Super Exchange System/C3 The Number One Young Man in the Guo Family
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Super Exchange System/C3 The Number One Young Man in the Guo Family
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C3 The Number One Young Man in the Guo Family

After traveling for an unknown period of time, Guo Qiren finally arrived at the so-called Guo family.

The old house in the 1960s was very charming. Unfortunately, it was in an unknown mountainous area in the northeast. In Guo Qiren's heart, the Guo family had more or less gained some dignity.

After all, from Dahl and Niu Tao, he knew how daring his father was.

"When I grow up, I will be like my father when I go out. When I become a big arms dealer, my father will be the big boss of the east. I want to be the big boss of the entire world. I want to make the whole world... I will dance for it, and I will watch coldly from the sidelines. " When Guo Qiren first learned about his father's life story, he had once said something that shocked Dahl and Niu Tao.

The door of the car opened, and Guo Qiren took the lead to walk down.

"Who is he?"

"Huh? He got off Aunt Mei's car?"

"I heard that the Guo family took in a bastard. It was Aunt Mei who went to pick him up. It can't be him, right?"

"Is this kid dressed well? But I heard that the bastard was in a small village called what?"

"Tsk tsk, no matter who it is, as long as it is not the bastard. I don't want to have a competitor"

" What are you afraid of? Isn't it just the son of a criminal? Don't tell me that the descendants of the Guo family can't compare to a traitor? "

"Shh, keep your voice down. My father said that Guo Zhengxiao was a formidable man who covered the entire Eastern Continent with one hand..."

The following words might not be heard by ordinary people, but after Guo Qiren practiced the Purple Flame Qi Spell to the highest level, he had already reached the peak of ordinary martial artists, and his eyesight and hearing were extraordinary. He could clearly see a fly about thirty meters away from him. Not to mention the conversations around him.

Guo Qiren wasn't stupid, he could tell that these words were directed at him.

He smiled faintly and revealed his joy on his face. He told the words in his heart to others so that they could hear him and vent their so-called dissatisfaction and contempt. However, he didn't know that this would only make others feel even more contempt.

People who treated others as fools would only be treated as fools by others in the end.

"One day, those who owe me, Guo Qiren, will be paid back double." Guo Qiren smiled maliciously in his heart.

The martial arts skills he possessed were already extraordinary. Guo Qiren decided to test the depth of the Guo family's water before making a decision.

The courtyard of the Guo family was very complicated. It looked like a compound courtyard from ancient times, and it had a vintage style. It made people feel like they had returned to ancient times.

Guo Qiren followed the beautiful middle-aged woman and walked step by step towards the deepest part of the courtyard.

Along the way, all the men, women, old and young who had seen Guo Qiren threw hostile glances at him.

"Hehe, you don't like me? Then I will stay here." Guo Qiren felt the gaze on his body and sneered. He estimated that if looks could kill, he would have died a long time ago.

The beautiful middle-aged woman was very happy because she didn't like Guo Qiren when she came to the courtyard. To her, it was also a potential benefit.

The old man of Guo family was old, and the new leader of the family had begun to prepare for the election. As for the official son of Guo family, Guo Zhengxiao... He was kicked out of the family because of a woman in his early years. And now, he was imprisoned again. To anyone in the Guo family... It was a good thing.

There was no familial love in the wealthy families. All they had was scheming against each other and fighting for the top position. Love was a luxury that they did not have, and they did not deserve it.

Entering the central courtyard, Guo Qiren felt that he had arrived at the high hall where the ancient kings lived.

It was grand and magnificent, and it was filled with the aura of ancient artifacts. It made Guo Qiren feel an inexplicable fear in his heart. Just how big was the family he was in? Guo Qiren, who was not involved in the world, could not compare, but his subconscious told him. His family was very big, so big that ordinary people could not reach them in their entire lives.

In the house opposite the courtyard, after Guo Qiren walked into it, he walked up the stairs, step by step, a total of seven steps, but it made it very difficult for him to walk.

The beautiful middle-aged woman could not sense the uniqueness of the steps. She only gave Guo Qiren a strange look. Why was this young man, who was full of energy and vitality, cowering and not moving forward?

When he entered the room, Guo Qiren suddenly felt that the suppressed breath in his chest had finally calmed down.

The house was very dark, but it was not damp. It was just that there was no light penetrating in all directions. Here! People. It gave off an eerie feeling. It made people feel as if they had entered an abandoned old house, giving them a creepy feeling.

After the beautiful middle-aged woman sent Guo Qiren into the house, she immediately left respectfully. This wasn't a place that her status allowed her to enter. If it wasn't for the fact that she brought Guo Qiren here today, she might never be able to enter this place for the rest of her life.

The status of the higher ups of the family was supreme, and no one could offend them. This was also one of the reasons why the people of Guo family wanted to compete for the position of the next patriarch.

Power, power, scepter, and benefits. They controlled the life and death of others, and they controlled the shocking wealth and benefits of the Guo family. As long as it was a person, they would also want to pry.

"Why are you called Guo Qiren?" After the beautiful middle-aged woman left, Guo Qiren suddenly felt a tremor in his ear, and the blood in his chest almost couldn't be suppressed.

He didn't retreat. Instead, he circulated the Purple Flame Qi Spell in his body as fast as he could, suppressing the blood in his chest.

