Super Demonic Book/C6 One Year Done
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Super Demonic Book/C6 One Year Done
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C6 One Year Done

Thinking about the one year agreement, Liu Jianyin's mood worsened … What could he do to achieve such a goal? Rather than that, it would be better to just kill someone! Liu Jianyin thought like this.

When he returned home, he saw that everything was fine. Liu Jianyin was depressed. He no longer had any books to read. This was a very bad thing.

"Mom!" When Liu Jianyin asked for someone, he would speak to his mother in such a pleasant manner.

His mother looked at Liu Jianyin in confusion.

"I want a book... Can I get a reading certificate? "

The mother breathed a sigh of relief. The family wasn't very rich, and the son's demands were always hard to accept.

Originally, the mother didn't mind her son's wanting to read books, but her sister, who was Liu Jianyin's aunt, told her: "It's a good thing for a child to read books. No matter what, he should support it!"

So my mother supported it as much as possible.

"Reading certificate?" "Let me think of a way …" Mother said so.

Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Liu Jianyin heaved a sigh of relief. He began to go back to the book he had taken from the old man.

The old man came back slower than Liu Jianyin at noon, so Liu Jianyin could take the old man's book.

However, if this matter was known to the old man, he would have to shout out.

The old man was like that, always afraid that his clumsy son would mess up his books.

After returning to his room, Liu Jianyin started to think about things. He always thought about things, especially now …

Goal, one year's time, I want a goal... Who should this person be?

My life is very regular. As a student, I can't run around.

During the holidays, the old granny and the old man would definitely lock me up and not let me go out. If that were the case …

[I just don't have time, do I?] No time, no chance...

That is to say, this book will never help me again. After a year, I will naturally not be like this. I will definitely be stronger! However … However … I'm so strong... If I lost that book, would I be beaten back to my original form?

This idea was Liu Jianyin's minefield!

No! I can't let it go back to its original form!

I don't want to be the me of the past!

Learning isn't important, and neither is anything else, but these are the rules of society, and even if it's useless for me to be in this society, I still have to learn and obey. That's why I don't have the strength to do so.

Now that I have the chance, I can use this kind of power to make my life a little calmer, but losing this kind of power …

Liu Jianyin did not dare to think about his future.

The biggest feature of Liu Jianyin's precocious puberty is dreaming. He once dreamed about the land, the mountains, and the rivers. Everything was pitch black, as if the world was dead. The only light in the world covered by dark clouds was the magma that would occasionally leak out from the ground …

Liu Jianyin saw a lot of them, especially some of the dead.

Seeing this, Liu Jianyin was not afraid. What he was truly afraid of was … What about me? I see it all, but where am I?

Would I be... One of those countless skeletons?

It was this thought that woke Liu Jianyin up.

Liu Jianyin's thought of avoiding the world is here, everything is fake, future people will still have to die. If I can live forever... But how could that be possible?

I can't ask for longevity now, so I'll ask for my future. All I want is to live a peaceful life by my own heart.

Available... How can you live the life you want without money in this society?

To lie in the sun and drink tea and read books was at least a middle-class life.

And Liu Jianyin is now a true proletariat.

But with the demonic book, Liu Jianyin knew that it wasn't hard at all to reach middle class.

However, after losing that demonic book, everything would return to the unknown.

The power Liu Jianyin got from the demonic book would probably be lost too. Even if Liu Jianyin still had the strength to train himself, so what? Become a security guard? Or was it to become a soldier for the cause of the motherland's border guard? That was not what Liu Jianyin wanted. He wanted to be free. He wanted to do whatever he wanted.

Strength was something that could not be lost.

Then … Find an acquaintance and make a move!

Liu Jianyin remembered. Familiar, that is our class, but this is not so good, we are all little girls, this matter is not so bad? Suddenly, Liu Jianyin heard a voice … The first chance meeting... Smoke is hazy... Rain is hazy... The second chance meeting... Smoke and haze... Rain is hazy... "

This is Taiwan's popular writer Qiong Yao's television work "Misty Rain". Not "Deep Rain of Love." This is an old version.

Love... Precocious puberty... Early love?

Liu Jianyin suddenly had a plan! Yeah, a girl, a fool B, after a relationship becomes a fool B.

Just Me... But... I'm afraid I don't have that ability right now.

Liu Jianyin's mood suddenly rose. After thinking about it, he felt like he had to find a silly BB girl in school.

She wanted self-respect, she wanted to be proud.

Then, Liu Jianyin had to think of a way to trick her into getting his body!

However … I'm afraid this isn't considered strong. Liu Jianyin took out the demonic book. This book was bad, it told him to do bad things.

At this moment, Liu Jianyin felt that he was actually a good person!

"This …" Liu Jianyin explained his plan. Then the reaction of reading a book.

After a long while, the book finally had a similar reaction. "Yo …" "Women …"

Liu Jianyin laughed loudly and said, "Alright, I'll listen to you, Brother Shu!" After saying that, he realized that his voice was loud. As expected, the old lady came out again, "So what if you want to take a look? What's her name?" She was referring to Liu Jianyin's old man's book.

Liu Jianyin suppressed his yellow book and said, "Did he discover it?" Liu Jianyin didn't really want to mention his father's name.

This was how a small person was. A small person would become a bandit along with them.

Liu Jianyin's own little toy also looked down on his father, and his father similarly looked down on his son.

