Super Eunuch/C8 Schedule
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Super Eunuch/C8 Schedule
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C8 Schedule

"Hur hur, Eunuch Fu, you've come. Why are you so free? " When he arrived at the courtyard, he suddenly saw Prime Minister Fu standing there. The two of them didn't even know when he had arrived. Fugui thought about it and wondered if he had heard what he had just said. If he scolded the eunuchs like that, then even he wouldn't be let off. In fact, if he scolded them like that, didn't he scold himself as well? But in reality, I am no longer a true eunuch. I have no objections even if you dig up an ancestral grave of a eunuch. However, he was a eunuch. If he did not protect himself, people would be suspicious. Yes, he had to be careful in the future.

Minister Fu looked at Wealth with a strange expression. Wealth felt as though his entire body was covered in bugs, making him feel unspeakably uncomfortable. Could it be that he was going to plot against me? Wealthy people were secretly on guard.

At this time, that small path of business stared at him, knowing that the rich and the rich were just messing with him. Just as he was about to curse, he suddenly heard the arrival of Prime Minister Fu. He immediately rolled out of the room and threw himself onto the ground, "This servant greets eunuch!" He landed on the ground like a toad and glared viciously at Fugui.

Only now did the rich and rich realize their own reactions were wrong. How could they not immediately kneel down and bow after seeing their own Shangguan, this was not something a Young Eunuch should do. However, he was truly unwilling in his heart. He just didn't want to kneel down. Just when he didn't want to kneel down and wanted to bend his knees in displeasure … Prime Minister Fu spoke. "Stand up!" Staring at the small path on the ground, Fu Cheng looked at Fugui and said in a deep voice, "You are learning from the small path. You have to listen to the small path." "Understood!"

Wealth clearly saw that Little Charmer originally wanted to say something, but now that he heard that Ye Zichen wanted to follow him, his surprised gaze was like a light bulb in the dark night.

Wealth almost did something that Little Yellow Door eunuchs shouldn't do, contradicting their superiors. Fortunately, he held back in time. Not knowing how to answer, he replied, "Yes!"

When the little man heard this reply, he immediately scolded, "You little slut, what are you doing? Your father-in-law has arranged everything for you! Be careful not to break your dog legs! "

Once again, the wealthy noblemen wanted to strangle the monster in front of them, but in the end, they only used their eyes to express their anger and did not take any action.

"Take him," he said with a wave of his hand. Just like this, the rich left the courtyard in a state where they were extremely proud of their little path and they were almost driven mad. He came to this world and spent his first night here.

This eunuch's skills were unending. Today, he had seized this opportunity, how could he be willing to let go of this opportunity? Instead of leading the rich to the kitchen, he led them to the back of the courtyard where the latrine was. Although Fugui was filled with anger in his heart, his eyes were still observing everything on the road and gradually noticed that something was amiss. He knew that falling into the hands of this jealous and narrow-minded eunuch would not end well. However, he did not think that Ye Zichen dared to play with him like that.

The little man expressionlessly pointed at the row of huts in front of him and said seriously, "Little Fugui, we're not here to cause you trouble. Every new yellow door had to be cleaned for a week. So, you just have to patiently clean up the toilet. And then, we'll arrange for other guys to work for you. Oh right, those toilets are also in cleaning range, don't forget to do it! "

When Wealth heard this, he could already confirm that this Yama was trying to do him in. But when they saw the group of Young Eunuch who were cleaning the toilet, and saw how they were repairing the small path in the north, their eyes were all filled with schadenfreude.

Fugui really admired that little trick of his. He was clearly only fourteen or fifteen years old, but he f * cking pretended to be forty or fifty years old.

Fugui breathed in deeply for a moment and then secretly said in his heart, I'll endure, I'll endure, I'll endure. Boy! Don't ever fall into the hands of an old man, or else, I will make you regret coming to this world.

He made this vicious vow in his heart, but his face blossomed with peony flowers. "Yes, Young Master Du. You'll remember. You must do something to please you. I will definitely wash this toilet so that you can use it as a rice bowl. "You used that toilet brush! Even if you didn't use it as a teacup, you still used it as a bathtub …"

"Impudent!" Shut up! Someone! Pull him to work. Teach him well! "Let him know the benefits of offending our family …" He had thought that the rich were afraid of him, and he was glad to hear such good words. He suddenly heard the following words. If that wasn't burying him, then what was it? A newly arrived Little Yellow Door dared to challenge him like this? If he did not cripple him, how would he be able to continue to stay in the eunuch world in the future? If that group of brats didn't make a day of it, then he would be the laughing stock. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, to the point where his head was almost starting to smoke, as he watched with wide eyes the rich nobles take their leave with the group of Young Eunuch s. The anger in his heart grew even stronger as he kicked a towering tree next to the latrine. With a cracking sound, a miserable shriek could be heard from the small path before him.

Fugui heard the miserable shrieks from afar and couldn't help but laugh out loud. The laughing onlookers looked at each other in dismay and said strangely, "Who would have thought that someone would be punished to clean the toilet and wash it?" And he was laughing so happily. Is there something wrong with this person? His face was rosy, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his thin lips looked as if they were painted with rouge. It didn't seem like he was a sick person at all.

Wealth and nobility ignored their strange gazes and enjoyed themselves. It suddenly occurred to him that no matter what, he still had to wash the pickles. The f * cking hell it was to let that little kid see a joke! There's no way I'm going to serve you and take a piss!

"That's right. Ladies and gentlemen. Don't you guys get tired of cleaning the toilet here every day? " Wealth suddenly attracted the attention of the Young Eunuch s who had been silent all this time.

They were all looking at him as if he were a fool, and knew that he had asked them a silly question. Who would be willing to do such dirty and unflattering work every day? But there was no other way.

Wealth rolled his eyes. He thought to himself, "This toilet still needs to be washed. Wouldn't that automatic dishwasher itself not know how to make?" Even if they did, it would be useless here. However, he could change the toilet for them. At least you don't have to smell the vomit-inducing smell. "

"Haha." I have a way of saving everyone from pain. Does anyone want to hear it? " After thinking it through, he threw out the olive branch.

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