"Eh?" A deep exclamation sounded. Although it was very soft, it also revealed a trace of surprise and surprise.

It seemed that Guo Qiren was not surprised by the fact that he could withstand the vibration of his voice and did not vomit blood.

Slowly taking a deep breath, Guo Qiren raised his head and said faintly, "My father wants me to be an indomitable man in the future, with unparalleled benevolence and righteousness!"

After answering, Guo Qiren hurriedly shut his mouth. Although he temporarily stabilized the blood and Qi rolling in his chest, he did not completely suppress it. If he was not careful, it might cause him to vomit blood and get injured on the spot.

The martial arts of China were incomparably magical. Looking at the world, the study of qigong was something that ordinary people could not reach and could not understand the principles behind. However, the magical aspects were shocking.

Guo Qiren's calm and composed answer did not attract the praise of the so-called older generation. Instead, it drew a wave of sneers.

"The descendants of the Guo family, which one of them did not teach the younger generation to be ruthless and evil? Your father is an arms dealer, and he sells goods that kill. Will he teach you to be a good person? Ridiculous! Put that away, don't play around with us!"

The voice seemed to be coming from all directions. Guo Qiren was shocked in his heart. His Purple Flame Qi Spell had already reached the highest level, but he still couldn't capture the opponent's Qi field. This could only mean that the opponent was much stronger than him.

The main reason that surprised Guo Qiren was because the opponent had hit the nail on the head. He had indeed concealed his name. Dahl had told him long ago that his father, Guo Zhengxiao, named him because he was heartless and sinister.

"Very good. You have a suppressed bloodline. You are the future strongest descendant of Guo family. The people of the Guo family didn't have much affection for each other. Now, the old patriarch of the Guo family... In other words, your grandfather might pass away in a few years' time. At that time, as long as you are willing to deny that you are Guo Zhengxiao's son... I will help you get the position! " The voice did not wait for Guo Qiren to reply and continued speaking.

Guo Qiren coldly scanned his surroundings. His upper body leaned forward slightly and his waist bent. He clenched his fists tightly as if he was facing a great enemy. Until now, the other party was still unable to pinpoint his exact location.

The expert's voice was gloomy and unpredictable, and his words were sharp and concise. This person must have a different personality, and he was a vicious and merciless person. Moreover, he seemed to know ___ better than him.

Instinctively, Guo Qiren wanted to attack. Because he felt that the person in front of him could threaten him.

In the future, Guo Qiren was afraid that such a person would cause harm to his life in the Guo family.

The son of Big Owl in the north was like the cold wind in the north. It was extremely bone-piercing and pointed straight at his vitals. His character was the same as the men in the north. When faced with threats, the first thought he had was to eliminate them.

"Impossible. I am Guo Zhengxiao's son. I used to be... In the future, I will be. In the future, I will be the same. Who are you? Who exactly are you?" Guo Qiren's voice was calm, and his eyes quickly searched the surroundings. He observed every suspicious place that could hide people. He still could not find the opponent.

"Haha, good. Your father has been expelled from the Guo family. Don't tell me you don't want to save him?" His voice carried a hint of temptation as he continued.

"Yes!" Guo Qiren did not know the other party's intentions. He did not dare to probe further, nor did he dare to hide anything. One word was enough.

Outside the house, countless pairs of eyes were staring at the house that Guo Qiren had just entered. No one knew what the old master of Guo family wanted to say to this foreign bastard.

Many descendants of the Guo family couldn't help but worry. Although Guo Zhengxiao was chased out of the Guo family, no matter what, it couldn't change the fact that he was once the old master's favorite son.

Time passed minute by minute. Some people were on tenterhooks, while others were on tenterhooks. All in all, no one in the Guo family was willing to accept Guo Qiren's arrival.

A man who was innocent would be guilty of having a treasure. Just because he was the son of the old man's favorite son, he became the public enemy of everyone. Although it was far-fetched to say that it was forced, it was a kind of injustice to Guo Qiren.

They continued to answer each other in the room until the sun set in the evening. Guo Qiren walked out with a confident smile on his face.

However, no one noticed that the back of his confidence had long been penetrated by sweat.

The people of Guo family paid close attention to him. When they saw Guo Qiren walk out, especially that extremely confident smile, it made them feel that something bad was about to happen.

Just now, in the room, Guo Qiren had obtained the answer. He could choose not to give up and acknowledge his father, but he had to become the number one person in the younger generation of Guo family within three years. Only then would he have the qualifications to compete for the position of patriarch.

"I didn't want to live in the secular world, but I have something to do with it. For the father I have never seen in prison, and for those people who said that I am a bastard. The number one person in the younger generation is bound to succeed. " Guo Qiren clenched his fists and said to himself.

Guo Qiren hadn't seen the person in the room from beginning to end, but he knew that it was his grandfather, Guo Suotu.

On the other side, the moment Guo Qiren left the room, Guo Suotu secretly announced a piece of news to the Guo family. In order to become the strongest candidate to become the patriarch of the family, he had to defeat Guo Qiren first.

As for how to defeat and what to defeat, Old Guo didn't say anything about it. Instead, he left a piece of suspense for his children and grandchildren to guess.

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