Next, he had to calculate the female students in his class. Liu Jianyin wanted to confirm who his target was.

Number one was the same seat as Liu Jianyin, but … Once in class, the two of them subconsciously leaned their heads together.

It must be said that at this time, the two of them were as pure as white paper. How could these two Second Year boys and girls have any dirty thoughts? One of them had no hair, the other was bare, and there was no sign of development.

Especially when the girl was wearing a thin layer of clothes, the two of them could clearly see that such a pure thing happened to the two young kids, but the adults were different. Liu Jianyin was tall, and Zhang Li, who sat with Liu Jianyin, was also tall.

Although both of them were as pure as water, at least for the time being, the teacher still had to suppress this kind of perverse sprouting!

But it had to be said that his teacher's judgement was right. Liu Jianyin knew that at that time, Liu Jianyin wasn't fat yet.

Zhang Li was really interested in him.

The two of them sat together.

Beside the tall Zhang Li was the tall Liu Jianyin.

Thus, the two of them were dragged into the school swimming team in the first grade.

During the training, Liu Jianyin's performance was as described before, he had great potential. He was the first one to reach 25 meters, and was also one of the few that could hold their breath.

But when Liu Jianyin could be like this, Zhang Li couldn't even swim five meters.

Liu Jianyin still remembered that Coach Lu threw Zhang Li into the water and ordered her to play at least five meters. Every time she dropped it, Zhang Li would grab onto the shore with both hands and feet. Then Coach Lü would lift her up and throw her into the water again, and she would swim up to shore.

After five to six rounds of experience, Zhang Li finally managed to finish this awkward part of the swim.

The gap between the two of them was so huge, so Zhang Li liked Liu Jianyin in her heart.

But... Liu Jianyin had a lot of personal problems. He was lazy and was afraid of suffering. He was more of a recluse.

Therefore, he chose to give up in the end.

And Zhang Li was still holding on.

Liu Jianyin read in the book that girls are more patient than boys, especially when they're young. It seems like this is true.

Liu Jianyin did not support her, but Zhang Li remained the same. She had been training in the swimming team for the past four years.

A friend, how can I treat her like that... Liu Jianyin gave up all of a sudden.

Furthermore, after leaving the swimming team, he felt a little inferior to Zhang Li.

Number 2 … She was a good friend of Zhang Li's. Her name was Zhang Lee. Both of them had the word "Li" in their names. They lived in the same courtyard. They were good sisters. However, Liu Jianyin and Zhang Lee did not have a good relationship.

The girl was actually pretty, but unfortunately, this pretty girl had a rather prominent mustache on her lips.

Liu Jianyin often said that she had a beard on his mouth, so Zhang Lee didn't have a good impression of Liu Jianyin. The two of them met in silence, neither of them speaking to each other. Zhang Li sighed and said, "Why can't my two good friends be together?"

She … Actually, he wasn't a bad person either! Although Liu Jianyin didn't like Zhang Lee. But it wasn't enough to hurt her.

Sometimes, when you were alone, even though you didn't like her, you wouldn't want to harm her. The two of them were like two parallel lines.

Even if there is a distance, it won't say that I'm going to attack you. Zhang Lee was such a girl. Liu Jianyin was the same.

That Sun Jie... Liu Jianyin was interested in Sun Jie because she was also a year old girl. She was also tall and had grown up bigger than most girls. Therefore, she had a special attraction to boys in a green fruit class.

Liu Jianyin knew that the other fatty in his class, Chen Wenwu, liked her a lot and this damn fatty had touched Sun Jie more than once. The two of them would fight. However, whether it was Chen Wenwu or Sun Jie, both of them had moved in their youth and did not have any so-called feelings.

This could also be spared!

Liu Jianyin did not want to hurt Sun Jie.


It seemed like there was only one person left … Liu Jianyin thought of her... Her name was Wang Faang.

Wang Faang's nickname was Princess Tomato.

She and Sun Jie were good friends. Why did you call her Princess Tomato?

Because what she wore the most was a white lace princess dress.

She had a beautiful ponytail.

Moreover, she normally ate a tomato every day. She often eats tomatoes. Gradually, her nickname became the Tomato Princess. No one doubted it. This girl had met all of Liu Jianyin's requirements to frame her.

She was proud because her studies were good. She was beautiful and arrogant.

She always used a haughty expression, like a proud peacock, to look down on the boys in her class.

This was not a good attitude.

Liu Jianyin felt that if you were alone, if your own conditions were good, you could be calm and distance yourself from others.

Was it not better to keep a distance than to be arrogant and reserved? No matter how amazing you are, you are still a human. A human is still a human.

To some extent, there was no difference between a beauty and an ugly one. It was just two lives.

Since you're so self-righteous and think you're amazing, then … Liu Jianyin smiled. He decided to see if he could deal with this little girl within a year.

Although girls were only eleven or twelve years old when they were in fifth grade, so what?

Liu Jianyin felt that since he had been caught by the demonic book, then so be it. As long as he got stronger, he wouldn't care about the life and death of others. Besides, he didn't like Princess Tomato's pride.

She believed that at that time, she could only swallow her teeth!

Men and women were just like that. Having thought of this, Liu Jianyin immediately went to look at himself in the mirror … He patted the demonic book on his belly and sighed, "I wonder if I can take care of her in a year's time …"

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