Super Dad's Dominance/C6 Being Targeted
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Super Dad's Dominance/C6 Being Targeted
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C6 Being Targeted

Ye Kai had inexplicably acquired a system and, just as mysteriously, two children.

The entire situation felt surreal to him, like a dream.

But upon reflection, wasn't this its own form of happiness?

A soft smile graced Ye Kai's face as he drifted off to sleep. In his dreams, he saw the two babies grow up, his face beaming with joy.

And so, Ye Kai fell into a deep slumber.

The next morning, his alarm clock jolted Ye Kai awake.

He abruptly opened his eyes and checked the time—it was already 8 AM. Ye Kai was at a loss for words.

"I'm running late!"

The last thing he wanted was to be late for work, especially as an intern.

Ye Kai quickly changed his clothes, freshened up, and dashed out the door, making a beeline for the subway station. He caught the fastest train.


With just a minute to spare before work began, Ye Kai burst through the doors.

"Thank goodness I'm not late!"

He took a deep breath, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Being late would mean kissing his 500 yuan bonus goodbye, and that was not something Ye Kai was prepared to accept.

He hurried into the marketing department.

Upon entering, he found himself under the chilly gazes of his colleagues, their expressions teasing.

Clueless about their intentions, Ye Kai's own expression turned perplexed. It was then that Su Ruoqing approached him.

She looked somewhat pale, as though she had faced some ordeal.

With concern, Ye Kai began to ask, "You..."

But Su Ruoqing cut him off with a stern look.

"What's going on?"

Seeing Su Ruoqing resume her distant, goddess-like demeanor, Ye Kai couldn't help feeling resigned.

"Come to my office!"

With that, Su Ruoqing left him with those words and headed back to her office.

Ye Kai, still unsure of her intentions, followed her.

"Could there be an issue with the children?" he wondered aloud, anxiety creeping into his voice.

But Su Ruoqing shook her head.

"The children are fine. It's just that you've been reassigned. The general manager's office has decided to transfer you, and I'm powerless to intervene..." Su Ruoqing explained with a grave tone.


Upon hearing those words, Ye Kai's gaze turned icy.

He had just crossed Chen Wenli the day before, and now he found himself summoned to the general manager's office. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was going on.

The company's general manager, Ma Kai, was none other than Chen Wenli's husband.

"Ye Kai, I really appreciate you standing up for me yesterday. Here's 50,000 yuan. If the company lets you go, it should be enough to tide you over until you find something new."

Su Ruoqing pulled out a bank card from her drawer with a reluctant hand, her face etched with regret.


Ye Kai was at a loss for words.

Clearly, Su Ruoqing also sensed the peril he was in.

If that was the case, then there was indeed danger. After all, Ma Kai, as Chen Wenli's husband, would naturally want to settle scores for his wife.

But Ye Kai didn't see the situation as all that dire.

He had a system in place now, and even if Ma Kai did fire him, Ye Kai wouldn't be left without options.

Besides, even as the general manager, Ma Kai couldn't just do whatever he pleased.

"How could I take this money when it's meant for your children? Besides, it's not a given that Ma Kai will fire me," Ye Kai said with a knowing smile.


Watching Ye Kai walk away, a blush tinged Su Ruoqing's cheeks.

She thought Ye Kai was just boasting, but she harbored no bitterness. Instead, a peculiar expression crossed her face.

She had come to this city alone because of family issues, and after years of struggling, raising two kids by herself was no small feat, especially for a woman.

Su Ruoqing couldn't deny her desire for a man's support.


Only Su Ruoqing knew the extent of her struggles.

Yet, Ye Kai's arrival sparked a different kind of thought in her mind.

As she watched Ye Kai's retreating figure, a curious expression played across Su Ruoqing's face—an indescribable habit.

At that moment, Ye Kai, with the transfer notice in hand, was already on his way to the general manager's office.

Ma Kai, the General Manager, was undoubtedly a towering figure within the company. Holding the reins as the General Manager, his authority and prowess were formidable.

Apart from the board of directors, there was no one more dominant than Ma Kai. Essentially, aside from the chairman and the executive directors, there was no one who could overshadow him.

In his role, he and Chen Wenli, the company's tigress, were the most audacious presences in the entire firm.

Yet, Ye Kai remained unfazed.

He made his way to Ma Kai's office with a calm demeanor, despite the many onlookers who whispered and pointed along the way. Their expressions were peculiar, as if they had already written off Ye Kai's fate as a tragedy.

But Ye Kai paid no mind to their stares. He had reached the General Manager's office and knocked lightly on the door.


"Hmm?" His expression grew serious.

Ye Kai understood the gravity of the situation.

Was the office empty?

As curiosity piqued, the door suddenly swung open, and a stern-faced middle-aged man emerged.

Dressed in a sharp suit, he exuded meticulousness, but Ye Kai could sense the sleaziness oozing from him. He couldn't help but sneer.

"Ma Rulong!"

Ye Kai was well-acquainted with him. Ma Rulong, Ma Kai's cousin and the assistant to the general manager, was known for his lack of substance. Yet, thanks to Ma Kai's influence, he had landed the role of assistant to the general manager.

His reputation within the company was abysmal, virtually non-existent.

The emergence of Ma Rulong signaled to Ye Kai that today's events were far from straightforward. This man was a close ally of both Ma Kai and Chen Wenli, acting as the couple's lackey.

Ma Rulong gave Ye Kai a once-over.

"Are you the new intern?" he asked, his tone icy.

Without any deference, Ye Kai nodded.

"That's correct, I'm the intern, Ye Kai," he replied, his voice steady.

A cold smirk then spread across Ma Rulong's face.

"So you're the one... the kid..."

His gaze upon Ye Kai was chilling.

Sensing hostility, Ye Kai instinctively stepped back.

It was at that moment that Ma Rulong gestured towards the interior of the room.

"Come with me!"

Ye Kai had no choice but to follow Ma Rulong into the building. They entered an expansive office space that was designed with a three-section suite layout. The size of the office was even larger than that of the marketing department.

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