Super Demonic Book/C12 Schoolmate Youth
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Super Demonic Book/C12 Schoolmate Youth
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C12 Schoolmate Youth

"Oh …" Several of the boys who saw it laughed out loudly!

Liu Jianyin first hugged Zhang Lee. He was so angry … He was actually played like this!

Liu Jianyin naturally wouldn't carry the woman endlessly. He let go of her and Zhang Lee backed off. Zhang Li caught up to Liu Jianyin and said, "I didn't bump into you, did I?" Zhang Lee said, "It's me …"

Liu Jianyin smiled. It was a smile that said "I'm fine, what are you guys playing at?".

It was just a small matter. Zhang Li used to have short hair, but now her hair was long, so she used a headband.

Zhang Lee, on the other hand, had snatched it away to play. This was nothing out of the ordinary.

"You've surpassed me again!" Liu Jianyin understood that he had been assigned to the same team.

As for Zhang Li, she was from Team Two. Liu Jianyin shook his head and said, "What do you mean by good intentions? The amount of training we have right now is huge, 3000 meters per day, is that a joke? " 3000 meters. That is to say, Liu Jianyin had to swim 120 rounds in the swimming pool every day. It was not just a swimmer, but a change of self, head, frog and butterfly wheel. This kind of pressure was hard to imagine. If it was before, Liu Jianyin would never have achieved it.

Especially the butterfly.

Anyone who has ever swam a butterfly knows how much effort it takes. For twenty-five meters, once was fine, two times was fine, and three times was very difficult. If it was a full effort to travel through this cycle of reincarnation, then it would be tiring and simple to do so.

And in one hundred and twenty cycles, Liu Jianyin had to swim thirty butterfly strokes of twenty-five meters. This alone was enough to kill him.

Most first-string players couldn't complete this quest.

Liu Jianyin was just barely fine, there were a few more.

The resistance of the water is great, and everyone who swims knows that if you don't have a swimming ring or something, just swim in the water and don't do anything, you'll feel tired in an hour. Even the most labor-saving breaststroke can be strenuous.

That's why people learn to swim, but still drown.

Because in the water, every time you tread, every time you paddle, it takes a lot of effort.

For Liu Jianyin and the others, they would need more than two hours to swim nonstop. Three thousand meters was something they could reach, but it would definitely take a lot of effort. Actually, it was easy to swim only 25 meters, Liu Jianyin could even swim backwards with his eyes closed!

But that was three thousand meters away... Everything was different.

Many times, you can't even remember how much you swam.

"Our training is also very tough!" Zhang Li said, "After I got home, my hands were too lazy to move, especially when it came to homework. It's not that I couldn't write, it's just that I was too tired... Liu Jianyin, what about you? "

Liu Jianyin glanced over and found Wang Faang and Sun Jie were listening intently. Most people had this problem.

Liu Jianyin knew that the opportunity had come. He said lightly: "I'm also tired, so I'll go home right after school. I'll finish my homework first and then come back to train. This way, after training, I can calm down and read!"

Zhang Lee said, "Aren't you going to watch TV?"

Liu Jianyin was surprised: "You can still watch TV at home?"

Zhang Lee rarely spoke to Liu Jianyin, so she said, "Just finish your homework..." Can't you? "

Liu Jianyin shook his head, and said: "My family members are very stiff, they at most allowed me to watch cartoons with golden time, but when I went back home, the cartoons were basically finished, and not every cartoon was my favorite, so I had no choice but to watch! But reading is good. Especially when the night is quiet, I can brew a cup of tea and quietly watch the moon! "

"Wah …" "So romantic …" The one who said this was Wang Qiang. His name was ordinary, but he was not an ordinary person.

He was the nephew of the school's natural course teacher!

Zhang Lee's hatred towards him was even greater than Liu Jianyin, and this change to Liu Jianyin during this period had reduced her disgust towards Liu Jianyin by a lot, so she said: "Ignore him! "I hate it!" Yes, Wang Qiang had the weakness of a boy.

However, his greatest weakness was not his talkative nature. He had a runny nose, a runny nose, lecherous speech, and even … Steal.

His favorite was stealing from his aunt. Liu Jianyin had worked with him before, he stole something, Liu Jianyin collected something, and then sold it to those poor people who had been confiscated. Actually, the amount of money he received wasn't much. It was only a bag of kelp silk or a bag of sour plum powder. At most, it would be sweet.

