hearing this voice.

It was clear that Chen Wenli was the one speaking.

"Has the marketing department not arrived yet? Su Ruoqing, that bitch, does she even want her job anymore?" Chen Wenli was barking orders from her perch, and everyone below was too intimidated to speak up.

Ye Kai's face darkened at her words, and a glint of coldness flashed in his eyes. He was astonished that Chen Wenli would dare to utter such insults. Su Ruoqing was the mother of his child, and this was a direct affront to him.

"Damn it, I'm going to give her a piece of my mind!"

Fuming, Ye Kai pushed the door open and entered.


The sound of the door being kicked open echoed through the space.

Ye Kai strode in with newfound boldness. Having acquired the system, he was no longer fearful.

In this moment, Ye Kai's bravery seemed to have doubled. He entered with a cold smirk on his face, his presence commanding.

The office held several people, all wearing expressions of disbelief. They were middle-level employees, usually respected within the company, but they were cowed in Chen Wenli's presence.

They were meek and compliant, well aware of the 'tigress' identity as the wife of the general manager, a status none of them could contend with.

The atmosphere was thick with their frustration.

Yet, Ye Kai's audacious entrance took everyone by surprise.

They all shared the same question: "Who is this kid?"

In such a large company, Ye Kai was merely an intern, so it was no surprise that he went unrecognized.

Curious glances were cast his way.

Even Chen Wenli was taken aback.

"Who are you? How dare you just barge in here?" Chen Wenli's surprise was fleeting before she quickly regained her composure.

She began to berate Ye Kai fiercely.

The rest of the group was meek, not daring to utter a word. They were all too aware of Chen Wenli's formidable reputation.

Yet, Ye Kai simply offered a cold smile.

"Director Su is occupied, so she asked me to attend the meeting in her stead. I'm an intern in the marketing department; my name is Ye Kai," he stated with composure.

At his words, everyone in the room was left in stunned silence. They could hardly believe what they were hearing.

An intern, standing up to Chen Wenli? Did this intern have a death wish?

Even Su Ruoqing was bold, sending an intern to a meeting chaired by Chen Wenli—it was a blatant disregard for Chen Wenli's stature.

Chen Wenli was not one to tolerate such slights.

While some felt pity for Ye Kai, many more reveled in the schadenfreude.

Considering CEO Chen's fury that day, they all risked collateral damage. But now, with Ye Kai, the brazen intern, drawing all the fire, they were unlikely to bear the brunt of it.

That was the consensus among the silent onlookers.

Chen Wenli's face contorted with displeasure.

An intern had the audacity to confront her, a direct affront to her dignity.

Chen Wenli fixed Ye Kai with a venomous stare.

"What are you, to speak to me in such a manner?" she bellowed.

Yet, Ye Kai remained unfazed, offering another faint smile.

Armed with his newfound 'flamethrower system' and its formidable mode, Ye Kai was ready to demonstrate his mettle.

He unleashed a torrent of words.

Each of Ye Kai's statements struck Chen Wenli like a knife, leaving the other attendees exchanging bewildered glances.

They were in disbelief.

Chen Wenli was utterly flabbergasted.

Her expression was vacant, her face betraying an extraordinary reaction. Ye Kai's relentless tirade left Chen Wenli utterly defenseless.

She was completely taken aback.

After a fierce barrage, Ye Kai returned to his composed demeanor, his gaze icy as he addressed Chen Wenli.

"Do you have anything left to say?"


Chen Wenli was at a loss for words.

For the past half-hour, Ye Kai had been relentless, each sentence piercing Chen Wenli's vulnerabilities with precision.

Ye Kai spoke with clear logic and without a single flaw, each sentence striking Chen Wenli's pride like a series of slaps to the face.

Chen Wenli was deeply stung by his words.

Meanwhile, Ye Kai maintained a serene demeanor, as though the confrontation was trivial.


In a moment where everyone was stunned, Chen Wenli couldn't hold back her tears and began to sob.

She was reduced to tears by Ye Kai's biting remarks.


Everyone was taken aback.

Chen Wenli, the formidable vice president of the company, known as a fierce tigress, was brought to tears by an intern like Ye Kai. This sight made everyone question reality.

Their gazes fixed on Ye Kai in astonishment, at a loss for words.

Ye Kai himself was at a loss for words.

The ferocity of his verbal onslaught was so overwhelming that with just a tenth of his effort, Chen Wenli was driven to weeping.

Ye Kai felt a sense of helplessness.

Chen Wenli glared at him fiercely.

"You just wait, I'll make sure you regret this!" she threatened through her tears before running off.

Ye Kai could only shake his head in resignation.

Chen Wenli's reaction seemed rather pitiful.

With a helpless shake of his head, Ye Kai was left speechless by the turn of events.

Turning to the others, he noticed their expressions were amused, as if they couldn't believe what had just transpired.

Ye Kai's tactics had far surpassed everyone's expectations.

With a faint smile and a steady gaze, he addressed the room.

"Farewell, everyone."

Leaving behind a crowd of astonished onlookers, Ye Kai made his exit. The business was settled, and there was no reason for him to linger.

He casually took out his phone and sent a message to Su Ruoqing.

"It's all taken care of, rest easy..."

After sending the text, Ye Kai returned to his modest rental home.

The rent for this small abode was quite affordable, and it was just enough for Ye Kai alone. Once inside, he took a shower and then lay in bed, his mind awash with thoughts.

He pondered over many things, inevitably sinking into deep reflection. Ye Kai knew all too well what this all meant.

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