But then Liu Jianyin stopped and he was caught. Naturally, the teacher in charge of the natural lesson would not be so ruthless as to be against his nephew. It was just a punishment on the surface. Even though it was just a punishment, it was still a severe punishment on Liu Jianyin. At that time, Liu Jianyin had lost a few of his East Ocean Comics books.

Now, Liu Jianyin regretted that he was so obedient. Perhaps this was Liu Jianyin's original personality, he was a sincere and honest person. Unfortunately, this honest man had strength now, and he had a demonic book that could force him to kill people at all times.

At this time, the honest man was no longer honest. He had already begun to walk towards evil. However, Liu Jianyin didn't know.

People say that when people steal needles, they steal needles; when they are big, they steal needles.

Liu Jianyin did not know what kind of existence this demonic book would turn him into.

If he knew now, perhaps he would rather give up his current strength and refuse. But the problem was that he did not know.

Having already enjoyed the benefits of strength, how could he give up so easily?

Wang Qiang? Wang Qiang's greatest weakness was not his mouth. It was his mouth that had told him the rumors.

A man who speaks lies to the wise, and it is not wise that says so. Rumors were just rumors. There were only rumors of success and rumors of failure. This had nothing to do with the intellect being unwise. Sometimes, even if you doubt it, that's enough.

Rumors were not evidence. Their purpose was not to prove anything, but to stir up suspicion.

One doubt, that was enough.

This Wang Qiang was precisely this sort of person. He would create a vivid picture of what had happened between this man and that woman. More than once he had taken people to see porn videos, and he had often longed to know what other girls wore under their skirts.

He would always look at the girl with a lustful look. Of course, she had to be beautiful.

Liu Jianyin would not be tired of Wang Qiang talking to Zhang Lee about this. No matter what, they were still friends in the past, even though this type of friend was extremely thin and was not worth a single cent. However, it would not be wise to offend a villain by saying such words in one's heart.

"Do you think you can handle working every day?" Liu Jianyin changed the topic.

Yes, now Zhang Lee is a labor commissioner. Zhang Lee smiled faintly. With a hint of purity on her face, she said, "Someone has to do it! "I can be considered to be used to it now …"

Zhang Li said, "Alright, the two of you have not talked as much in the past few years as you have now!"

Liu Jianyin and Zhang Lee both pretended to be embarrassed. However, Liu Jianyin's embarrassment might be real, but Zhang Lee's might be real, but Liu Jianyin wouldn't care about other people's things, instead he said, "I didn't understand before, but now I realize that Student Zhang Lee is a kind and good classmate!"

"Hahahaha …" Wang Qiang shouted from the side, "Liu Jianyin has fallen for Zhang Lee …" "Liu Jianyin has fallen for Zhang Lee …" Zhang Lee looked up angrily. Her eyes were big and watery.

The young girl's skin was thin and delicate, which meant that it wasn't really a big deal, but for a teenage girl, it was very hurtful. This was because their hearts were originally even purer than white paper. Even a speck of dirt would be infinitely magnified.

Liu Jianyin hurriedly said to Zhang Lee, "Alright, don't mind it. When you pour boiling water on a dead pig, the meat won't jump no matter how fragrant it is."

Zhang Lee didn't react for a while, while Zhang Li, Wang Faang, Sun Jie and a few other girls started giggling.

Zhang Lee gradually understood what she meant, and her thick eyebrows immediately knitted together.

Liu Jianyin smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you myself?"

Only then did Zhang Lee realize that Wang Qiang was referring to Liu Jianyin and her. Liu Jianyin said, "If you pour hot water on a dead pig, the meat won't jump no matter how fragrant it is." Actually, he wanted to wrap his up as well, but he didn't want to scold her.

Zhang Li then said, "Right, let's go swimming on Sunday. How about we go together?"

Liu Jianyin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Haven't you swam enough?"

Zhang Li blinked her eyes and said, "Zhang Lee still doesn't know. I have to teach her now! Are you coming or not? "

Two girls swimming, called a boy, is a very bold thing to do. However …

One of them was Liu Jianyin and Zhang Li, who were on the same swimming team.

Secondly, this matter was said in public. With Zhang Lee here and maybe one or two adults accompanying her, it was a very normal thing. Liu Jianyin was not opposed to this kind of thing now, so he said: "I'll go too then, which one?"

Zhang Li said, "Save your body, we're familiar with each other..."

Liu Jianyin said, "He really went there during the day, but he went there during the night …"

Thus, the few of them ignored the surrounding classmates and openly discussed this matter.

When he returned home, Liu Jianyin found it laughable. However, this matter had already become a foregone conclusion, so he might as well let it go on like this!

The next day, Liu Jianyin took his things and asked his mother for money. At this time, the mother did not dare to lose face for her son. She took out the money she saved and gave it to Liu Jianyin. Liu Jianyin went out to face the sun. It was getting hotter and hotter. No wonder Zhang Lee wanted to learn swimming as well! Not everyone in this city can swim.

There were a lot of people swimming in the pool. Liu Jianyin was in the swimming team, so he could get tickets at half price.

In front of the pool, Liu Jianyin saw two girls in a bathing suit. One tall, the other short. The tall one was naturally Zhang Li, and the short one was Zhang Lee. Although Zhang Li had exercised before, which was a bit better, but Zhang Lee was a bit fatter. Liu Jianyin welcomed him with a smile.

Zhang Li was alright, she was used to watching him, but Zhang Lee was afraid and a little shy. Looking at a boy's body like this …

In the fifth grade, not to mention girls maturing, even boys were confused about the affairs of men and women.

Seeing her, Zhang Li asked Liu Jianyin, "How do we teach her?"

Liu Jianyin laughed, "I'll pull her hand. You hug her waist while we swim in the shallow water. What do you think?"

This made Zhang Lee feel relieved. Liu Jianyin could pull her hand, but he couldn't hold her waist.

Just as Zhang Li was about to enter the water, Liu Jianyin pulled her back and said, "We haven't warmed up yet. Do you want to learn from those people?" Zhang Li covered her mouth and laughed, "Don't worry, the water is very warm and the ground is very hot. I don't believe that you can stay here any longer." As she spoke, she pulled Zhang Lee and dived into the water.

Liu Jianyin had to go into the water. Then he and Zhang Li held Zhang Lee's hand and told her to carefully dive into the water. Zhang Li hugged Zhang Lee's waist. Liu Jianyin said, "Inhale, give me your hand..." Zhang Li exerted more strength three times. Thus, Zhang Lee's head was revealed. Liu Jianyin said, "You..." Zhang Li immediately told Zhang Lee how to swim and trained her to draw water with her legs.

Liu Jianyin held her hand and swam backwards carefully. In the end, Zhang Lee started to swim faster and faster.

Zhang Li let go from behind and Zhang Lee started to panic as soon as she saw the disordered speed.

Liu Jianyin said, "Don't be afraid!" However, Zhang Lee had already grabbed Liu Jianyin's hand and jumped into his arms!

This proximity... Liu Jianyin could clearly see the mustache on the girl's mouth.

Zhang Lee was also stunned. She looked at Liu Jianyin. Liu Jianyin didn't say much and just let her hold him. Then, he swung his legs gently and pulled her to the side. Zhang Lee thought back and immediately hugged the shore.

Zhang Li swam over and Liu Jianyin said, "Why did you let go?"

Zhang Li said, "It was all of you who swam too fast all of a sudden …" Liu Jianyin said, "Alright then, how about this? Let me support your waist?"

He helped, not hugged. Zhang Lee was immersed in the pleasure of swimming, so she immediately agreed.

Yes, at this moment, any worldly etiquette or the eyes of outsiders were secondary. The most important thing was for the boys and girls to play together as usual. At this moment, Liu Jianyin remembered that the two girls came by himself. They didn't bring their family?

After thinking about it, he understood. The two of them most likely only said that he was going to play with them. As for the two girls, naturally, they would be able to.

Furthermore, at such a young age, they would be able to make people feel at ease.

After all, this was the China, and it was also the Xinfei.

Liu Jianyin held Zhang Lee's waist and let her float up. Then, he found Zhang Lee's weakness and told her, "Smaller your leg, you're using too much strength." Zhang Lee listened to Liu Jianyin and said, "Water is very strong. If you use your strength, it will give you a lot. You have to learn how to use the power of water itself so that you can... Slow down first, okay... Slow... "Slow …"

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